New Moon in Libra: Where Idealism Meets Optimism

September 27th, 2019

By Nikki Harper

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

September’s New Moon occurs in the cardinal air sign of Libra. All New Moons are indicative of new beginnings, but with cardinal energy this is especially so. The air energy of this New Moon is about ideas, communication, intellect and compromise, so the New Moon period is a very useful time for discussing new opportunities or for seeking backing for a project you’re trying to get off the ground.

Libra energy is refined, artistic and cultured, so there’s an emphasis with this New Moon on the arts and on creativity and beauty. As a sign, Libra expresses energy with good manners, kindness and dignity, so discussions and debates around this time will be fascinatingly diplomatic, no doubt.

However, Libra energy is also famously indecisive, for all that it’s a cardinal sign. This New Moon occurs in opposition to retrograde Chiron in Aries, which is where the indecisiveness may show up. Faced with a choice of acting to avert a crisis or acting to cause a crisis, some of us will choose to create drama even when it’s not necessary, simply because we’ll be feeding emotionally off the chaotic vibes that unleashes. Those of us who can’t decide which way to go may find events taken out of our control very quickly.

Having said that, there’s a lot of idealism in this New Moon, and Libra always strives to see and to seek harmony and balance. Venus, Libra’s ruler, forms a beneficial sextile to Jupiter at the time of the New Moon, suggesting that if we’re prepared to follow our ideals, opportunities and good fortune will result. We just need to find the courage to stand firm and avoid the drama.


Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that your closest relationship must be dramatic at all times. It’s OK to just potter along together for a while. This is real life, not a soap opera. If you can avoid the need to create drama for no reason, your love life can make a fresh starting during this New Moon, especially if you’ve been single for a while. Love can be found in a museum, gallery, show or concert – or maybe even with a former lover.


Focus on your health during this New Moon vibe and in particular on getting a better quality of exercise. Pick something which appeals to you aesthetically like yoga, swimming or dance, and find a group or club to work with so that you can enjoy the sociable element of keeping fit too. This New Moon energy is ideal for patching up any discord with colleagues and co-workers too. Teamwork is greatly enhanced.


Let your inner artist out to play. Whether you want to paint, dance, sing, bake, sew or sculpt, the New Moon is your invitation to get creative in a big way. This could be a great time to start a side hustle using your creative skills, especially since you’re feeling more inclined now to take a risk or to step out beyond your comfort zone. If you’re single, the New Moon may bring love into your life from an unexpected direction.


Family life is top of your priority list this New Moon. Don’t be distracted from what you feel is best for your family, even if others seem to disapprove. You may have to be very tactful when dealing with older family members, or you may have to go the extra mile to forgive a sibling or extended family member for something unfair they have done. It’s worth doing: family harmony matters hugely now so don’t let your pride stop you from making the first move.


Give your ideas life by sharing them far and wide. From social media and memes to passionate conversations with colleagues, stand up for what you believe in and don’t hesitate to let people know your thoughts. Your idealistic and generous streak gets full reign during this New Moon, so use your leadership skills to help people understand issues which matter in the world today. It’s a fantastic time to be a teacher or a mentor.


Indecisiveness with money could end up costing you, so make sure you get expert financial advice whenever you ned it. This New Moon is about handling your resources better, Virgo, but that doesn’t only mean money. Your skills are a resource too, and so is your confidence. If you’re lacking in skills or confidence, use this energy as a motivating factor – sign up to a new course or figure out a program of self help which will allow you to shine.


A New Moon in your own sign is always a signal for re-invention, and this is a great time to change your personal image or to switch up your style. All things beautiful and artistic catch your attention now, but this energy can be a little bit superficial. Be careful not to judge others on their looks or their clothes; you know better than that. Inspire others by showing how there’s so much more to an individual than what they look like.


Deep psychological issues are stirred by this New Moon, in particular whether or not you feel worthy of love and attention. If deep down you don’t think you deserve it, you may be drawn to provoke trouble during this New Moon period – it’s as if you’re unconsciously trying to push others away. This is a very good time to investigate the hidden psychological and subconscious blocks which may be holding you back in life. Look to hypnotherapy or meditation for some answers.


Kindness and compassion are key traits of this New Moon and this, combined with your own humanitarian instincts, suggests that you’ll want to make a difference during this New Moon period. Volunteer at a charity or a community initiative or look into ways you can support a worthwhile cause. Crucially, you’ll want to reach out to people who have hurt you in the past, offering forgiveness and an olive branch – because you understand that life is too short to bear grudges.


This ambitious New Moon shares your cardinal energy, and this is an ideal time to make real progress with your job prospects or with a new business. If you’re torn between two different directions, choose the one which brings you most emotional satisfaction rather than most money. At job interviews or any other situation where you need to impress others, your soft skills and social skills may be what clinches the deal.


Idealism takes on an international flavor for you during this New Moon and you’ll be very keen to travel or to get involved in an overseas project, in however small a way. Don’t doubt your own abilities though, because this New Moon may make you second guess how much you truly have to offer. Opportunities are on the way, so be open-minded and prepared to say yes. If you say no due to your own inner doubts, you’ll kick yourself for years later.


The New Moon awakens some complex emotions in you, which can best be expressed through creativity and art at this emotional time. If you can’t quite find the words, draw it, paint it or compose it instead. Whatever you do, don’t bottle it up. Jealousy could be an issue in a personal relationship but try not to over-think this. If you create unnecessary drama or hold unnecessary suspicions, you won’t be able to focus on the many incredible blessings coming your way.

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About the author:

Nikki Harper is a spiritualist writer, astrologer, and editor for Wake Up World. She writes about divination, astrology, mediumship and spirituality at Questionology: Astrology and Divination For the Modern World where you can also find out more about her work as a freelance astrologer and her mind-body-spirit writing and editing services. Nikki also runs a spiritualist centre in North Lincs, UK, hosting weekly mediumship demonstrations and a wide range of spiritual development courses and workshops.

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