Contributing writer for Wake Up World
The Esoteric Significance of 8
8 is a highly esoteric number symbolizing polarity in the union. A set of 8 base aspects universally represents a set of essential energies from which comprehension begins and from which increased variation results. These sets of 8 are often polarized in four pairings and occasionally are sets of an overt seven with a more subtle eighth part.
8: The Unity of Microcosm and Macrocosm
8 is symbolic of the unity of the microcosmic and the macrocosmic. The microcosm of our self is constituted in this manner. Our very inner physical and esoteric makeup is formatted precisely in the same manner as what is largely a philosophical, perceptive understanding, as we shall explore.
Blood and Its Polarized Types
Our inner essential energy, our very blood, can be four main types in positive and negative pairings for a total of 8 polarized blood types. Additional measures reveal more subtypes, but our very essence, our blood is based on four types: A, B, AB, and O, each being either RH Positive or RH Negative.
The Cosmic Analemma and the 8-Shape
Though to different magnitudes and angles than here on Earth, the macrocosm of our planet and even the universe operates under the universal law that spheres in orbit of other spheres will result in a duality of polarity of time annually. All across creation, there are four seasons, two equinoxes, and two solstices. The four seasons result in a spiraling 8 sun pattern in the sky when observed annually, as below. The four results in an 8 shape infinitely. This natural occurrence is called the analemma, and a replication of the naturally occurring shape was used for a long time to calculate the date.
8 as a Symbol of Infinity and Duality
8 is symbolic for the infinite. It specifically represents a base set providing for infinite comprehension and near-infinite variation. It is symbolic of the wisdom of the snake, from which its coiling and spiraling shape is also inspired and related. Such spiraling snakes are depicted on the staff of Thoth, who the Greeks named Hermes, also known as the Staff of Caduceus. The snakes coiled together symbolize the same duality of polarity that the macrocosmic analemma reveals, the intertwining of polarized but mutually dependent seasons/energies.
Hermopolis and the 8 Neters
Hermes is derived from Hermopolis. Hermopolis was Khemenu, which means 8 Town or City of 8. The City of 8 was the center of Thoth’s worship, but the 8 refers to the Ogdoad of Neters. These ancient Egyptian primal gods are actually, more specifically, four pairs of masculine and feminine couples. Deeper still, The Ancient Egyptian concept of the soul describes 8 immortal parts encapsulated within the mortal physical body, the ninth mortal part.
The Influence of the 8 Neters on the Noah Story
It is possible that the 8 Neters inspired parts of the Biblical story of Noah and the Great Flood. There are 8 humans on the ark that Noah built, four pairs in fact: Noah and his wife and his three sons and their wives. Nu (Nun) is the most well-known of The 8 Neters, phonetically similar to Noah. And Nu is the god of the primordial waters of chaos from which the world emerges. So, there is a phonetic and idealistic relationship between Nu and Noah and the four-pair concept. Below, we see Nu carrying a solar bark, which is a version of the other seven Meters.
The Great Pyramid and Its Hidden 8 Sides
The Great Pyramid of Egypt is, of course, four-sided, but now that the face stones have been removed and lost, it is possible to note that there are actually eight sides to the pyramid, perhaps under the face stones at one point. The eight sides can only be seen from above and most definitively on the Equinoxes. This is, of course, only one small concept of many built into the Great Pyramid.
I am One that transforms into Two
I am Two that transforms into Four
I am Four that transforms into Eight
After this I am One
?~Coffin of Petamon, Cairo
Esoteric Symbolism of 8 in the Sri Yantra
The Sri Yantra is a meditation tool of deep symbolic value, but one little amazing aspect of many is that it has four corners and four faces four, a total of 8 gates. Most mandala and yantra depictions share this quality of a direct four and subtle 8. One of the concepts held by the Sri Yantra is that the triangles represent the individual being and the universal cosmos. The 8 exoteric directions and 8 esoteric dimensions surround and imbue the microcosm and macrocosm.
The Noble Eightfold Path in Buddhism
In the primary Buddhist comprehension, there are four aspects to problematic being. And there 8 aspects to the solution. The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism are based on the four sufferings of life: birth, sickness, old age, and death. The Four Noble Truths state there is suffering, there is a cause to suffering (desire), there is a solution to suffering (ending desire), and there is a path to this solution. And that path is known as The Noble Eightfold Path.
The Four Noble Truths and The Noble Eightfold Path
The Noble Eightfold Path is symbolized in The Wheel of Dharma; Dharma means life lessons essentially.
- Right understanding
- Right thought
- Right speech
- Right action
- Right livelihood
- Right effort
- Right mindfulness
- Right concentration
The 8 Energies in the I’Ching
The I’Ching is one of the oldest books on the planet. It is said to be authored by The Taoist iteration of Thoth/Hermes. The Book of Changes was written by Fuxi, who is depicted as having a snake body from the waist down.
Bagua: The 8 Trigrams of Yin and Yang
The Book of Changes is the text of a divination practice involving reading into the Bagua, the 8 energies of the microcosm and the macrocosm. The 8 energies of the Bagua are depicted as trigrams, symbols made up of three lines, and are combined in couples to represent intuitive insights of what turns out to be sixty-four potentials. The lines are broken and unbroken for Yin and Yang energies, on which the 8 elements of The Bagua are based. The Yin Yang symbol is based on four parts: Major and Minor Yin and Major and Minor Yang.
Western and Eastern spirituality are based on systems in which four and the related 8 elements are foundational and core components, hence the adoption and integration into alchemy and all sorts of science and spiritual ideas. And yet it continues.
The Incan Chakana and the 8 Elements
There is also the Chakana Cross of the Inca and Andean people. The Chakana Cross symbolizes a bridge between the individual and the universal via 8 elements. Chakana means to cross or to bridge, and it is said to symbolize the Southern Cross constellation, which was believed to be the center of the universe to the Inca and Andean people who celebrated the Chakana.
Three Worlds and Four Directions of the Chakana
The Chakana represents the three worlds, four elements/directions, the four seasons, four qualities important to Incan society, and the twelve months of the year. Certainly, there is more to the symbol that accompanied and evolved with the Inca people over time, but much of it is lost due to the schism of colonialization.
Again, so many schisms and possible interpolations have occurred since the colonialization of The Americas, where ideas may have been distorted, but the similarity is profound. The above image, from Dr. Cynthia Bellacero’s website, provides an overview of The Chakana, complete with the three-step and three-world symbolism. Numerous cultures also share the three-world symbolism in numerous trinities worldwide, where Hermes Trismegistus obtains his name. Hermes masters the three worlds, hence Hermes the thrice great.
The Chakana is a deep symbol with many layers. Though we must be careful not to place meaning where there is not necessarily such, the correspondences via the 8 directions and 8-dimensional symbolism are highly provocative and inspirational.
The Hunub Ku and the Chakana Connection
The Hunub Ku is a Mayan symbol of a possible relationship to The Chakana. The oldest mention of The Hunub Ku of The Mayan people was during colonialization in The 16th century, so its exact origins and how it may have been potentially integrated with other ideas remains uncertain. The first image of it is in The Codex Magliabechliano. Hunub Ku means the one god.
The Vegvisir and the 8 Element Formation
Another more modern iteration of the 8 element symbolism is in The Vegvisir. It is worth exploring, at least in questioning its derivation and the lessons or symbolism provided regarding the other sets of 8 element formations. The 8 element formation in the Icelandic magical symbol is called The Vegvisir, literally meaning the way shower. It is a symbol of protection that is at least 160 years old, and likely older, with the same 8 element formation.
Mark Passio and the Seed of Life
Mark Passio presents further symbological relationships in the form of 8 elemental lessons of the exoteric directions and the esoteric dimensions in his eloquent presentation on Natural Law. A symbol utilized as an image in his presentation is The Seed of Life, which is related to and is the basis of The Flower of Life. This interwoven seven-circle symbolism is encapsulated by circle 8.
Of course, I wrote The Tao of Thoth, which focuses more on the correspondence of the elements and the embodiment of 8 Hermetic and Taoist lessons. Thanks for considering supporting the book.
The Personal and Universal Meaning of 8
What is the meaning of all this correspondence of the 8 elements and elemental lessons? The meaning is undoubtedly found within you, for you. However, I believe the individual sets stand independently as modalities for character progression and individuation. Equally, the lessons from one set or another reveal things that were perhaps elusive or mysterious about another set when contemplated via their shared 8 direction and 8 dimension correspondence. It is apparent that there is inspiration toward individuation in each of the symbols for everyone, as well as clear ideas for situational clarity and decision-making,
It is possible the frequency of the correspondence of 8 directions and 8 dimensions exemplifies how we think. And it is also possible it shows that the idea is somehow universal and yet decipherable in individualistic ways. Perhaps that is part of the personability of the symbolism we relate to and inspires us. The 8 elements are a compass of comprehension for your ascension – as you decide and direct, but based on universal principles. With the 8 elements, we can plot our course to not only be in the right place but to be placed right via understanding the 8 directions and 8 dimensions.
About the author:
Activist, author and Tai Chi teacher Ethan Indigo Smith was born on a farm in Maine and lived in Manhattan for a number of years before migrating west to Mendocino, California. Ethan’s work is deeply connected and extremely insightful, blending philosophy, politics, activism, spirituality, meditation and a unique sense of humor.
You can connect with Ethan on Facebook, check out his author page on Amazon, or visit his new websites, Geometry Of Energy and Meditation 108, where Ethan offers lessons on individuation, meditation, the conceptualization of energy, and the metaphysical significance of 108.
Ethan’s books include:
- The Geometry of Energy: How to Meditate: Simple and profound, this book offers an empowering four-step meditation, focused through the sacred dimensions of geometry.
- The Little Green Book of Revolution an inspirational book based on ideas of peaceful revolution, historical activism and caring for the Earth like Native Americans.
- Meditation and Geometry for The Youth: A short and sweet book to introduce young people to meditation and sacred geometry, in a simple format for the youth and youthful alike.
- 108 Steps to Be In The Zone, a set of 108 meditative practices for self discovery and individual betterment, including techniques to develop balance, transmute sexual energy.
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