Tight-Knit Active Communities – A Definitive Demonstration of People Power!

August 30th, 2024

By Paul A. Philips

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Like-minded people active in tight-knit communities is a definitive demonstration of people power. Before going into why active communities are so vital for our survival, consider the following in context.

This is for the aware and awake who want to avert the misery and suffering in a tyrannical world. It is for those who won’t allow themselves to be led off the cliff like the vast majority of sheeple.

In this highly deceptive world, where nothing is as it seems, ever get the gut feeling that everything is ramping up to a crescendo, consistent with what has been called the ’end times?’

Unlock the wisdom of the ancient shamans of the Andes and Amazon in a free online event introducing the Sacred Andean Codes. These Munay-Ki Rites offer a profound path to spiritual awakening, connecting you with nature’s elements to ignite transformation and align with your higher purpose.

One rite you’ll explore is the Five Bands of Power — energetic belts woven around your body with the essence of earth, water, fire, air, and light. These bands dissolve negative energies and protect you physically and psychically, empowering you to feel safe and dismantle emotional barriers.

This is your opportunity to experience sacred practices that foster personal healing and collective change. Don’t miss this free transformative journey into Andean wisdom. Sign up now!

If you’ve found value in our articles, we’d greatly appreciate your support by purchasing Mindful Meditation Techniques for Kids—A Practical Guide for Adults to Empower Kids with the Gift of Inner Peace and Resilience for Life.

In the spirit of mindfulness, we encourage you to choose the paperback version. Delve into its pages away from screen glare and notifications, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the transformative practices within. The physical book enriches the learning process and serves as a tangible commitment to mindfulness, easily shared among family and friends.

Over the past few years, Wake Up World has faced significant online censorship, impacting our financial ability to stay online. Instead of soliciting donations, we’re exploring win-win solutions with our readers to remain financially viable. Moving into book publishing, we hope to secure ongoing funds to continue our mission. With over 8,500 articles published in the past 13 years, we are committed to keeping our content free and accessible to everyone without resorting to a paywall.

In the gathering momentum, the globalist enslavers, hell-bent on world takeover, are throwing everything they’ve got at us to disrupt our continuity, make us feel like we don’t know whether we’re coming or going, so as to overwhelm us into complete subjugation.

The fourth Industrial Revolution era is upon us. The ‘internet of things’ aligns with the concentration camp-based technocratic 15-minute city-control paradigm, which is Aligned with its mind-manipulated 24/7 mass surveillance and harmful EMF radiation. Yes, a number of you know this.

And if that’s not enough, they even want to rob us of our souls under the guise of transhumanism.

Transhumanism is sold to us through conditioning. They want us to buy into the idea that we are powerless victims, flawed carbon-based humans in our physical and mental make-up needing an upgrade. For one of many examples, transhumanists would view our emotions as flawed as this gives rise to uncertainty and can cloud our thinking or judgement.

The worst thing about this is that many humans are prepared to give up their humanness (divinity) for the promise of becoming mark-2 humans without having any idea of the irreversible, potentially disastrous inherent dangers they’re letting themselves in on with this transhumanist agenda.

Nowhere near enough attention is given to the solar cycles and yugas, the cycles that lead to our human spiritual transformation, which we are due to have. If the masses woke up, they’d realize how they’re getting unduly conned: The reason for transhumanism and the other acts of enslavement are ultimately designed by the globalists to stop this great spiritual transformation from happening, as they would no longer have a hold on us.

The unprecedented ecocide madness

We are shrouded in asphyxiating toxicity through sky-spraying geoengineered chemtrails for blocking the sun. Anyone who doubts this should know about the high-altitude chemical analyses used to confirm toxic substances, including heavy metals present in the spray.

Big Agri’s corrupt, greed-driven monocultural practices and policies, combined with their expensive, high-toxicity pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, have given rise to nutrient-deficient topsoil. The net result? Increasingly lower crop yields that are, in turn, poor diet and vitamin-deficient.

In many countries, such as the UK, this continuing ongoingly lowering crop yield threatens the ability of a nation-state to feed its citizens: Will it take the food supply to run dry and cause starvation before the sleeping masses finally scream out food shortage?? This is where it’s heading if we don’t promptly intervene.

The GMO monopoly continues. Then there are synthetic foods: Fake meat and bug-based foods that haven’t been proven to be safe.

The list continues…

All of these use the global warming or climate change false environmental claim tied in with the WEF (World Economic Forum) Agenda 2030 and the insane Net Zero by 2045 policy where traditional food farming will cease to exist.

Put simply, acting under the guise of philanthropy, a bunch of billionaires want complete monopolization and takeover, which will result in total collapse; democide besides ecocide looms on the dark-cloud horizon.

If we the people don’t pushback they will get it.

The Pushback – Forming Tight-Knit Communities

One sure-fire practical way of insulating ourselves from this unrelenting onslaught is to form tight-knit, small, land-based active communities. Yes, we need to band together and form independent community groups, creating stability, security, self-sufficiency, and protection while trying to maintain continuity.

As already mentioned, this is not an option; in fact, it is a survival necessity as the window of opportunity shortens. To escape the globalists’ planned mass imprisonment, which includes making farmers and their produce redundant by 2030, we need to counter this with a paradigm shift towards food independence.

Farm-based small, tight-knit communities have maintained traditional methods, unlike large-scale commercial sterile synthetic setups with their dumbing-down nutrition-deficient foods. They use organic farming methods, which give rise to biodiverse optimum yields and nutrient-rich topsoil yielding vitamin-rich crops—the ideal symbiosis.

Community Types

Fortunately, for our inspiration, there are a number of different pro-life, pro-ecological community-based platforms that have paved the way to be modeled on, which include:

Gardening active communities. Take the case of permaculture gardening communities that:

  • Connect with nature going back to ancestral roots.
  • Have built independent, resourceful, thriving agricultural infrastructural systems.
  • It is not confined to one locality. If one permaculture community is deficient in something, another group can supply that deficiency.
  • Nobody gets left out or ends up in poverty in the permaculture setup.

Another variation on becoming self-sufficient is homesteading.

Then there’s the Green Horns, operating for over 16 years. They have successfully demonstrated people’s power as a community by caring for themselves in many ways. For example, if you’re going to push back against a government that wants you to be dependent on them rather than self-sufficient, you have to take care of legal matters.

The Greenhorns have addressed many opposing aspects threatening their community. In their expression of people’s power, they have shown us what it takes to make an active community work.

In the name of the survival of the human race and our freedom, are you willing to take on a hero’s journey by banding with others in your community?

This article was first published on iNewParadigm.com.

Free Download eBook: Handbook for the New Paradigm.

The messages in this handbook are intended to free mankind from victim consciousness, which keeps the level of experience ensnared in fear and frustration.

 Humanity was intended to live not in luxury but in abundance.

 The information found between these covers will lead all that read and reread with an open mind to discover the truth of who and what they truly are. The end of the search for these answers is finally provided in clarity and conciseness… Download Link Here

See this amazing book for getting help and advice for a planetary awakening.

About the Author:

My blogs, along with the related alternative news website iNewParadigm.com, are about my belief that we can create a world that makes a difference for everyone.

I had graduated in biomedical sciences and worked for a number of years in healthcare. I am now a retiree. My website is slanted on health matters.

However, over the years, I have come to the firm conclusion that practically every subject under the sun needs redefining using more truthful, honest, and integral approaches in theory and practice, hence the website’s name ‘New Paradigm’

From these new approaches, from the ‘imagination of ourselves,’ from our visions… a ‘new era’ in humanity can result!

Unlock the wisdom of the ancient shamans of the Andes and Amazon in a free online event introducing the Sacred Andean Codes. These Munay-Ki Rites offer a profound path to spiritual awakening, connecting you with nature’s elements to ignite transformation and align with your higher purpose.

One rite you’ll explore is the Five Bands of Power — energetic belts woven around your body with the essence of earth, water, fire, air, and light. These bands dissolve negative energies and protect you physically and psychically, empowering you to feel safe and dismantle emotional barriers.

This is your opportunity to experience sacred practices that foster personal healing and collective change. Don’t miss this free transformative journey into Andean wisdom. Sign up now!

If you’ve found value in our articles, we’d greatly appreciate your support by purchasing Mindful Meditation Techniques for Kids—A Practical Guide for Adults to Empower Kids with the Gift of Inner Peace and Resilience for Life.

In the spirit of mindfulness, we encourage you to choose the paperback version. Delve into its pages away from screen glare and notifications, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the transformative practices within. The physical book enriches the learning process and serves as a tangible commitment to mindfulness, easily shared among family and friends.

Over the past few years, Wake Up World has faced significant online censorship, impacting our financial ability to stay online. Instead of soliciting donations, we’re exploring win-win solutions with our readers to remain financially viable. Moving into book publishing, we hope to secure ongoing funds to continue our mission. With over 8,500 articles published in the past 13 years, we are committed to keeping our content free and accessible to everyone without resorting to a paywall.