5D Shift: The 4th Industrial Revolution and the 3D/5D Hybrid State

By Open

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The 4th Industrial Revolution on planet earth has just begun. Society is set to be transformed in the biggest shake up since steam power. The cogs first swung into gear with a revolutionary new “White Hat” technology called “Blockchain”. It has since been seized upon by society’s controllers, fuelled by an interdimensional ET consciousness that would consume humanity into a synthetic AI based agenda. The shadow system is currently rolling out new lines of digital banking communication like railways into the Wild West, yet challenged at every twist and turn by Benevolents, punching holes through the ensuing density so that the light can break through.

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The controllers would lock the shift down in one way, but with awareness and creative willpower we can ride the inflows to ensure maximum sovereign freedom is available to those who claim it. The caterpillar has just become a chrysallis. Who wants to be a butterfly?

The 4th Industrial Revolution is Upon Us

“Never waste a good crisis”. So sayeth those in the World Economic Forum who would seize the opportunity to transform society following the humungous changes instigated in the name of the pandemic. It was almost so perfect for them, you’d have to imagine it was planned that way (of course it was!). But what I see is that even they are pawns in a greater game that’s been played out across the cosmos for aeons. And that is the “harvesting’ of souls by an interdimensional ET consciousness.

As unpleasant as it may sound, as humanity unfurls his interdimensional wings, fledgling souls are going to have to get familiar with the vast array of life forms in the field all around us, a proportion of which do not have humanity’s best interests at heart. These controllers have disconnected from the usual cycle of growth through reincarnation, to that of manipulating consciousness and genetics so as to create synthetic realities of their own intention and agenda.

Understand More About the Interdimensional Intervention on Earth

AI, advanced technology and transhumanism are the tools of their trade. BUT, this is well known and well observed by the benevolents that are working tirelessly to illuminate this fallacy, to bring light into the darkness and shine a realigning pathway for all with the interdimensional sense to see. Just as the crisis has been engineered purposefully to reshape society, so the benevolents are seizing the day. As society now transforms, we have a golden opportunity that we must each grasp with soulful hands.

It won’t be by any means easy, at times we’ll be pushed to our limits. But that will be the crafting of our spiritual mastery, with expanded awareness paramount at this pivotal point.

Here’s how to remove entities and implants from your Field

It’s looking pretty dense and dark out there at these times. I see around me many small businesses being closed, people being layed off and the ‘house-for-sale’ signs going up everywhere. Meanwhile the likes of MacDonalds and KFC thrive as (at the time of writing) the stock market of the big corporations booms (until the controllers pull the plug that is – again designed to accumulate even more wealth). It would be easy to get distracted and depressed by it all. BUT, remember where this is all really heading…

Gaia will “reset” the planet too, in the most tremendous shift imagineable, where the winner and loser, profit and loss, predator and prey mentality will be swept away in the tsunami. Right now the foundations of a New 5D Earth are being formed in the ether all around us, based upon the 5D Crystalline Grid. The 4th Industrial Revolution will transform society in the short term, yes, but it will be short lived. The 4D industrial bubble will burst, as new day dawns for 5D Earth.

Explore How the Field is opening up with the 5D Crystalline Grid

Angels Amongst the Blockhain

The controlling agenda of the 4th Industrial Revolution all hinges on a new digital economy running on the “Blockchain”. It’s a distributed ledger system, which was originally built for cryptocurrency, where pioneers across the planet could exchange payment for services at lightning speed with minimal cost and crucially, OUTSIDE the heavily manipulated and stacked central banking system.

Since it’s instigation, the first generation Bitcoin has punched a gaping hole in the controllers financial dam, where now capital is flooding across to a new reservoir, which initially at least was beyond their hegmonay and manipulation. Yes they’ve piled in since, yes they will do their damndest to control it. Right now, behind the scenes, there is a race on to do just that. But as flowers bloom in the desert after spring rain, so these new technologies are opening countless new petals and blooming. Innovation and inspiration are totally natural. They walk hand in hand with freedom and sovereignty. And nothing or no one will stop us!

Here’s an initial understanding of the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

A veritable army of angels are amongst us, and in the ether, at this pivotal time for humanity. Plenty of souls are waking up BECAUSE of the pandemic. A wave of sovereignty is sweeping across the planet that will be hard to contain. Right now, a parting of the waves is taking place. Where some will willingly follow the carrot of the universal credit into the synthetic reality, others will find new ways to connect and collaborate. Above all, we must learn to ride the energy of the soul, which is interconnected with the Universal Torus and feeding this transformation. It’s time for us to become courageous and emboldened.

A Game of Smoke and Mirrors

Still paying attention to the virus and the vaxx? That’s the game of smoke and mirrors the controllers want you blinded by. Yes, DNA manipulation through Vaxxs is very much their long term agenda, because when you manipulate the DNA, you block out the carrier signals of the soul. It makes people more acquiescent. However, right now, behind the scenes, the real play, the real charade, is economic and industrial. If they can wrap you into a new autocracy, then increasingly people will be more compliant to their attempts at increased regulation.

Let’s be clear, at this moment, most of us are dependent on the resources mined by the corporations. For too long humanity has willingly fed from this teet, despite it’s destructive behaviour that we’ve clearly witnessed since even the times of Romulus and Remus. And it’s this that we must extract ourselves from.

For every soul that chooses freedom of action and sovereignty, another hole is punched in the controllers intentional dream. Let’s be clear what we face: the controllers aim for a highly synthetic reality with the bulk of humanity consumed within transhumanistic conurbations, interconnected through the new digital technology, all orchestrated by AI. This reshaping is ALREADY happening in the name of the pandemic by the removal of the middle classes and the intentional destruction of small business. BUT, what they are also acquiescent to, is that with many more of us, they cannot risk complete rebellion and breakdown in these early stages. This in turn opens channels of possibility for those who dare to reclaim your sovereign power and freedom of action.

So what can we do?

7 Ways to Gain Freedom of Action in the 4th Industrial Revolution

1) First and foremost this is a game of increasing awareness. Consciousness is ascending across the planet, which is exactly why the controllers have risked emerging from the shadows with their clear agenda. Consciousness is the key, as waves of light now penetrate through, each of us that is prepared to open up to the soul and trust in its guidance will find new reconfiguring pathways through the terraforming density. At times you’ll not even see the light at the end of the tunnel. That’s okay, it’s often only by looking backwards that you see all the steps have clicked into place. So above all, understand the process of Ascension and how the soul meditates through the Shift.
Understanding Ascension…Primary Concepts

2) If you have a flare for technology, and the idea of helping break down the hegmonay of the shadow state, then do explore the Blockchain and cryptocurrency. It’s a veritable minefield at the moment until greater ease of function is developed, but tremendous opportunity exists for increased financial independence and freedom of operation. It will be manipulated by the controllers for sure, it already is to put people off entering this new hybrid paradigm. But they are lagging behind the curve and with each passing day, new opportunities and possibilities are emerging. So if you resonate and have a technological flair, do explore the early adoption of cryptocurrency. However, do your own research and be careful of security – their are plenty of thieves out there, including those in the banking industry!
An outline understanding of the current flows in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

3) Innovation and resilience will be crucial soul frequencies to master and embody. Consider that the world around you is terraforming. Also greatly so due to climate change. Plenty of working patterns will perish. It will become nigh on impossible to live in particular climate ravaged zones. Be mindful that food chains will become increasingly challenged at times too. Importantly don’t wait until some crisis happens. Ask the soul, “what am I being invited to do right now?” Learn to follow the soul, even if things don’t at first seem to make sense. As challenging as it seems, actually due to unleashed flows of consciousness, there’s much greater opportunity. But continual innovation of beingness and how you live will enable you to thrive in this transforming world.
Here’s an Openhand video on how to progressively Innovate to Thrive

4) Some people will choose to go more “off-grid” and look for ways of living on the fringes of the system. This trend is growing stronger by the day. Small community groups are springing up all over the place, which is a trend that is set to flourish. In the book DIVINICUS I’ve likened these to “Islands in the Storm” that will pop up across the globe and flourish in the transition. There are already plenty of places where you might live in community and exchange labour for off-grid food and accommodation.Explore the Woofer network and Helpex

5) Plenty will choose to mediate through the system, like “Ghosts in the Machine”, in some ways appearing like “good citizens” yet exploiting loop holes at every possible twist and turn. The shadowstate is progressively trying to remove civil liberties. But crucially their legal systems stand under the Common Law. If you know how NOT to consent, if you know how to disassociate yourself from the legal fiction that is your name on your birth certificate, then you can NON-COMPLY with pretty much all of the bogus statutes and regulations that have been introduced. It will be a challenge, and you’ll need to pick your battles. Also be aware that high level lawful action is ALREADY taking place around the world against the legality of the plandemonium measures. The dam against the flow of civil liberty will ultimately break.
An understanding with reference material on reclaiming your Sovereign Rights

6) Perhaps the most important driver in all of this is Gaia herself. Have no doubt, she is working with us. The Old Paradigm needs to go, because it didn’t serve the interests of all sentient life. The intervention needs to be unwound and realigned – stripped away from the earth to other locations in the cosmos more of their frequency and karmic healing requirement. So she will purify, and do so through a mechanism of progressive climate and environment unraveling in the greatest shake up the earth has ever seen. Over time, this will break open the globalist industrial resource chains. Therefore within the new Hybrid State itself, local resilience and community support will become utterly essential. Explore for example the Transition Towns movement and how it might inspire you to connect with more local community support groups where you are.
Here’s an insight into the global Transition Towns Movement

7) We’re here to heal karma. This is what’s created the old 3D construct in the first place. For example: how to work in harmony with others yet retain individuality and sovereignty?; how to be at one with all sentient life?; how to be in the dense physical, yet not disconnected from the divine flow?; how to become fully multidimensional, yet grounded, integrated and coherent in beingness? These are just some of the inquiries humanity is growing through. Plenty of you reading this will have healing gifts and frequencies of beingness specifically seeded to support emergent souls in the shift. Maybe you incarnated to facilitate the emergence of a new humanity? It is for sure a powerful growth area on the planet right now and greatly needed by the wider population.
Unfurl Your Destiny and Thrive by becoming a Spiritual Facilitator in the Shift

Acclimatising to the 3D/5D Hybrid State

The 4th Industrial Revolution has begun. Clearly it’s been planned for some considerable time, but it won’t all go the way the controllers have intentioned it. The flow of light is spontaneous and unpredictable. It will always find ways to breakthrough and breakout. It’s a universal process of light permeating the darkness, breaking down density to progressively establish higher harmonies. Hence despite the intentions of the shadowside, we’re going to find ourselves morphing into a 3D/5D Hybrid State. And as dark as things may at times seem on the planet right now, nevertheless, it’s exactly because the density is being so challenged.

Let’s not forget that humanity actually needs this mirror and co-created it so as to expose progressive layers of karmic unconsciousness – it’s how you wake up and integrate greater soul coherency. So as challenging as this metamorphosis may seem right now, it’s entirely necessary. And we must each summon the courage and commitment to progressively unravel through it. We are seeded to do it. We CAN do it!

When the caterpillar becomes a crysallis, it has no idea it is destined to become a butterfly. But one day for sure, the sun will shine, and for those who’ve endured the intense inner work, multidimensional wings will unfurl and take to flight, as a bright new day begins.

Through this process of metamorphosis, we must develop strong daily spiritual practice. If you resonate with what I’ve shared, and could benefit from support in unfurling your multidimensional wings as we enter this new 3D/5D Hybrid State, then explore Openhand’s Ascension Activations

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji

Originally published at www.openhandweb.org and reproduced here with permission.

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About the author:

Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living.

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