Reclaim Your Cosmic Destiny With a Shamanic Road Map – Free Online Event

As our world continues to experience turmoil, even the most devoted spiritual seekers can find themselves feeling profoundly disconnected — from themselves, those around them, and Mother Earth.

Do you long to know more about the driving force behind what’s happening in our world?

And where you fit in the larger story?

Thankfully, the timeless wisdom and practical universality of shamanism has always been with us, offering us the answers we’re seeking, says Don Oscar Miro-Quesada, a Peruvian maestro curandero.

Find out more with Don Oscar at this empowering free online event:

Reclaim Your Cosmic Destiny With a Shamanic Roadmap: Align Your Life’s Pathway With the Prophecy of the Dawning of the “Taripaypacha” Golden Era

At this online event, Don Oscar will share how you can energize and expand your life’s vision through deep immersion in the cosmic pathway of Universal Shamanism — with your unique evolutionary soul map as your guide.

You’ll learn how the Taripaypacha prophecy provides a powerful lens to rethink your cosmic identity — and affirm that you’re actually a powerful co-creator of the Universe, fully capable of contributing to the wellbeing of humanity and beyond.

Register here and start to reclaim YOUR cosmic destiny.

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Become an agent of change as you move from within your physical body into an infinitely creative space during don Oscar’s guided shamanic experience — a practice that utilizes your breath for deepening, relaxing, and following your energetic bliss
  • Re-envision your cosmic identity through the shamanic lens of the Taripaypacha prophecy
  • Gain insights into the evolutionary driving force behind the turmoil of our world
  • Experience the bliss of releasing your attachment to personal and planetary outcomes
  • Learn the secret of tuning in to the planetary shift without becoming overwhelmed

Don Oscar will also share practical tips for exploring the depths of this planetary shift without feeling overwhelmed, freeing you to fully grasp your soul’s unique evolutionary journey — and the self-actualization, clarity, love, and joy that come along with it.

Join us and learn to navigate the multidimensional domains of human consciousness as a practitioner of Universal Shamanism — and celebrate the divine agency of healing transformation and personal growth as you align with your soul’s cosmic pathway.

RSVP free of charge right here.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

We’ll see you there!