The Healing Garden: How to Heal From Trauma By Communicating With Personalized Plant Medicines – Free Online Event

Imagine feeling a profound unity with the world around you, with the healing power of nature not just a concept, but your lived reality.

Picture yourself stepping into a garden, and not just seeing the beauty of the plants, but truly understanding their wisdom and healing potential for what you uniquely need to recover from trauma, illness, and pain.

Elizabeth Guthrie, PhD, the founder of Herbal Somatics, is a clinical herbalist who has dedicated her life’s work to understanding the intricate relationship between humans and plants. She affirms that plants offer us a sanctuary of peace, allowing us to feel deep connection and experience extraordinary healing.

If this resonates with you, you won’t want to miss this free online event with Elizabeth:

Explore Your Healing Garden of Unique Plant Allies: How to Heal From Trauma by Communicating With Your Personalized Plant Medicines

Elizabeth’s unique approach combines the wisdom of herbalism with the power of embodied mindfulness to help you create your own personalized plant medicine.

At Elizabeth’s nourishing hour-long event, she will guide you through an “Inner Garden Sanctuary” visualization practice to introduce an internal sacred space, connecting you more deeply with nature.

RSVP here at no cost – save your place today!

Get ready to:

  • Gain an understanding of how choosing the right plants based on your connection to them can accelerate your healing
  • Participate in an “Inner Garden Sanctuary” guided visualization practice to relax and possibly receive a message from your plant allies
  • Discover that nature invites you to slow down and listen to your innermost guidance in order to heal and thrive
  • Experience how somatic plant work can offer healing that leads to personal enlightenment
  • Experience Herbal SomaticsTM to become more aware of the communication between nature and your body

Elizabeth shares that when you turn to nature and plant medicine, not only do you initiate transformation by rebuilding your relationship with nature, you also embark on a revelatory journey to awaken your true self.

Go here to reserve your free place at this empowering event.

Developing personal relationships with the plants around you and deepening your connection with nature can help you cultivate stronger resilience in the face of life’s challenges and illuminate a clearer path to your most expansive self.

So please join us and Elizabeth to explore the transformative power of your unique plant allies as you harness nature’s wisdom for healing and resilience — and embark on a journey of self-discovery, connecting you deeply with the natural world.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Here’s to the power of our plant allies!