Category - Bernhard Guenther

Bernhard Guenther has had a lifelong interest in exploring the mysteries and hidden knowledge surrounding our planet and humanity’s origins, questioning the roots of what constitutes “reality”, and how social (and spiritual) conditioning impacts upon our collective search for the truth in all aspects of life. His blog is a wide-ranging collection of essays, films and interviews, from spirituality, shamanism, psychology, self-work, esotericism, history, to the paranormal and hyperdimensional realities. Bernhard lives in Topanga Canyon, California, working with individuals from all walks of life, helping them in their path of healing and wellness via Integrative Bodywork and Holistic Coaching. His clients enjoy his intuitive and compassionate approach in person or over Skype. You can connect with Bernhard via: (Piercing the Veil of Reality) … (Integrative Bodywork and Holistic Coaching) … and (Facebook).

Intuition and The Wisdom of The Body

By Bernhard Guenther Contributing writer for Wake Up World How do we learn to trust ourselves? How do we learn to connect with our intuition and inner knowing? How do we separate projections or...

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The Dark Side Of The Internet

By Bernhard Guenther Contributing writer for Wake Up World Carl Gustav Jung suggested that everything we feel about (or see in) another person is comprised of about 75% of our own...

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