Weekly Astrology Forecast for 11th – 18th August 2024 – Crisis in Action

August 11th, 2024

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

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The heat is on from August 14/15th when Jupiter/Mars in mid Gemini square off against Saturn in Pisces. This harsh aspect between the two Time Lords- the first since their conjunction in Aquarius in December 2020 – is known as “crisis in action”.

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The Jupiter/Saturn square-which will continue into 2025- is a push me/pull you process of attrition between old values and established ways of doing things and the incoming new zeitgeist of people power over top- down power, triggered by Pluto on his 20 years trip through Aquarius until 2043.

At its lowest level, collectively, it’s playing out through clashes between the law and the law breakers, between the rules and those who think the rules don’t apply to them. Expect another round of hostility between polarised groups both physically and online. This is a breeding ground for cyber and physical warfare, deliberate misinformation and credulous people responding to online agitators- but all the hyperbole and exaggeration is literally so much hot air.

In your own life, it’s a time when you come up against boundaries and limits (Saturn). Jupiter in Gemini in your chart is injecting a kind of chaos magic that is trying to formulate and disseminate new ideas, circulate new possibilities, develop and cultivate new beliefs. Saturn in Pisces is testing them for durability, for developing into something which adds value and is not just an act of rebellion against the status quo.

Too much overblown Jupiter can play out at many levels such as:

  • refusing to age naturally and ending up looking both your age and weird
  • an overblown sense of entitlement, going after more, more, more without considering the costs
  • cutting corners and expecting rewards without putting the work in
  • curating your image or online persona at the expense of real life
  • getting into debt to feed endless consumerism

No matter where the obstacles, limits and roadblocks are appearing in your own life, with Mercury retrograde throughout August and Saturn square Mars/Jupiter, it’s time to reflect on, adjust and mature your goals, beliefs and attitudes.

By safeguarding the best of what’s already working and continuing to develop and streamline it, you’re ensuring that your business or purpose continues to thrive even as you experiment, innovate, and evolve into the future.

Frame the next few months as:

A quantum saddle or tipping point. A systems re-boot. A reset

A time of waking up

A conscious switch from one time-line to another. From your old gestalts to one of your probable selves.

Chandra Symbol Mars/Jupiter GEMINI 16: A single sunflower wilting and dropping its seeds.

 “The sun shines so bright that it compels all of us to empty ourselves out and bake in the light and the warmth of spirit. We are transfixed by solar power and impelled to unite with our destiny, no matter how extravagant or unlikely that destiny proves to be. A momentum is pulsating, with edges to track. Breathe into it and let go a whole lot, and then there you are, calling onward. You can hear it. Everybody else can too. And the spirit-caller cracks through and brings futures alive in the light of a sun that never sets.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale.



Aries Weekly Forecast

Saturn in your 12th House is digging around in your old beliefs, habits and attitudes and showing you where a dream has run out of time and juice. Jupiter meanwhile is nudging you to go out on some artist dates a la Julia Cameron, to expand your interests and regenerate your enthusiasm for new projects.


Taurus Weekly Forecast

Some of your plans may be sidetracked or blocked by circumstances beyond your control, as Jupiter clashes with Saturn this week. Rather than keep banging your head against a brick wall, go back to the drawing board, look at you blueprint with fresh eyes and ask for some input from a trusted ally or adviser.

Gemini Weekly Forecast

With Mars/Jupiter in your own sign, you’re getting a huge boost of rocket fuel. Set your sights high, create a well-formed, costed plan and invest your efforts at 100%. With Saturn at the pinnacle of your chart, check that your ladder is up against the right wall.


Cancer Weekly Forecast

This is a wonderful time to explore esoteric philosophies or religions that have intrigued or fascinated for a long time. Enrol in a retreat or a program with fellow seekers and keep an open mind. Saturn in fellow Water sign Pisces could manifest as a mentor, coach, guru or wise adviser,


Leo Weekly Forecast

This birthday season, it may be feeling as if one foot is on the accelerator and the other on the brake. Mars and Jupiter are revving up your desire for new adventures, whilst pragmatic Saturn is urging caution. Given that Mercury is retrograde until August 28th, look for backing and support ready to move ahead in September but make sure you don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.

Virgo Weekly Forecast

With Venus smoothing your path, Mars and Jupiter increasing your professional visibility and reputation and wise Saturn helping you to find supporters and mentors, this is your month to fly high. Your own planet Mercury is retrograde in your sign, so look back at successful past projects and find ways to rework the material to bring it up to date.


Libra Weekly Forecast

Part of you wants to focus on getting through the work and clearing your desk (Saturn), another part of you wants to take off and explore all the opportunities to expand your horizons (Mars/Jupiter). Satisfy both by researching travel plans, choosing between intriguing programs of study or finding a backer or publisher.


Scorpio Weekly Forecast

Several of life’s big issues-think inheritance, taxes, divorce, marriage, joint finances, sex life-need your attention. Issues that have been on the back burner could come to the boil. August 14,15 and 19th may be intense days for you. Let others indulge in dramatics whilst you sit with your emotions, deciding what is negotiable and non-negotiable.


Sagittarius Weekly Forecast

There are big changes across your career, home and partnership angles this month, as Mars, Jupiter and Saturn bring options to the table that you’ve never considered possible before. Take your time, don’t be rushed into big decisions until you’re ready. Look at all your options and imagine the consequences of each scenario 2 years down the road. Which has the most pull?


Capricorn Weekly Forecast

You might need to let off steam in the days around August 14/15th. Pressure is building with work piling up, giving you a packed schedule and agenda. Step back and get a perspective. What can you do to unwind, de-stress and make taking care of your wellbeing a bigger priority?


Aquarius Weekly Forecast

As you head towards your annual Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th, hang a “gone fishing” sign on your workplace door and go out and have some fun. Mars and Jupiter in your 5th House are all about doing what you love, about enjoyment, creativity and play. Boost your solar batteries…it’s time to put yourself first.


Pisces Weekly Forecast

Just like Sagittarius, expect big changes to permanently change the dynamics at home and in your relationships. The days around August 14/15th when Mars/Jupiter square Saturn in Pisces look especially well starred. Just make sure that you know what you want and don’t want and be prepared to say a definite “no thanks” to well- meaning advice or interference.

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix of consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.

I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and a former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.

You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.

You can learn more about my work or contact me at:

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