31th January 2014 By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World A new study published in the January issue of International Journal of Toxicology titled, “Glyphosate Commercial...
Category - Monsanto
Victory! GMO Banned on Hawai’i Island
6th December 2013 By Jack Adam Weber L.Ac., Dipl. C.H. Contributing Writer for Wake Up World It’s time to celebrate! Not often do we score a legal win against biotech, but today we...
Scientists Say New Genetically Modified Wheat Silences DNA Sequences in the Human Body, Can Cause Fatalities in Children
2nd December 2013 By Natasha Longo Wake Up World Australian researchers have revealed serious issues over a new kind of genetically engineered wheat that could induce major health threats for people...
How Roundup Weedkiller Can Promote Cancer, New Study Reveals
15th November 2013 By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Roundup herbicide (glyphosate) is in our air, rain, groundwater, soil and most food in the U.S., and an increasing...
Stop Monsanto in Hawaii
24th October 2013 By Jack Adam Weber L.Ac., Dipl. C.H. Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Dear WuW Community, Over the last years I have written dozens of articles on WuW...
13 Lies About GMOs and GMO Labeling
By Zack Kaldveer Guest Writer for Wake Up World It’s déjà vu all over again. Last year a coalition of out-of-state, multinational biotech, pesticide and junk food corporations...
Indian Supreme Court Panel Recommends Halt To All GM Field Trials
21st August 2013 By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World In a landmark recommendation, an Indian Supreme Court-appointed committee has called for a halt on all further genetically...
Is It Time To Acknowledge Roundup Herbicide As A Contraceptive?
By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World How much longer will we deny the growing body of research linking Roundup to infertility before calling this chemical a contraceptive...
EPA to American People: ‘Let Them Eat Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Cake’
By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World The EPA, whose mission is to “to protect human health and the environment,” has approved Monsanto’s request...
New Investigation Alleges US Military, Monsanto Targeting GMO Activists and Independent Scientists
29th July 2013 By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World A highly concerning new investigative report from the largest daily newspaper in Germany alleges that Monsanto, the US...
Think the Anti-GMO Movement is Unscientific? Think Again!
3rd July 2013 By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World “Anyone that says, ‘Oh, we know that this is perfectly safe,’ I say is either unbelievably stupid...
Extreme Toxicity of Roundup Debunks GMO / Non-GMO “Substantial Equivalence” Argument
By Sayer Ji Contributing Writer for Wake Up World If Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide were actually ‘safer than table salt’ as they once advertised, the consumption of GM food...