Keep Moving: Astrology Forecast January 8th – 15th, 2024

January 8th, 2024

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

All the old Copernican planets apart from Uranus are direct, so mirror this and turn your face and your feet towards the future. Conjure up your own spell against stagnation and keep moving.

Mars in earthy Capricorn aligned with Jupiter in Taurus is delivering a steady, consistent supply of practical, grounded energy to expand past the self-imposed limits of your comfort zone. On January 11th, the New Moon at 20 Capricorn – conjunct Pluto square the karmic Nodes of Fate and trine Uranus in Taurus – is Pluto’s swan song in Capricorn before the Great Eliminator departs for Aquarius on January 20th.

All this supercharged Plutonian/Capricorn energy will accept nothing less than simplicity, cutting back to essentials, practical material progress and a commitment to personal integrity. 

Ruled by Lord of Time and Karma Saturn, one of Capricorn’s gifts is the concept that reasonable boundaries and rules actually do offer you freedom – freedom from worry and chaos.

The practice above all practices is to relinquish the immature desire to be taken care of in false belonging and to parent your own originality. It’s time to find a new kind of personal power anchored in your own truth. There is safety and a ground of being not in doing what authority or status figures tell you but in the powerful flow of your own guidance system.  

At this New Moon, no matter what is in flux around you, seize the chance to create some serious order in your life: –

  • insource your Saturn- c laim back your autonomy 
  • tie up loose ends/get closure 
  • strengthen personal boundaries 
  • clear the river of your own ecology 
  • de-clutter your physical surroundings – home, workspace, car 
  • make a deep commitment to keeping promises to yourself 

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Chandra Symbol New Moon CAPRICORN 21:

A stately old house in a ruined condition.

 “Karmic entanglement in patterns, syndromes, and worlds which have no future. Dwelling in worlds apart and worlds gone by. Intent upon salvaging the spark of what was once there and claims your allegiance still. You are heavily drawn back in a virtual stupor or enchantment of following out a script, fulfilling a fate. Every line written ahead of time. Starchy and formal. Haunted, intrigued, bound up within what would seem to be no longer happening. Yet inwardly brooding upon the reverberations and echoes of what went wrong, of what was lost, of the severances and the tragedies. Doomed to stay in the lost places until Divine Spirit intervenes. Self-sentenced to limbo, half glad of it and half miserable and full of longings.”

~ Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Aries Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

Knowing that Aries is hosting wild card eclipses in 2024 that will turn things upside down and inside out, start your year as you mean to go on. Your career direction or volunteer work are in the frame and that now both Sun and Mars are activating this part of your chart, after the New Moon on January 11th, start by dropping or delegating responsibilities and roles that are not part of your future.

Clear the decks.

Taurus Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

Make the most of Jupiter in Taurus until May-not to return for another 12 years-as the gift bringer delivers opportunities for you to combine all your skills, talent, experience and potential. From the Capricorn New Moon on January 11th, anything connected with teaching, coaching, studying, writing  and publishing  are very well starred. Go on some artist dates (a la Julia Cameron) for inspiration.

Take a risk and expand your platforms and influence.

Gemini Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

With so much planetary action in your Capricorn 8th House, issues around your finances and your committed partnerships rise to the surface. At the same time, Jupiter is in in Earth sign Taurus in your 12th House prepping you for a big leap from the end of May. At the New Moon on January 11th, check your bank accounts and pay down or recover debts.

Spend the next few months ensuring that you’re adequately resourced for a new project.

 Cancer Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

An era of 15 years is ending-can you feel it yet? Unless you have planets at 29 Capricorn or Cancer, the relationship problems that have plagued you for so long are finally fading, thanks to Pluto heading into Aquarius on January 20th.If you have experienced uncooperative work colleagues, breaks with members of your family or bridges burnt by erstwhile friends, expect to start noticing new supporters, allies and sponsors appearing.

Enjoy some promising encounters around the New Moon on January 11th.

Leo Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

Now that Jupiter has turned forward at the pinnacle of your chart, your reputation is about to grow exponentially, culminating in April when Jupiter meets wild card Uranus. One caveat: in your eagerness to shine, don’t push the river-let opportunities come to you. Meanwhile, your wellbeing, health and habits need an overhaul, as do any responsibilities that need delegating to reduce your load.

Clear the river of your personal ecology.

Virgo Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

The consistent grounded energy of planets in fellow Earth signs Capricorn and Taurus are re-charging your batteries. Jupiter in Taurus is giving you the confidence to expand your influence and your platforms. Learn as much as you can, open your mind and then channel some of your insights into your work. With a New Moon on January11th in your 5th House, get ready to launch the fruits of your creativity into the world to sink or swim on their merit.

In the zone.

Libra Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

Where you live, how you live and with whom you live are in the process of change this month. Pluto has been in your 4th House since 2008 and is exiting stage right into Aquarius on January 20th.Expect a parting gift. Mars and the Sun give you the impetus to make some important decisions to be implemented just after the New Moon on January 11th. Whether its’s relocation, renovation or expansion, you could benefit financially from your property.

Keep the tribe on board by Including everyone who matters in the decision making.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

With so many planets in your 3rd House of connection and communication plus a New Moon on January 11th, there’s a lot to discuss, plan and debate. Now that Pluto is leaving Capricorn for Aquarius, the underpinnings of your home life are going to be transformed. Pay attention to new information about your tribe and your ancestry. Luckily, with Jupiter in Taurus until late May, your partner will be very supportive and willing to talk about quite radical and exciting options.

Home is not a place but a feeling.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

Expect a busy period at work with Jupiter expanding your role and your responsibilities. Don’t complain, dive into it with goodwill and the rewards will come. The Capricorn New Moon on January 11th is all about restructuring your finances. Be careful not to splash the cash before you’ve earned it. This is a good time to raise your fees, if you run your own business or to make a case for a pay rise, backed up by a paper trail of all your achievements.

Build up your resources.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

This is definitely a birthday month to remember. On January 20th, Pluto will leave Capricorn after 15 years of transforming every aspect of your life. Think back to 2008, if you don’t believe me, to spot the difference between you then and you now. Aided and abetted by feisty Mars in your sign plus a New Moon on January 11th, don’t waste a moment in permanently getting rid of excess baggage, outworn or toxic alliances and extinguished dreams.

Creating space for the new.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

On January 20th, when transformer Pluto enters Aquarius, you begin a new 20 years phase of your life. Pluto in your sign (for the first time since the French revolution!) is all about owning your personal power. Not power over other people, but the power to express your essential, authentic self. This is strong medicine, so go with the flow, roll with the changes and let come what comes.

Say thank you and goodbye to an old version of yourself at the New Moon on January 11th.

Pisces Weekly Forecast: January 7-14, 2024

As the new year begins, circumstances demand that you become more of a team player. You work well alone, able to intuit, process and capture your original ideas but this month you’ll succeed by collaborating with others. This might be at work, socially, in hobbies or pastimes or with members of your family tribe. Listen more than you speak and you’ll learn some new ways to approach current problems.

The New Moon on January 11th is excellent for brainstorming or mind mapping.

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.

I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.

You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.

You can learn more about my work or contact me at:

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