Re-Tuning to a Larger Reality: Astrology Forecast November 26th – December 3rd, 2023

November 27th, 2023

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” Carl Sagan

December’s astrology is a reminder that our solar system is not a standalone but nested within a much larger deep space reality – the massive tuning forks or beacons of the Galactic Centre and the Great Attractor along with Plutinos, Centaurs, Black Holes, pulsars and masers. There is no protective fence around our modest Sun and its gravitational grouping.

And that much bigger galactic consciousness is in play this week and through December when the Node of Fate conjuncts Eris at 24° Aries just ahead of the Gemini Full Moon, Mercury crosses the Galactic Centre- decoding our planet’s homing signal – as Venus sextiles it. As the Sun and Mars travel through Sagittarius, they are being imprinted by the potent super cluster of the Great Attractor – the wavelength of the voice of the creator – and a sequence of black holes.

Exactly conjunct the karmic Node of Fate on November 26, Eris breaks open situations, systems and relationships to allow you a much wider perspective, cutting straight through the comfort zone of your current sense of reality. No more polarisation, no more scapegoating. This female awakener aims with great precision at the core of your being, at your lower three chakras, to get you to clear them all out.

On November 27th, the Full Moon at 4° Gemini is square Master Coach Saturn in Pisces. Venus is conjunct the karmic South Node of Fate in Libra square Pluto in late Capricorn. In Pisces, Saturn is the ultimate visionary realist, drawing out your unexpressed potential by reminding you to be the author of your life, supporting you to start turning those vague hopes and dreams into reality.

If you are a sensitive, downloads from the Noosphere are accessible – you just need to decipher its language:

  • switch on your sensory acuity, give your intuition free rein
  • follow your hunches
  • pay attention to signs, symbols and synchronicities
  • take any opportunity to collaborate with kindred spirits in fluid networks, nodes and hubs
  • notice your helpers, ignore your unbelievers

New! Both my Survive and Thrive Guide to 2024 + December’s subscriber-only 5D Report will be released on Monday November 27.

Click image to view full-sized chart.

Chandra Symbol Full Moon 5 Gemini:

An immense tortoise with jewels inlaid in its back.

“Consciousness running off to infinity with all that is happening. You are always able to take anything further, to follow things out beyond boundaries and limits. Synchronised with multidimensionality. Coming upon the future everywhere. Blown so wide open that all you can do is exclaim, marvel, and alternate between rapture and despair. Engaged with all outstanding possibilities. Hopeful and yet equally doubtful. Yearning toward a world where everybody can be free; vividly impressed by a world where the chains prevail. Caught in the crossfire between the old and the new. Depending upon ingenuity and resourcefulness to open the space and uncover something dynamic and progressive in every corner of existence, just asking to be brought further along in the sparkling mix we partake in together. With never a dull moment nor any entirely closed doors anywhere in sight.”

~ Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Aries Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

With your own planet Mars merging with the Sun at Monday’s Full Moon in Gemini, expect a surge of momentum and motivation. Switch up your intuition and make sure you record insights before they fly by. Think twice before sharing any weird or off the wall ideas with people who just won’t get them. This is an excellent time to start a committed program of study or to launch a new product or business.

Walking your talk.

Taurus Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

With Mercury, the Sun and Mars now moving through your 8th House in Sagittarius, issues connected with long term partnerships-both personal and professional-and finances need sorting. The Full Moon across Gemini/Sagittarius on the 27th at odds with Task Master Saturn suggests it’s time to get serious about your assets and your contracts. If you need to have a difficult conversation, wait until the end of the week.

Get clear about your terms.

Gemini Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

On Monday, the annual Full Moon in your sign makes life a little bit more interesting. Relationships could turn heated, thanks to Mars conjunct the Sun in your opposite sign, so, knowing this in advance, decide on your best approach. Sometimes, if others are being awkward or digging their heels in, it wrongfoots them when you ignore them and carry on happily doing your own thing.

Ending an old sabotaging pattern.

Cancer Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

The month ends with a Full Moon in the most private angle of your chart, your 12th House. This is no bad thing, as you could probably do with some quiet time to mull over the events and emotions of what has been a challenging November. Venus at the base of your chart is making home and hearth extra welcoming. The world outside may be volatile, demanding and harsh, but healing is available in the sanctuary of your own space.

If necessary, deploy your strong NO.

Leo Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

Now the Sun and Mars are back in fellow Fire sign Sagittarius, your spirits rise. It’s starting to feel like holiday season and not a day too soon. Monday’s Full Moon in Gemini sets you thinking about how to gather friends, family and tribes together to have some fun in the next few weeks. With dour Saturn in the mix, watch your spending and doublecheck your social media posts -not everyone is feeling upbeat this year.

Carpe diem.

Virgo Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

With the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius, your home becomes extra important to you. Start your version of the holiday festivities early and light up your private world- a true sanctuary in these harsh times. On November 27th, the Gemini Full Moon at odds with Saturn in Pisces creates tension in how to juggle your work, your relationships, your own needs and those of your tribe. Something’s got to give-just make sure it’s not you.

Create a life that you can manage.

Libra Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

Your personal planet Venus is in Libra, smoothing your path and drawing others towards you. This is a reminder that- with the karmic South Node of Fate and eclipses back in your sign until 2025-you are carefully re-evaluating several important relationships, re-balancing the dynamics and walking away from any that are draining or depleting. Monday’s Full Moon in Gemini boosted by both Saturn and Mars will give you insights into how far along you are in this process.

Aim for win/win.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

With Mercury, Sun and Mars having departed Scorpio, the emotional intensity starts to dissipate a little. That said, a powerful Full Moon on November 27th in Gemini raises issues that you usually keep private or well hidden. An issue around shared finances may come to light or a debt you’d forgotten about could be called in. A partner could have been withholding information from you…you get the picture.

Channel your inner detective and get to the root of the situation.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

Mars back in Sagittarius for the first time in two years is like having rocket fuel in your tank, so make the most of this booster shot of motivation and momentum. At November 27th’s Full Moon in your opposite sign of Gemini, be careful not to overwhelm those around you with your energy and avoid hoof in mouth syndrome -blurting out inconvenient truths. You might need to tackle an issue or resolve a problem in your family or tribe, so tread carefully.

Softly, softly.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

Although December is conventionally one of the most social times of the year, it is the opposite for you as a Capricorn. That’s because the Sun is in Sagittarius until the Solstice in the sign behind yours and your solar batteries are depleted. The Full Moon on November 27th is a nudge to put your own wellbeing, health and needs right at the top of your agenda. If you need to withdraw or retreat from business as usual for a few days, do it. Just quietly drop some of your usual activities and find somewhere peaceful and private to relax.

The world will still keep on turning.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

This week’s astrology is an invitation to do more of what makes you happy. Monday’s Full Moon in compatible Air sign Gemini is all about getting creative, socialising and finding new ways to boost your day- to- day routines. With Jupiter making life at home especially enjoyable, make some plans to upgrade your living space to better suit your needs, in preparation for a new way of life in 2024 when Pluto enters Aquarius.

Looking towards the future.

Pisces Weekly Forecast: Nov 26-Dec 3, 2023

With both the Sun and Mars at the pinnacle of your chart in Sagittarius, your career is forefront and centre stage. At Monday’s Full Moon in Gemini, don’t just keep on keeping on but stop and really think about your direction of travel. Are your home and work life in balance? Are you sacrificing one for the other? Is your career ladder up against the right tree? With Saturn in Pisces acting as your mentor until February 2026, put your core values at the heart of everything and structure your life around them.

Knowing what really matters.

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.

I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.

You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.

You can learn more about my work or contact me at:

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