You are Needed: Reclaiming Humanity’s Light

By Rachel Horton White

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The energies of Earth recently have felt heavy, but things are brewing beneath the surface. We are receiving so much energy that our bodies need to rest, and we may even get sick since our immune systems are becoming weaker as our bodies work hard to help us expand.

There is so much that we have not been told about our origins as humans, about where we really come from, and about the true history of Earth. (Yes, this has to do with coming from other galaxies/planets, aka “aliens.”) Many of us sharing light try to plant seeds of thought to help people awaken and expand, but we normally have to do this in small doses so as not to overwhelm the ego (which will reject things that seem too far from what it believes to be true).

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In recent weeks, I have felt my intuition expanding rapidly. I have been doing Akashic Records readings with an incredible amount of detail pouring out that even surprises me. At first, I thought it was just one client. But, then it kept happening. And more synchronicities and numbers and divine interventions are occurring as well. For me and for you. For all of us, even though some choose to ignore it.

The energies are getting stronger and stronger. People are awakening. More of us are uncovering the depths of magic within our souls. We are understanding more about what has been done to us as a human race, and we are freeing ourselves from the vibrational prison that we have been in.

My mission here on Earth in this life is to help share light, truth and healing. I accept this mission, as challenging as it may be, and I view it as a deep privilege and honor for you to hear what I share. I am one of many, like many of you reading this, here to help bring activation.

The way that I do this is by helping people raise their vibration to uncover the inner light and power within themselves, moving past fears, doubts, and all of the layers of Ego that try to keep us in our safe places. I like to teach, and to help people go within to pull out their truth as powerful spiritual beings (through readings, hypnotherapy, regressions, and just words and energy)!

So what is this all about? I will share with you what I believe. You can take what you like, and reject the rest. I ask you to suspend disbelief and keep an open heart and mind. (Even I wonder if it’s true sometimes, but over the past 3 years my feelings have only gotten stronger).

I believe that multi-dimensional beings lived for thousands of years on the planet Earth, and were very involved with early societies. Before I continue, I want to say that you have an “out.” If this is too much for you, I invite you to stop reading. If a part of you is curious, I invite you to continue.

We see evidence of these multi-dimensional beings in the “bird-God” drawings of the Egyptians, in the pyramids, in mysterious sacred sites like Stonehenge and Easter Island, in crop circles, and more. We see evidence in the incredible knowledge and advanced technology of the Mayans, Incans and Aztecs, and in many other indigenous societies like the Native Americans in North America. We see evidence of an early society, Atlantis and Lemuria, in the buried continents, like the Azores off the coast of Portugal (which I was blessed to visit in 2011).

You may wonder, why do we not hear about this? Well, because there was an “intervening consciousness,” that took over the planet Earth. Other beings who wanted to control the planet. The best way they could control the humans (or what evolved into humans) was to de-activate our intuition. This was done by dismantling our DNA, so that we did not have a way to receive frequencies from other galaxies that would help us know our true abilities (telepathy, telekinesis, spontaneous healing, etc). They wanted our third eye, the seat of our intuition, to stay blocked so we would not understand what was happening. And this worked for thousands of years. The energies of fear and anger were used as the tools to keep our psychic senses clouded.

As long as we kept fighting with each other, we could stay divided and distracted and they could keep us effectively enslaved. This is very, very clever and very advanced mind-control manipulation.  We see evidence of this all the time – just consider the endless wars that keep people fighting and keep the profits flowing; think about mainstream media sharing bad news to make us feel afraid and angry, and TV commercials designed to make us feel inadequate so that we spend more money. Look at the pharmaceutical industry, designed to keep us numb with pills so we cannot activate our intuition, and our education/workplace systems of “inside the box” factory farms which make sure we do not think creatively but operate like automatons. Our food poisons us and makes us sick, fueling the perceived need for the pharmaceutical industry’s drugs – the list just goes on and on.  And the people running these things are the most powerful government leaders and corporate executives in the world. The decks were stacked against us pretty heavily.

But this is ALL changing. If I haven’t lost you by now, I will share a message of hope. The Mayans predicted a shift in 2012, an age of awakening. We are living that right now. With the help of loving galactic friends like the Pleaidians (who I connect with deeply), Arcturians and Sirians, as well as some that may be here on Earth right now, we are being assisted to wake up.

Yes, the Earth is shifting and climate change is happening. Yes, there will be animals that go extinct. This is part of the tragedy of what has been done to us. The toxic destructiveness of the forces controlling Earth are falling away. Yet, first we are seeing them for what they really are. We see now what has been done to us – not by any one political party, make no mistake, but by the whole system.  We are seeing the truth, as painful and heartbreaking and tragic and mind-blowing as it is.

People everywhere are doing things to heal the Earth, treating animals with more love and respect, and learning how to access spiritual, healing modalities like Reiki, shamanism, psychic readings, and so on. We want to live more simply and connect with our neighbors. The shift is real, and the energies have moved to a place of light and healing. Remember, people who continue to read or watch too much put out by the mainstream media, largely may not see this as easily. They will not be able to be as activated because the energies of fear and anger will block their intuitive knowing. Thankfully, though, the light is even breaking through there, every now and then. (Check out the Good News Network for positive, loving things happening around the world.)

If you are feeling this, you are not alone. Connecting with other sharers of light in groups of support can be invaluable to help us in this great shifting as the energies change and grow.

You are needed. It is true, you are right, and it is time. Follow what your heart is guiding you to do.

About the Author:

Merging the spiritual with the real world, Rachel Horton White helps people release negative patterns in their lives, with practical tools like mindfulness, energy and intuition exercises, to connect with their true, inner selves. Through her work in Soulful Work Intuitive Consulting, Rachel facilitates many groups of soul-seekers and spiritual entrepreneurs, has a meditation podcast called The Courageous Path and writes a lot. With a diploma in Integrative Healing Arts from the Southwest Institute for Healing Arts, Rachel is a life coach, certified hypnotherapist, mindfulness teacher, intuitive reader, tree-hugger and loves to talk to angels. Rachel also has a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Wellesley College and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Georgia, yet claims her true education came from studying abroad in Dakar, Senegal. Her greatest teachers these days are her two bright-eyed, energetic children in Portland, Maine. Visit for free handouts and meditations.

Rachel can be found on:





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