The Secret Sauce: 10 Characteristics of Successful Individuals

October 4th, 2024

By Paul A. Philips

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

At times, highly successful people, particularly those touched with genius, can be regarded as enigmas. To some, these enigmatic people may leave many forever wondering, ‘What is it they have over others to make the difference?‘ 

Having said that, whether it’s internationally successful individuals, those who’ve made a lot of money, champions of sorts in various disciplines, or people who have been effective in life’s everyday matters like making relationships work, etc., it does indeed all come down to one thing: success.

So here are my ten things that make successful people 

 1. In touch with the ‘ether’

Every nook and cranny of thought, idea, invention, innovation, and solution can be found in the ether. The ether is the infinite sea of potential, possibility, and knowledge, containing everything that’s ever been and will be. Successful people are more in touch and somehow have greater access to the ubiquitous etheric thought vibrations than others, which allows them to have breakthroughs.

Take the case of Alexander Graham Bell. He described his new telephone invention as something that had been done before. In other words, he considered it a reinvention or rediscovery due to his ability to channel the ether.

In similar ways, the same goes for musicians. Many of these people who have composed successful music have originated that the music just ‘came to them’ as it were from another source.

2. Never give up

Thoughts, deeds, and actions manifest reality. Having an unshakable commitment means applying this principle of never giving up. Achievers just keep going to reach their goals.

It’s okay to be a ‘loser.’ Some of the biggest “losers” had to be in this rock bottom circumstance to learn in hindsight and then achieve success.

Maintaining the ‘never give up’ attitude reinforces the ability to achieve further. 

3. Commitment

Successful people may, at least at times, make ‘unreasonable demands’ on themselves, whatever it takes. One of the biggest questions people need to ask themselves is, ‘Just how committed am I to my projects or targets for achievement?’ It’s also very useful to periodically return to this question to check on how things are going.

4. Creativity

Sure, inventive, innovative, imaginative, and thinking outside the box are major hallmarks of successful creative people. One aspect of creativity overlooked or underestimated can be the fact that being creative can involve living life at the heart of risk. In other words, being creative can include having the courage and conviction to go in a chosen direction. 

5. Integrity

As I have said in previous articles, truth, honesty, and integrity are the mortar that holds together life’s workability. Some who don’t see this may be successful in the short-term but eventually will have to suffer the consequences in the long term if they have been out of integrity. It’s consistent with the saying, ‘what goes round comes round.’ 

6. Coachable

Successful people are reachable, teachable, and coachable. Those who are unreachable, unteachable, and un-coachable rarely progress; they continue living out the same old patterns, failures, and downfalls. They expect to achieve things by only making it alone. Hence the term ‘I did it my way…’

Listening is the key to achievement. If you want to become successful, pay attention to how you listen. 

7. Drivers

Successful people are ‘drivers’, not ‘driven.’ That is, they see themselves as a driver in life wanting to take control rather than be a passenger merely driven by the wheel of chance or circumstance.

So which one are you? Are you a driver or a passenger in life?

8. Non-victimhood consciousness

I’ll return to what I said earlier: ‘ Attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, deeds, and actions manifest reality. ‘ This, in essence, reflects where you are consciously at. If you’re at the level of victimhood consciousness, then you may well find yourself in a life full of tail-chasing, disappointing episodes, failures, or breakdowns.

The answer is indeed to change your attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, deeds, and actions to those of the non-victimhood consciousness individual by not dwelling on the negative. These things deal with the root cause of victimhood. 

9. Excellent communication

Whatever you want to achieve, it’s almost certain to involve communication. Three things: a) your target for achievement, b) the conditions by which it brings fulfillment, and c) the area of communication are the components that make up success.

So, it’s essential to have excellent communication along the way.

10. Think outside of the box

Yes, to be inspired, innovative, and go beyond the cutting edge requires coming up with something that no textbook has told you. It means thinking outside the box. It may also mean not following the group’s opinion or their well-worn behavioral patterns.

In light of this, you might want to check out these 7 Things They Never Told Me At School—But Could Have.

That concludes my all-too-brief guide on what it takes to be successful. I hope that it has inspired and fired you up!

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About the Author:

My blogs, along with the related alternative news website, are about my belief that we can create a world that makes a difference for everyone.

I had graduated in biomedical sciences and worked for a number of years in healthcare. I am now a retiree. My website is slanted on health matters.

However, over the years, I have come to the firm conclusion that practically every subject under the sun needs redefining using more truthful, honest, and integral approaches in theory and practice, hence the website’s name ‘New Paradigm’

From these new approaches, from the ‘imagination of ourselves,’ from our visions… a ‘new era’ in humanity can result!

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