Climate Engineering: New Film Footage Confirmation

January 17th, 2020

By Dane Wigington

Guest writer for Wake Up World

The climate science community is increasingly calling for massive global climate engineering / solar radiation management operations to be immediately deployed to mitigate climate collapse. They tell us that if climate engineering atmospheric spraying operations were to occur, that our skies would look exactly like they already look.

Yet, academia is still pushing the false narrative that the lingering and expanding jet aircraft trails in our skies are only a result of “condensation”. For the record, all US military jet air tankers and all commercial jet carriers are equipped with “Hi Bypass Turbofan” jet engines which are by design nearly incapable of producing condensation trails except under rare and extreme conditions. The trails we increasingly see in our skies are the result of sprayed dispersions related to climate engineering, not condensation. Question, how dire does the unfolding climate collapse have to become before the climate science community acknowledges the ongoing global climate engineering assault?

The past propensity of populations to deny the ongoing climate engineering atrocities is finally breaking down. Increasingly shocking and compelling film footage captures of jet aircraft aerosol dispersions are rapidly eroding the official false narrative that we are only seeing “condensation trails” in our skies.

Totally normal they say… What do you think? The 3 minute video below reveals military jets spraying over Nashville, Tennessee, December 20, 2019, captured by J. Sherwood.

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About the author:

Dane Wigington has an extensive background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. He currently owns a 1,600-acre ‘wildlife preserve’ next to Lake Shasta in Northern California, and his personal off-grid residence was featured in a cover article on the renewable energy magazine, Home Power.

Dane initially focused his efforts and energy on the geoengineering issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to ever-increasing “solar obscuration” caused from the aircraft spraying in his area. He also noted significant decline in forest health and began testing and researching into geoengineering about a decade ago.

Today Dane is the lead researcher for, investigating all levels of geoengineering from stratospheric aerosol spraying (SAG) to HAARP. He assisted Michael Murphy with his acclaimed production of “What In The World Are They Spraying?” and has spoken extensively in a wide range of forums to explain the environmental dangers we face on a global level.

For more information, visit GeoengineeringWatch on Facebook and

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