Are You Trapped in Victimhood? Uncover the Signs

October 12th, 2024

By Paul A. Philips

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Victim consciousness: Are you finding yourself in any of the following situations?

– Not getting recognition for something.

– Getting no response at all in seeking to develop a relationship.

– Where you conclude that you are not loved or not loved enough.

– Where you don’t consider yourself to be of any real worth.

– Or not deserving.

– Been wrongly accused of something.

– Been the victim of an unprovoked attack (verbal or physical).

– Going through patterns in life, ones that repeat themselves where you end up in pain or trauma.

– Going through patterns where nothing ever seems to go your way.

– Unable to express yourself. Finding yourself in an emotional block, or maybe even going as far as leaving you to conclude that ‘nobody understands me…’

This is not an exhaustive list, but if you have really found yourself in any of the above situations, then it may be because, deep down, you are operating on the level of victim consciousness.

In life, things manifest as a consequence of where you are consciously at. Thus, the external circumstances surrounding you are mere mirror reflections of what’s happening inside you. Indeed, it will be no surprise to find yourself in any of the above situations if your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and attitudes find you consciously at the level of ‘victim.’

What are the hallmarks of a victim?

Here are some hallmarks. Can you see yourself in any of these? Be honest with yourself.

  • Sweeping generalizations – Something happens in a victim’s life. Instead of it being seen for what it is, the whole thing is blown way out of proportion: “Because the tambourine is slightly out of time, the whole orchestra of my life is not working…”
  • Payoff V’s Cost—Victims like to maintain the status quo. Any useful, practical advice given to them may be ignored or invalidated. This refusal to change, not taking advice, and ‘winning of the argument’ to make themselves always right is their payoff, but the cost is far greater for them: they stay a victim.
  • Living a life based on having what you don’t have rather than having what you have. – Many victims have a whole history related to ‘what life should have given them’ instead of expressing gratitude and counting their blessings.
  • Dwelling heavily on ‘it shouldn’t be like this…’ instead of focusing on solutions.
  • Never good enough. This is a surefire way of setting oneself up and finding victimhood circumstances.
  • Wanting to be rescued – Victims like to shrug off responsibility by doing nothing constructive to solve their problems, choosing to wait for someone else to come along and take care of them. For instance, a woman in hard times could be waiting for a rich, dashing handsome man to come along, sweep her off her feet, and solve her financial problems.
  • Not able to think, feel, and be themselves – Consciously, unconsciously, or subconsciously, victims have given away their creative power and freedom to someone or something external to them. This is quite a deception because many victims have no idea that this has happened to them.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines victim as ‘One who is reduced or destined to suffer under some oppressive or destructive agency.’

Most humans on planet Earth are on the level of victim consciousness. Unable to think, feel and be, or even realize who they truly are, they have given their creative powers and freedom away to a destructive/oppressive agency hell-bent on deceiving and manipulating the population into a global prison.

I am indeed talking about the elite ‘dark cabal’ and their globalist agencies that I have written about extensively in previous articles and how you need to protect yourself.

Thus, overall, the total human population as a group is at the level of victim consciousness. Before getting into the solutions, let’s look at how things manifest due to this ‘planetary victim consciousness.’

  • With a world population of around 8 billion, the global poverty and related circumstances are appalling. Take a look at these figures. How could you help?
  • Following on from the above gross imbalance allowed by a human race mainly out of greed, ignorance, apathy, or uncaring, there is a massive imbalance in the distribution of wealth between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the world.
  • Over 2 million children die of hunger per year.
  • Many people, particularly those collectively making up the Western world, are significantly in debt. In effect, these people have become nations of debt or wage slaves, where many live under the illusion they are free.
  • Generally, the human race has been strung along with endless streams of tail-chasing situations.

…The list goes on…

The elite dark cabal has seeded the human race with mind control programmes. They control our thoughts through politics, religion, media, education… and fear… to stop us realizing who we really are. Consequently, we have given away our responsibilities, creative powers and freedom and thus, through our own making, manifested a world that holds us in chains.

Finding answers to the problems of victim consciousness

The first thing to realize is that defeating victim consciousness comes from focusing attention on your inner being. Look at what mechanisms go on inside (thoughts, feelings, emotions, and attitude…) to make life show up for you as a victim. Then, make the necessary changes. For results, achieving the opposite of the above ‘hallmarks of a victim’ or handling them in an empowering way is a guide.

Responsibility, self-observation and a vigilant awareness is the key. Now is the time to take control of our lives by making the necessary empowering changes that take us from victim to victor!

This article was first published on

Free Download eBook: Handbook for the New Paradigm.

The messages in this handbook are intended to free mankind from victim consciousness, which keeps the level of experience ensnared in fear and frustration.

 Humanity was intended to live not in luxury but in abundance.

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About the Author:

My blogs, along with the related alternative news website, are about my belief that we can create a world that makes a difference for everyone.

I had graduated in biomedical sciences and worked for a number of years in healthcare. I am now a retiree. My website is slanted on health matters.

However, over the years, I have come to the firm conclusion that practically every subject under the sun needs redefining using more truthful, honest, and integral approaches in theory and practice, hence the website’s name ‘New Paradigm’

From these new approaches, from the ‘imagination of ourselves,’ from our visions… a ‘new era’ in humanity can result!

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