February 8th, 2018
By Therese Wade
Guest writer for Wake Up World
What do the activities of our sun have to do with the increase in extreme weather, public scandals, mass tragedies and social unrest that we are experiencing here on earth? According to indigenous and shamanic belief, and their understanding of life and the universe… everything.
Each time I travel to the Southwest, I happen to cross paths with a different indigenous Indian man who teaches me about this period of accelerated change and instability. The indigenous people of our land have valuable insight to share with us. Their oral traditions, passed down from generation to generation have long forecast this period of instability as part of a repeating cycle, which their ancient ancestors have lived through before. This cycle involves our sun’s natural rhythms as it journeys around the galaxy, and the simultaneous maturing process of human beings within this solar system. According to indigenous and shamanic belief, the adventures and affairs of our sun get reflected on every level, from the geography and weather of the Earth, to our social structures and the activity of our individual brains — the way we think and interact with each other, and our transition, disruptive and tumultuous as it may be, into a new era.
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Through conversations with members of the Hopi and Pueblo tribes of the Southwest and with shamanic practitioners trained within the Pacific Northwest tribal traditions, I have come to the following understanding of their views on this dynamic phase that we are moving more deeply into. All the stars in our galaxy are flowing in a channel of energy that travels out from the black hole in the center of the Milky Way. This energy contains the electromagnetic spectrum, and also other dimensions of energy that cannot be measured by our scientific equipment. Shamans describe this energy as a hum or harmony. They call it “the sound of creative intelligence and love”. It can serve as an organizing force or a disruptive force, depending on how particles or beings (stars, planets, and people) are relating to it.
Our sun belongs to a group of local “brother stars” that orbit around the center of the galaxy together. As these stars pass through different regions of the galaxy, they encounter clouds of cosmic energy that vary in intensity and frequency. This causes a “push and pull” cycle… the brother stars either gather together or disperse as they traverse the changing galactic terrain. This activity correlates well with our scientists’ understanding of open star clusters.1 The concept of intelligent energy flowing out from the center of our galaxy is similar to our scientists’ view of quasars.2 And astronomers have actually found evidence for sound waves that travel out from supermassive black holes.3
A simple analogy for our sun and its brother stars traversing the galaxy together, could be a group of kayaks floating down a river. The river is the energy flowing from the center of the galaxy and the kayaks are the stars. When they approach eddies in the river, which represent different clouds of energy, the kayaks may disperse or collect in order to navigate them.
Our sun at this time is experiencing a “waning phase”, where it is more isolated from its brother stars. While less stimulated by the proximity of the other stars, our sun’s energy-generating proclivities are decreased. Like a human, who becomes isolated, it shifts from an extroverted mode to an introverted mode. The sun, as an energy construct, has two modes of operation: it is projecting energy out or sucking energy in. It sucks energy into itself through vortexes referred to as sunspots. There is more to sunspots than current scientific theories explain. While they do involve higher concentrations of electromagnetic energy around their rims on the sun’s surface, in their centers they are funneling energy inward toward the center of the sun. When sunspots appear to be shrinking on the outside of the sun, they are simultaneously ballooning deeper inside. They act like drains or back doors to solar flares.
These sunspots have a much stronger impact on us than solar flares. The indigenous people’s ancestors taught that the earth’s weather, geography, and atmosphere are first and foremost, dictated by the sun’s weather. There is an energy equation between the sun and the earth. The sun, containing over a million times the mass of the earth, is the far more dominant part of the equation. As our sun sucks more energy into itself during its waning phase, it pulls energy from the earth’s surface. This causes an inflammatory response on the earth.
I will use the analogy of Chinese cupping therapy to describe this reaction. Acupuncturists use round glass cups and heat them with an open flame to create a vacuum effect. They then quickly place them on the patient’s body in strategic locations. The cup sucks the surface tissues up inside of itself. The skin, fascia, and muscle tissue get stretched and pulled up into the cup. This releases tension and scar tissue, while also stirring the circulation of blood and lymph, and the flow of life force energy through the acupuncture meridians of the body. The increased blood flow turns the skin red at first, then leaves a blue or brown bruise as toxins rise up to the surface.
When one, or one hundred sunspots, known or unknown to man, have this sucking effect, energy is pulled from the surface of the earth, and the earth begins to react, all the way to its core. The earth’s weather, crust, water flow patterns, and the earth’s own acupuncture meridians or ley lines are all affected. It upsets systems and patterns. It brings things to the fore that were usually in the back; it pushes things to the back that were usually in the front. This gets reflected on every level. We will see a “break up” in the physical earth and weather, and in how humans think, feel, behave and interact. This will cause a break up in social structures that have become restricting. Hidden information will surface, and there will be a break up of the groups of people who have been in power behind the scenes. This process is already accelerating. During the past year, extreme weather and internal conflict within our nation have noticeably increased. A stream of people in politics, Hollywood and business, have been exposed for misconduct.4 The New York Times has released teasers about our government’s involvement with the u.f.o. phenomenon. 5 And continuing research into ancient monuments like Gobekli Tepe has revealed that advanced civilization on earth existed much earlier than previously conceived.6
While solar flares produce a surge of energy, sunspots involve a powering down of energy. This oscillation of the sun, the surging highs and sucking lows of this solar activity during the sun’s waning phase, also affects our brains and our moods. Our brains run on electrical impulses, so they are pulled or pushed by the electrical weather of the sun. Some of us will experience more inspiration, creativity and expansive thought, while others may feel overwhelmed and begin to focus on negative thought patterns. Those with mental illness are especially susceptible to more extreme behavior as the “weather of their brain” reacts to the dramatic weather of the sun. Recent mass shootings by those with pre-existing mental health conditions are an example of this. For each of us, it will become more important to recognize how the thoughts or perspectives we choose, lead to the emotions we feel. Our thoughts and emotions emit energetic frequencies that either assist and harmonize with the flow of creative, intelligent energy, or resist it. As we exercise our free will over our thought patterns, each one of us will either contribute to the collective fear, sorrow, and anger… or to the compassion, innovative problem solving and progressive change of this solar cycle. Individually, we will choose where we will direct our thoughts, emotions and actions.
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So, where did the ancient indigenous ancestors gain so much knowledge about this cycle of our sun and how it influences us and our planet? They say that they lived through this same waning phase of the sun before. Near the peak of this previous inflammatory process on the earth, when weather conditions were approaching their most extreme, they were visited by beings from other solar systems. These “star beings” used inter-dimensional travel, had advanced understanding of this galaxy, and came to earth to help our species survive. They brought some of the indigenous tribes down into caverns within the earth to wait out the “storm”. These visitors used technologies to build cities and grow gardens underground. In some locations, certain tribes lived under the earth for centuries. Legends about ancient underground cities exist in many cultures around the world.

Star Beings depicted in ancient nomadic rock art. Horseshoe Canyon, Utah ©John Fowler, via Creative Commons 2.0
Today, shamanic practitioners maintain communication with their ancient ancestors and these star beings by adjusting the frequency of their brainwaves. Through deep meditation and shamanic drumming practices they are able to enter altered brainwave states and receive telepathic information from these beings.
The message that they share with us during this time is…
- All stars and planets are conscious beings who serve as members of the universal guidance system that assists us with the evolution of our own consciousness.
- Every time our solar system experiences this part of its natural cycle, where it is waning and less influenced by the universal energy of cohesiveness, all social structures that have become restricting to our spiritual growth… to our increasing awareness of our purpose in the universe, will begin to crumble. Increased chaotic activity around the earth is going to reveal that the old way of doing things and thinking about things will no longer work. More frequently, we will wake up to some new disaster or scandal being reported. The need to donate time or money to a relief effort or to stop some kind of social injustice will become constant.
- This need is an indication that as a species, we are meant to raise our mindset and participation on this planet to a level where every day we go out into the world, thinking not only of maintaining our own well-being, or that of our family’s, but also of using our talents, skills and resources to help the world in broader ways.
- This break down is an opportunity for a re-organization of our minds and our civilization. Bureaucratic systems will not have efficient response times, assistance or remedies available, so the local communities will need to band together and govern themselves more independently. As hidden information continues to be revealed to the public, it won’t be practical for everyone to adhere to the old established thought or order anymore. We will have to decide what rules and beliefs no longer make sense, change what we will and won’t do, and change what we think is possible and what isn’t.
- We graduate to a higher level of consciousness as we demonstrate that we are understanding how to work with the earth and each other. We are advised to develop a heart-centered, cooperative relationship with the earth as she goes through this tumultuous period. Rather than forcing our own agendas, we are meant to move and change with the earth. For example, if a certain location on the earth is becoming too hot and dry, leading to repeating wild fires or difficulty maintaining life, humans can cooperate with the earth by relocating their communities. Or, if people in a city are noticing that the smog is leading to health issues, this is a sign that the earth is not prioritizing the detoxification in that area, she is focused on other things. If the people want to continue living in that city, they can prioritize evolving transportation in their local area to reduce air pollution.
As we learn to be practical, to help each other, to respect the wisdom of nature and to have a more open view of the universe, we open the “doors” for these star beings to come and interact with us again in helpful and tangible ways. The higher vibration of our collective consciousness will send out a signal, as if to say “we are ready now to talk to you, and we won’t destroy ourselves or you if you come.” These star beings, the indigenous people say, are deeply invested in our spiritual development. They consider us to be their descendants and themselves to be our “very ancient” ancestors, so their karma is directly tied in with our own. As we broaden our minds and graduate to this higher level of maturity, they will be able to participate with our community, teach us about the universe and help us to connect more deeply with the spiritual dimension of life.
(You can read the full unabridged version of this article here.)
- Karttunen, Hannu; et al. (2003). Fundamental astronomy. Physics and Astronomy Online Library (4 ed.). Springer. p. 321. ISBN 3540001794.
- Comins, Neil; Kaufmann, William, Discovering the Universe. W.H. Freeman and Company, 2008, p. 481-495, ISBN-13: 978-1-4292-0519-1.
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Sep. 9, 2003, Chandra “Hears” A Black Hole For The First Time [Press release]. Retrieved on Jan. 20, 2018.
- Dan Corey, January, 10, 2018, NBCNEWS.com/Sexual Misconduct: A Growing List. Retrieved Jan. 17,2018.
- Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean, DEC. 16, 2017, The New York Times/Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program. Retrieved Jan. 17, 2018. Helene Cooper, Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal, DEC. 16, 2017, The New York Times/2 Navy Airmen and an Object That ‘Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen’. Retrieved Jan. 17, 2018.
- Tom Knox, March 5, 2009, DailyMail.com/Do these mysterious stones mark the site of the Garden of Eden? Retrieved Jan. 17, 2018. Sarah Knapton, April 21, 2017, The Telegraph/Ancient stone carvings confirm how comet struck Earth in 10,950BC, sparking the rise of civilisations. Retrieved Jan. 17, 2018.
About the author:
Therese Wade (MSAOM, RHT) is a mind-body-spirit medicine practitioner whose journey to understand health, life and the universe has led her to study eastern medicine, hypnotherapy, meditation and shamanism. She enjoys researching ancient cultures and esoteric philosophies as well as broadening her mind, experience and perspective through all kinds of travel, from visiting other landscapes and cultures to visiting other energetic realms through deep meditation. She blogs at AntaraHealingArts.com and offers private sessions for those interested in developing their own meditation practice and self-healing abilities.
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