New Moon in Taurus: Beauty from Challenge

April 22nd, 2020

By Nikki Harper

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

Traditionally, Taurus New Moons are highly creative, fertile, earthy New Moons, filled with opportunities to build, create, birth and renew. Sensual, romantic and stable, this energy is often ideal for a fresh start in an important project, a new way of looking at family life, or a magical reboot of a relationship. In these current strange times, however, the weirdness here on earth is reflected in the awkwardness of this particular Taurus New Moon.

On this occasion, the New Moon is conjunct Uranus, the planet of shocks and rebellion. Any fresh start we hope to make under this New Moon is going to be tempered by unexpected upheaval – and we’re not talking pleasant surprises here. The New Moon is also square Saturn, the planet of restriction and responsibility, so we are hindered in our desire for a fresh start by having to accept rules, regulations and a ton of stuff we’d rather not have to do, thanks very much.

It’s easy to see how these cosmic aspects reflect the current stress of the Covid-19 situation. Around the word, unrest is growing, and for many people, patience is wearing thin with the restrictions on their daily lives, as much as they may understand the need for them. There is also growing anger with governments around the globe for their handling of this crisis. With so much nervous tension in the air from the Uranus conjunction, it’s no surprise that we’re starting to see protests and outright civil disobedience in places.

However, there’s always something positive we can take from a New Moon, even at times of great stress. In this instance, it’s the kindness and compassion of Taurus which helps to soothe rising tempers. Taurus is a highly responsible energy too, and cautious about stepping beyond the status quo, so patience with the world situation might just hold a little longer. In some ways, this New Moon speaks of the world’s desire to move on, yet coupled with and restrained by the enormous steadfastness and tolerance of the vast majority of the population who are prepared – for now – to toe the line for the collective good. This collective willingness to hang on in there, as much as we don’t want to, is really rather a beautiful and selfless thing, when you think about it. This is how the Taurus New Moon brings forth beauty from challenge.


Financially, you’re feeling the strain for sure. However, the New Moon brings a surge of hope and optimism that maybe, just maybe, you’ve got this. You are urged to be patient a little longer and to keep your thoughts positive. New opportunities are on the way for you, financially and in your career, but it’s important not to abandon your current responsibilities in your rush to move on.


Your current role is to be the voice of reason and common sense, moving beyond political affiliations or world views. The New Moon gives you the power to have your voice heard and to stand up against those who would deride your opinions. You don’t like the current situation any more than anyone else, but you’re determined not to have come so far only to see it thrown away. Speak your truth and stay steadfast.


This New Moon brings you a leap forwards in your spiritual understanding of this crisis. You’re sensing now the interconnectedness of all things and all people, and you can see how intricately balanced the world truly is. If you’re finding it difficult on a personal level, try meditation, mindfulness and positive visualization. Remember, there’s a world inside your head too; you don’t have to only play in the physical world around you.


The New Moon brings you a strong urge to volunteer or to lead your community in some way. You’ve been through some stormy emotions in this crisis so far, but you feel now that you’ve found your feet, and you want to be a rock for others. Reach out to those who need you, online if necessary. Your unique nurturing abilities could be a lifeline for someone else, and your ability to listen is incredibly healing at this time.


The blessing of this New Moon is that it brings you a different take on your ambitions. You’re highly frustrated that your life path seems to have been put on hold – but has it really? If you listen carefully to your higher consciousness, you’ll find that you’re being called in a different direction. Once you understand this, all kinds of exciting new possibilities open up. It’s a career trajectory for sure, just not the one you thought you were on. Why not?


Taurus energy loves to build, so this New Moon for you Virgo is about building your knowledge. Be inspired to go back to school online, or to use some of your free time to study up on a subject which has always fascinated you. You have a role to play in the future as a teacher or mentor to others as we come out of this crisis, but for now, you should focus on enriching your own self the best way you know how – through education.


This Taurus New Moon brings you the gift of forgiveness. If you’re in a difficult family situation, this is definitely a blessing, so expect tensions to ease as a new mutual understanding develops. This energy is also about forgiving yourself, however. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t spent your time in lockdown writing a best-selling novel, learning a language or sewing the world’s largest quilt. It’s not a contest. You are enough.


A New Moon in your love zone is typically a sign of new love. On this occasion, however, there’s also a deeper message, about a new level of tolerance and understanding towards other people. We’ve all become very quick to judge during this crisis, but you’re understanding now that everyone has a backstory to tell, and that compassion is needed more than judgement. Lead the way to a kinder world.


Work through your stress by indulging in something creative. You above most other signs are feeling the psychological effects of restriction and you’re desperate for freedom and the return of ‘normality’. A creative hobby or outlet will help you express that frustration without losing your sanity – or indeed, costing the sanity of those around you. Work on gratitude too, for the blessings you currently have rather than mourning the freedoms you have lost.


For you, this New Moon is about the power of joy. You’ve not lost your sense of humor during this crisis, and the New Moon teaches you a lot about how laughter is a powerful healer. Do what you can to spread good cheer among your family and friends. By fostering a positive, light-hearted attitude, you are inviting uplifting energy into your own life situation, as well as helping others.


The New Moon underlines what truly matters in life. In a topsy-turvy world where you may have lost out financially or materially, or you may be working under great stress, you’ve understood the value of being with those you love the most. Ultimately, money and employment pressures are manageable if you have a solid, loving base at home – family first is the message from this New Moon, and it’s one which will serve you well.


Boredom is starting to creep in if you’re in lockdown or off work; panic and exhaustion on the other hand are creeping in if you’re an essential worker. Either way, your mind is under intense pressure, but the New Moon brings you some breathing space. Free your imagination through visualization, meditation or even just a good novel or a puzzle book. Focus intently on something which isn’t Covid-19 related, so that you can feel refreshed and renewed.

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About the author:

Nikki Harper is a spiritualist writer, astrologer, and editor for Wake Up World. She writes about divination, astrology, mediumship and spirituality at Questionology: Astrology and Divination For the Modern World where you can also find out more about her work as a freelance astrologer and her mind-body-spirit writing and editing services. Nikki also runs a spiritualist centre in North Lincs, UK, hosting weekly mediumship demonstrations and a wide range of spiritual development courses and workshops.

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