Reassuring Truths from Near Death Experiences Reveal That All is Well – Free Online Event

Awakening from a week-long coma following a life-threatening illness, the first words Dr. Eben Alexander, a distinguished neurosurgeon, spoke to the family members surrounding his bedside were “All is well.”

To the outside world, Eben had been unresponsive for a week. On the inside, memories of an extraordinary journey to the spiritual realm stirred within him a clear picture of the true nature of our shared reality…

… one where all beings are eternally connected through the binding force of unconditional love.

From that moment on, Eben no longer viewed himself as a man with a soul… but as a soul having a human experience.

If this fascinates you, you won’t want to miss this extraordinary free online event:

Reassuring Truths From Near-Death Experiences Reveal That “All Is Well:” Find Deep Connection, Love and Meaning Knowing You’re a Co-Creator of a Great Cosmic Design

According to Eben and his teaching counterpart, Karen Newell, a sound-journey facilitator with decades of depth in a range of ways to cultivate direct spiritual experience, shifting into this spirit-over-matter approach to life fosters a deeper bond with and understanding of those who’ve transitioned, and an enriched comprehension of the interconnectedness of all existence.

At this free online event with Eben and Karen, you’ll hear the revelatory insights of Eben’s near-death experience (NDE) and the science that supports our interconnected existence — and be guided on how you too can begin perceiving life through the eternal lens of your soul.

RSVP here to secure your place!

In this revelatory online event, you’ll:

  • Hear how neurosurgeon Eben Alexander’s near-death experience changed the way he now relates to death, including the immense difference in his response to the passing of his parents (one passing before and one after his NDE)
  • Feel the binding force of unconditional love in a guided meditation
  • Recognize that knowing that you are a soul having a human experience can ease the fear and emotional pain of physical death — and help you align with the greater awareness and purpose your soul envisions for you
  • Explore the latest science that supports an interconnected existence
  • Deepen your trust and know your role in co-creating the divine plan and its enduring promise that “all is well”

You’ll explore how living life as a soul having a human experience can open you to a deeper understanding of the role you play in co-creating the Divine plan that is always unfolding for the evolution of all beings — even in the face of loss.

Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your awareness and trust – register here.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

We’ll see you there!