A Quantum Leap of Faith: Astrology Forecast August 4th – 11th July, 2019

August 5th, 2019

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

This is a week to let the Light in, to open your High Heart and feel the physical and spiritual warmth of the Leo Sun Sirian Lions’ Gate. The incoming 2020 time-lines are accelerating, making the Present and the Future so much more compelling than the Past-which is now deleting rapidly.

Together the Great Benefics Venus and Jupiter are soothing your tattered edges, old wounds and flooding your system with healing. It is a turning point when you begin to remember how it feels to be restored, regenerated and resurrected.

Mark August 11/12th in your calendar, when 4 days before the futurist Aquarius Full Moon, both Uranus and Jupiter – harbingers of the New – change direction at the same time: Jupiter turns Direct and Uranus stations Retrograde. This is a gift of a quantum leap of faith.  When two threshold planets change direction at once, it feels like a tidal surge when everything is in flux. So stay grounded, knowing that this is all happening in perfect timing.

Jupiter turns forward exactly on the Great Attractor aka “The Wavelength of the Creator’s Voice”, a supermassive black hole. In 5D evolutionary astrology the Great Attractor represents the key to the mystery of the universe. It’s a very intense point that has mystical and metaphysical properties. Take the ride into radically new, uncharted and visionary territory. It’s time to learn the power of honouring, questing, learning, teaching, traveling and celebrating.

 Uranus the Sky God in Taurus turns the body electric by delivering unpredictable shocks, reversals or insights that electrify you out of your comfort zone, teaching you to collaborate with the inevitable. It’s a time in your life when something new – something eccentric – needs to break through into conscious awareness. Uranus is the lightning that strikes the circle of habit and turns it into a spiral- the Maverick God of uniqueness, intuition, innovation, ingenuity, and rebellion. It’s time to let the Maverick within see the world through the lens of possibility.

If you want the inside track on how to access the radically different 2020 5D pathways, sign up to my August 5D Report: “The Freedom Codes – the Now and the New “

Click to view full-sized chartThe Chandra Symbol Jupiter Direct:

A tidal wave approaching

“The momentum of collective events runs toward floodtide when there is a major transition from one whole cycle to another. The personal life stream runs in similar patterns. When you’re getting ready to take off in a whole different direction, there is first a transition that is both immensely exciting and fantastically disturbing. You feel just about swept away by the oncoming changes and just before they really get going, the tension, the pressure, and the strain can tear you apart. You want to go with it, yet you yearn for sanctuary. This keen ambivalence gets loaded with desire, anticipation, memory pictures, and utopian visions. The mix is volatile. Learning how to ride this wave is such a great endeavour that it, in itself, becomes what it is all about. The consummate opportunity to open wide, but stay substantively firm and concentrated. Mastery or bust. The infinite future or wipe-out. A spine-tingler all the way.”

Aries Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11, 2019

Despite the constant reality checks from Saturn and Pluto in your work and career zone, there is no better time to take a break, a trip or an extended holiday. A beautiful triangle of supportive, heart -warming energy is forming across the Fire signs-Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Between the Lions Gate downloads on Thursday 8th and Jupiter turning direct next Sunday 11th for the first time since April, you should be inspired to take the road less travelled and head off as a pilgrim adventurer. A stunning Venus/Sun/ Jupiter alignment is revealing the beauty in everything. It’s time to put the past firmly behind you and turn your face to future possibilities.

Nothing changes unless you do.

Taurus Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11, 2019

And now for something completely different…..! Get ready for a surge of electricity, enthusiasm and anticipation as Uranus in your own sign of Taurus slows to turn backwards exactly as expansionist Jupiter turns forward after 4 months of go slow. Uranus the Great Awakener is back in your sign for the first time in 84 years to do just that- shake you awake. Unexpected turns of events create forward momentum, radically different dreams, insights, inspirations and the helicopter vision to think big. The Sky God operates by delivering unpredictable shocks, reversals or insights that electrify you out of your comfort zone, teaching you to collaborate with the inevitable. It’s a time in your life when something new – something eccentric – needs to break through into conscious awareness. Together Jupiter and Uranus – the Maverick Gods of uniqueness, intuition, innovation, ingenuity and rebellion -are the lightning that strikes the circle of habit and turns it into a spiral.

It’s time to let the Maverick within see the world through the lens of possibility.

Gemini Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11, 2019

This week’s and this month’s stunning astrology marks a positive turning point for you after long months of struggle and reality checks. The Sun and Venus in fiery Leo are soothing some of your sore spots and ragged edges and opening your heart like a paper flower. The two planets of future possibilities-Jupiter and Uranus-slow down all week to change direction together on Sunday 11th. Jupiter has been on retreat in your relationship angle ever since April-when the expansionist turns forward you can expect a surge of enthusiasm, momentum and inspiration ,all nudging you to take a leap of faith. Remember to look for and nurture the small green shoots of new growth and start to say Yes instead of an automatic No to new people and opportunities.

“Hope’ is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul—and sings the tune without the words—
and never stops at all” Emily Dickinson

Cancer Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11, 2019

This is one of the most heart -warming weeks and months of 2019- a time when some of your recent wounds, sore spots and ragged edges can be soothed and healed. The Sun and Venus are transmitting Light straight from the Central Sun of Sirius on Thursday’s Lions’ Gate as both futurist threshold planets Uranus and Jupiter slow all week to change direction on Sunday 11th.When the Great Awakener and the Great Expansionist align, they deliver a surge of optimism, faith and possibility. Prepare to become an explorer, approaching all aspects of life with reverent curiosity, allowing everything to tell its story. It’s time to learn the power of honouring, questing, learning, teaching, traveling and celebrating. Uranus the Sky God in your zone of purpose, values and priorities God operates by delivering unpredictable shocks, reversals or insights that electrify you out of your comfort zone, teaching you to collaborate with the inevitable, instead of resisting it.

Stop counting your losses and turn them into fuel for a new journey.

Leo Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11, 2019

For you, Leo, this week’s stunning astrology marks a long awaited Homecoming with a capital H. Venus aligns with the Sun and Jupiter at the Lions’ Gate, delivering Light direct from the Sirian Great Central Sun and opening your High Heart. All week planets of future possibilities Jupiter and Uranus slow to a standstill at their most impactful to change direction on Sunday 11th. You’re being given the keys to practical creativity way beyond anything you’ve experienced so far. Follow every inkling, every hunch, every inner nudge and nurture the shoots of new growth. These will fact as your inspiration and agenda for the next 4 months to the December eclipse. Let yourself be moved by instinct and intuition, allowing what will be to emerge in its own pattern and rhythm.

You’re on the track of something big.

Virgo Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11, 2019

There is so much release, restoration and regeneration available to you this week, Virgo, as long as you open to it, put your busy agenda on hold and allow life to unfold at its own pace. The Light download at Thursday’s Lions’ Gate is working behind the scenes, quietly healing the deepest, most vulnerable parts of your psyche. Venus and the Sun align with Jupiter at the very root of your chart, nudging you to have more faith in your ability to create both stronger foundations and a deeper sense of belonging. On Sunday 11th, both expansionist Jupiter and Great Awakener Uranus change direction at the same time, delivering a surge of faith, hope and optimism. As the healing takes place, get as much rest, sleep and grounding as you can.

You are recharging your psychic batteries and refuelling in preparation for a month of accelerated transformation from August 21st

Libra Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11, 2019

The stunning astrology of this week and this month will shift you from surviving to thriving and that’s something to celebrate. Thursday’s Sun/Venus alignment at the Lions’ Gate, lights up your angle of friendships, alliances and collaboration. Connect with as many of your tribe as you can and strengthen the bonds. Meanwhile both expansionist Jupiter and Awakener Uranus are changing direction on Sunday 11th, turning your focus firmly away from past losses to present and future opportunities. Expect to be electrified out of your comfort zone to explore far horizons with confidence, optimism and bright faith. It’s time to become an explorer approaching all aspects of life with reverent curiosity, allowing everything to tell its story. It’s time to learn the power of honouring, questing, learning, teaching, traveling and celebrating.

The future isn’t “out there”. You create it one thought, one action at a time.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11, 2019

This definitely not a week of business as usual. If you’ve been keeping your head down, trying to keep all the balls in the air, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. In a week when both planets of possibility-Jupiter and Uranus- change direction and the Lions’ Gate activates the light of the Sirian Great Central Sun, an irresistible surge of optimism and hope arises in your High Heart. The Sun and Venus align with expansionist Jupiter in your angles of career, life direction and resources. Uranus the Awakener electrifies your zone of relationships, partnerships and contracts. This is a rare and super supportive planetary landscape so look for and nurture the green shoots of new growth and grab any offers with both hands.

Be at cause, not at effect.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11, 2019

This is your week your month and your year, Sagittarius. Prepare to be amazed and delighted as this stunningly supportive astrology unfolds. Your personal planet Jupiter in your own sign aligns with the Sun and Venus in fiery Leo whilst both futurist Jupiter and Uranus change direction at the same time. Jupiter turns Direct and Uranus stations Retrograde. This delivers a quantum leap of faith as the tide turns towards a brighter future. So do what comes intuitively to you- explore far horizons with confidence, optimism and bright faith. It’s time to go on a personal quest, approaching all aspects of life with reverent curiosity, allowing everything to tell its story. It’s time to learn the power of honouring, seeking, learning, teaching, traveling and celebrating.

On a home run.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11, 2019

The heavy step up to the plate demands of Saturn and Pluto in your sign are still there but this week’s stunning astrology goes a long way to soften the edges. A harmonious alignment between Sun/Venus and Jupiter reminds you that life is a miracle and it’s time to press the pause button, to smell the roses or watch an unfolding sunset. On Sunday, Jupiter turns forward again in the deepest part of your chart, after 4 long months of slow motion. On the same day, Awakener Uranus turns backwards in your angle of creativity and life’s pleasures. You are being offered a period of respite from the relentless reality checks. Go on retreat or stay at home, drop social media and cut yourself some slack. With your   monkey mind disengaged, you’ll be surprised and delighted with the insights and fresh ideas that pop up.

Come out of your head and into your heart.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11, 2019

This is a week to remember to count your blessings. With Venus and the Sun lighting up all your relationships, life will seem to run more smoothly. Jupiter in your zone of friendships and alliances turns forwards again on Sunday 11 after 4 months of go slow. And on the same day your personal planet quirky Uranus turns backwards at the base of your chart. Anything connected with your home, your house, your family and your partner is well starred. There may be some surprise developments to nudge you into making overdue changes. If so, collaborate with the inevitable and life will re-energise you.

Think with your heart.

Pisces Weekly Forecast: Aug 04 -11. 2019

Under this inspirational astrology, expect to see doors that have been firmly closed finally open. Your co- ruler Jupiter at the pinnacle of your chart is slowing at maximum impact to turn forwards again on Sunday 11 after 4 months of go slow. Your career is superbly well starred. Jupiter is often called lucky but you create your own luck when you follow your hunches, take risks and seize opportunities to do something new and untested. Now is the time to start living between Structure -supportive routines-and Surprise, the unplanned and spontaneous. You have until early December to squeeze the juice out of Jupiter’s gifts.

Find one of your wildly impossible goals then take the first  step.

Originally published at hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk and reproduced here with permission.

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.

I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.

You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.

You can learn more about my work or contact me at:

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