Discover Timeless Body Qigong for Women – For Ageless Health and Beauty – Free Online Event

As you embrace this new chapter of your life, have you encountered any menopausal symptoms, such as lower libido, brain fog, or fatigue?

Or, maybe this midlife transition is right around the corner, and you want to lay the foundation to navigate this pivotal time with as much ease and grace as possible…

You can feel younger and slow down the aging process with the ancient healing traditions and practices of Qigong, says Deborah Davis, a respected holistic practitioner and women’s Qigong and sexuality coach.

Find out more at this empowering free online event:

Timeless Body Qigong: Practices for Slowing Aging, Boosting Your Energy and Balancing Hormones for Ageless Health and Beauty

Join Deborah at this event to learn to heal and nurture yourself with Timeless Body Qigong, featuring practices made for a woman’s body.

Through Qigong practices specifically designed for women, you can bolster your Qi through breath and movement — and direct it to different parts of your body for healing.

This will empower you to more effectively nurture yourself as you navigate hot flashes, insomnia, stress, anxiety, chronic illness, grief, sadness, or just feeling out of touch with your body.

RSVP here free of charge to save your seat.

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore:

  • A grounding Qigong practice for addressing the symptoms of your hormonal changes — featuring the uterine palace, your female energy center, located above your public bone
  • Why women’s Qigong is much more than a moving meditation — and how these Qigong movements also activate the meridians, operating within the organ systems to ease symptoms on the deepest levels
  • How your Qigong practice can evolve in different seasons of life — in our youth, we focus on nourishing blood and moving stagnant Qi… and as we enter perimenopause or menopause, we must instead nourish the yin energy, clear heat, and regulate the hormones and nervous system
  • The 6 Healing Sounds of Qigong, a guided practice to ease symptoms commonly associated with the second spring of life, including hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia, heart palpitations, and more
  • How self-care techniques — including breathwork, acupressure, and self-massage — can complement your Qigong practice and help you reclaim your vibrancy, peace, and joy in the second half of life

Discover the power of Timeless Body Qigoing for yourself – RSVP here!

Join Deborah and begin your journey to not just successfully navigate the second spring of your life — but wholeheartedly embrace it as you proactively address your symptoms and cultivate new levels of balance, inner peace, and joy with Timeless Body Qigong.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

We’ll see you there!