Be Like Water: The Need for Adaptive Fluidity

Be Like Water The Need for Adaptive Fluidity - Moving

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

As the proliferation of staged events and the accompanying fear campaigns and predictable clampdowns ensue, it’s always good to take stock of any situation unfolding and assess how best to handle what’s transpiring. With the playing field changing at such a rapid rate, locally as well as globally, it’s wise to see how to perhaps adjust our sights as well as personal attitudes and outlook, all the while staying completely clear of any reaction with even the faintest smell of fear.

Any wise strategist knows you don’t fight today’s battles by yesterday’s instructions. Surely in big ideas there will be overarching plans that too will need to be adjusted accordingly, but the day-by-day, minute-by-minute decisions require thinking on your feet and being prepared, vigilant and most of all agile and adaptive are the ever present challenge. Not just now, but in the potentially confusing days to come.

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The nature of water makes the most amazing metaphor for spiritual preparedness and how to adjust and adapt to our environment. Water cannot be compressed or repressed. It changes states, and yes, can be temporarily contained, but even then has incredible kinetic energy despite its confinement and seeming resting state.

It’s energy withheld from potential activation in another form, awaiting movement. But even then it can evaporate into another state and transfer itself on a whim.

This incredible liquid is the basic building block of nature. It’s now known even stars produce water and other heavenly bodies are rich with it. It floats about in our cosmos like life itself, all completely contrary to the dead, sterile vacuum model of “space” we were entrained with.

It moves, it adapts, it morphs, much like the gift of the human spirit. Only wrong teaching can convince us otherwise. Experience bears this out, as does our intuition.

Staying Nimble in a World Ruled by Flat-Brained Scientism

Adaptability is contrarian to social programming. We’re handed down a very staid, structured and set model for our behavior, as well as outlook. So-called modern science attests to this. It only changes its views with overwhelming 5-sense evidence they accept, an attribute that is a total giveaway as to its true origins and intent and left brained, system reinforcing paradigm and lack of spiritual understanding.

While there is a current wake up of sorts among the scientific community as to the influence and profound importance and implications of consciousness, it’s slow on the uptake and will never match the requisites for true societal change. These so-called advances are encouraging in a way, but they’re always too little and too late… and too lame. Much like so many of the changes many seek to see in conventional understanding that will never hit the mark.

We’re on different frequencies, different levels of understanding and awareness.

We cannot look to any form of established authority for anything. But one thing we can know for sure, when we follow our hearts we know it’s a time of massive change in ways that they will never allow themselves to acknowledge.

Fine. We don’t need their affirmation. The point here is it’s time to keep moving and changing. Like water.

Be Like Water - The Need for Adaptive Fluidity - FB

Being Here, Being There

A lot of people ask me about where I live, why I moved out of the US gulag, and have questions about why I live like I do. I don’t mind and I answer many questions regarding this. Where we each choose to live at any given time is up to each one of us individually. There’s no set or pat answer for anything.

I just like being free. Most of all consciously. Free to do what I love and feel is the most productive, without having to look over my shoulder every two minutes or drive somewhere never knowing what kind of a fascist police bust is up ahead.

But this leads directly back to the water metaphor.

Move where you’re led, go with the flow and all that. It’s true. Just know the source of what you’re letting go into and be grounded in your intentions. Some seemingly confining situations may be your best option. There’s no place for comparison on that level. Where we’re each led to be and how to act is a very individual decision.

Water is the same. It goes where it flows. It sits where it’s confined or rests. It molds to circumstances, restrictions and environment, but it doesn’t lose its fluid, adaptive nature. It may be required to wait a while but it is always living kinetic energy awaiting release at any given time.

Enter the Sacred Dragon

Bruce Lee was big on this. And rightfully so. You may remember him as a martial artist but he was extremely spiritual, and died young with his empowering message.

Principles are principles, and hold their own. The wise teachings that have withstood the test of time and worked their way around the rocks and protuberances of social engineering still speak loud and clear to the hearts of humanity. Much like water, foundational truths cannot be quenched. They may be waylaid for short periods of time, even sequestered by powers that shouldn’t be, but they always escape the clutches of the control grid and reach deep into the heart of mankind.

Lee famously touted the liquid metaphor, as have many sages. It’s ours to learn these techniques and if you will, spiritual technologies, to stay free and happily afoot and adaptive.

It’s not easy but it’s worth learning. Flow.

And flow we will.

Be like water.

Love, Zen

You Are The Awakening

Zen Gardner - You Are The Awakening (book)

Zen Gardner’s new book, ‘You Are The Awakening’, examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

In order to tap into the limitless source of our full potential, any change we seek in the world around us begins with each of us individually. Grounded in this understanding, ‘You Are The Awakening’ will help to inform, empower and encourage anyone who is on this wonderful path of realizing our infinite potential.

‘You Are The Awakening’ is available here on Amazon. You can also order your copy and read reviews from David Icke, Max Igan and many more, here on

May these words inspire and empower you!

Previous articles by Zen Gardner:

About the author:

I have questions. Life is wonderful – full of amazing wonders that continue to unfold. My quest for truth has given me new perspectives which lead to well springs of information that continue to inspire awe and wonder at the world we live in. Dare to explore and see what leaves you.

Just wondering. Love Zen.

You can follow Zen at and


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