Guest writer for Wake Up World
Shamans, medicine people, mystics and sages throughout the ages have always known that the soul doesn’t speak the human language.
Instead, our souls communicate with us through symbols, metaphors, archetypes, poetry, deep feelings and magic. The human language is far too limiting to express the full spectrum of profound knowledge, insight and revelation that the soul has to share.
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As such, most of us were never taught to tune into the dancing rhythms of our deepest selves. Instead, due to our social conditioning we have come to heavily rely on the mind only and its interpretation of reality. Unfortunately, our emphasis on hard data, facts and linear logic has left a gaping hole inside of us. We fill this empty hole with consumerism, addictions, violence and endless distractions.
Sometimes, a traumatic or extreme event in our lives shakes us out of our habitual way of perceiving existence. But usually, most of us tend to miss the big, glaring daily signs that the soul within us is trying to communicate with us. Not only that, but we tend to actively mistrust, ignore or doubt any sacred form of communication that we receive.
How can we begin to tune into the subtle voice of the soul and rewire our conditioned brains? How can we listen to our soul’s vital messages and nourish ourselves with its life-changing wisdom?
Soul Communication: 7 Important Signs to Look Out For

Soul communication isn’t just reserved for medicine men or women, or enlightened people; it is a birth right of every man, woman and child. It is a vital part of inner work.
For years I lived without the guidance of my soul, actively ignoring it or numbing myself out from its voice. Since reconnecting with my soul, I have discovered that it offers endless gifts, insights, teachings and direction that helps me to connect with my innate wholeness and life purpose.
Observing the people in our society, I’m saddened to see how soulfully emaciated we are. I can immediately tell whether a person has got in touch with their soul or not by the luster in their skin, the glow in their eyes and the type of energy they transmit. Unfortunately, most people are shells of what they could truly become. It’s almost like we are living our lives grabbing at whatever source of warmth we can scavenge when in truth, we are the fire and warmth we’re seeking for.
If you’d like to learn soul communication, you must first pay attention to the signs that your soul is whispering. There are many types of signs out there, but below I have compiled some of the main ones you should look out for:
1. Dream signs
In the West, psychologists believe that dreams are the unconscious mind’s way of making sense of reality. But in ancient cultures, such as in Egypt and Greece, dreams were messages from the spirits, gods, or divine realm. Many indigenous cultures have also used dreams as a gateway to higher consciousness and revelation (e.g. native Americans).
These days, most healers agree that dreams express important messages and truths about our lives and destinies. In my experience, dreams can serve as doorways to new insight, reflections of true inner feelings, and even portals to interacting with spirit guides.
Pay attention to your dreams and the images, symbols and scenarios within them. What stands out to you? You might like to keep a dream journal and record your immediate impressions. Please note that dream dictionaries can sometimes help you out, but they rarely convey the true message your dream is trying to transmit to you. Why? Dreams and the archetypes/symbology within them are highly contextual and personal. A snake, for instance, could be a positive sign for one person, and a negative sign for another.
2. Lucid dreams
Spontaneous lucid dreams involve suddenly becoming aware that you’re dreaming while asleep. Becoming conscious within your dream world is not only spiritually symbolic (literally of “waking up”), but it is also an opportunity to explore the hidden realm of your unconscious mind. This opportunity from your soul is rare, or it could be constant without any effort on your behalf.
Regardless, it is possible to actively practice lucid dreaming. You might like to learn more about how to lucid dream.
If you’re in the habit of having spontaneous lucid dreams, treat it as a sacred gift. Very few people have access to the depths of the unconscious realms. Treat this as an opportunity to ask yourself questions and find direction that you wouldn’t be able to otherwise access in waking life.
3. Repetitive words or numbers
How many times have you looked at the clock and seen “11:11,” “12:12,” “13:13”? Many skeptics say that putting importance into repetitive words and numbers is a reflection of something called “confirmation bias,” but I personally don’t believe this is the case. It’s easy to be cynical and use the left-brained approach, but much harder to explore the personal meaning of these experiences.
Regardless of the meaning we assign to repetitive words and numbers, the function of them is to momentarily “wake us up.” Otherwise, why would we give them so much significance? Whenever I see a repeated number or hear a name/word said constantly, I take it as a sign of soul communication.
So whenever you hear a picture, word or number repeated, ask yourself, what is the hidden message?
4. Animal omens and guides
Most of us come across animals every day. When you pay attention to these different animals, you realize that each one has a specific teaching, message or energy type.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that the meaning you assign to different animals is highly personal and not necessarily the “orthodox” meaning already established out there. So don’t feel the need to go by the “textbook” definition. Go with your gut.
One way of discovering your own unique meanings is to observe what animals you constantly come across every day. Watch them and try to understand what their teaching is. What are they revealing? How do they behave, move or sound? This is a powerful form of soul communication.
For example, you might constantly come across crows. Watching these crows, you might realize that they are always very loud and agitated. The message you might assign to these animal messengers could be that you need to pay more attention to the emotions you have suppressed so that they can be released.
5. Synchronicity or serendipity
Have you ever had a string of events happen in a way that seemed special or out of the ordinary? You might refer to these events as “serendipity” when in fact they may have been something known as “synchronicity.”
What is synchronicity? Synchronicities are moments of meaningful coincidence, where our inner and outer worlds align. Often synchronicity is a good way to tell that you are on the right soul path because everything feels as though it is unfolding without your conscious effort. You might even have the sensation that Life/God is playing an active hand in making your dreams or aspirations come true.
It is my personal belief that nothing happens by chance, and coincidence is an illusion. I believe, at a core soul and spirit level, everything is interconnected. Science attests to the fact that everything is energy. So what is synchronicity? In my mind it is when the vibration of our thoughts matches with the vibration of our personal destinies. Picture a funnel of water: you don’t need to force the water to go through, the water goes through effortlessly.
So watch out for moments of synchronicity — they are powerful reflections that you’re on the right path.
6. Gut feelings
A gut feeling is an unexplainable sensation that tells you to do (or not do) something. Another synonym for this phrase is the word intuition. We all know what intuition is, but most of us have trouble listening to it.
Intuition is different from the inner voice of fear because it is subtle, calm and centered, as opposed to being frantic or aggressive. This is a very important distinction to make. Many people believe they are being guided by intuition when in fact they are being guided by their fearful inner talk.
Intuition, or gut feelings, can be thought of as the voice of our souls communicating to us. Whenever you feel drawn towards something or someone (without a fearful motive), you can be sure that this is your soul trying to guide you.
7. Visions during meditation
Meditation is another way to contact your soul. That calm, spacious, infinitely loving space you have entered before (even for just for a few seconds)? That is your soul space.
Meditating for long periods of time (30 minutes or more) is a powerful way to experience what has been referred to as the mystical experience. One common mystical experience involves tuning into visions or spontaneous names while you’re meditating. These visions or names might be of your current spirit guide, or could directly be a message from your soul.
I’ve even had people tell me that they’ve received unknown songs or melodies during meditation. Personally, I have experienced spontaneous visions and words.
But how can you tell apart normal mental chatter from visions, names or songs from your soul? Typically, the images you see or words you hear will have a specific theme that seems foreign (e.g. it could be from an ancient culture), and they will be very repetitive. You will also have the sensation that somehow they are important for you to pay attention to.
I recommend keeping a meditation journal to record these visions, images, words or songs. This will help you to better articulate what your soul is trying to express.
Learn more about how to journal.
How to Speak to Your Soul

There are many ways for you to actively communicate with your soul, but that is for another article. In the meantime, I recommend simply saying a daily prayer.
Here is an example you could use, or build on yourself:
“Dear soul, I love you. Thank you for supporting my life. I’m so honored and appreciative of your presence. If you have any messages for me, please communicate them to me. I am open and receptive. I welcome your guidance.”
See how you go with this prayer and ensure that you pay attention to any emotional, physical or mental sensations that arise.
I hope that you’re now more aware of the deep craving of your soul to make itself known to you. Deep down, we all crave for oneness and wholeness. By learning the language of your soul, you can open a sacred doorway into the world of reclaimed strength, beauty, love and innocence.
Any thoughts or questions, share them below.
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- How to Create Your Own Full Moon Ritual (With 5 Suggestions)
- Anima and Animus: How to Harmonize Your Masculine and Feminine Energies
- The Sensitive Person’s Guide to Emotional Regulation (in 10 Minutes or Less)
- 25 Signs You Have a Wounded Inner Child
- Feeling Empty: 5 Ways to Heal Your Inner Void
- The Ultimate Guide to Heart Chakra Healing for Beginners
- The Dark Side of Spiritual Healing That No One Talks About
- The Origins of the Spirit Animal, Totem and Power Animal
- 9 Ways to Awaken the Divine Masculine Within You
- How to Channel Your Soul Through Automatic Writing
About the author:
Aletheia Luna is an influential spiritual writer whose work has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide. After escaping the religious sect she was raised in, Luna experienced a profound existential crisis that led to her spiritual awakening. As a psychospiritual counselor, tarot reader, and professional writer, Luna’s mission is to help others become conscious of their entrapment and find joy, empowerment, and liberation in any circumstance. See more of her work at
This article, Soul Communication: 7 Ways Your True Self is Trying to Guide You, was originally published on, reproduced with permission.
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