22nd June 2012 By Katherine Paul – Organic Consumers Association Diana Reeves was furious when her state legislators caved into threats by Monsanto to sue the state of Connecticut...
Category - Monsanto
Monsanto Blocking Research on GMO Safety
19th June 2012 By Jeremy Bloom – Editor of RedGreenAndBlue Monsanto has been systematically blocking researchers from using its patented gene modified (GMO) seeds to learn if there are...
Five Million Brazilian Farmers Take on Monsanto and Win $2 Billion
15th June 2012 By Subodh Varma – timesofindia.indiatimes.com Five million Brazilian farmers have taken on US based biotech company Monsanto through a...
GMO Propaganda: The Fight is On
12th June 2012 By Jack Adam Weber Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Today I read the first of the new onslaught of blatant pro-GMO propaganda (i.e., lies) intended to sway a growing...
Monsanto Blocked – Mexican Farmers Halt Law to Privatize Plants and Seeds
5th June 2012 By Occupy Monsanto Progressive small farmer organizations in Mexico scored a victory over transnational corporations that seek to monopolize seed and food patents. When the...
G8 Gives Monsanto Power to End Hunger in Africa
31th May 2012 By Alexis Baden-Mayer, Political Director Organic Consumers Association At the Group of 8 (G8) meetings this past weekend, President Obama and the leaders of the rest of the...
Organic Farmers vs. Monsanto: Appeal Filed!
28th May 2012 By Jack Adam Weber Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Dear Organic Lovers, On March 23, 2012 the collective of farmers, seed growers and farm groups (OSGATA) supporting...
Blatant Corruption Uncovered as EU Blocks France’s Ban on Monsanto’s GMO Maize
28th May 2012 By Anthony Gucciardi Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Just after France legislators and officials moved to ban Monsanto’s genetically modified strain of GMO...
GMO Alert: Startling New Research
18th May 2012 By Jack Adam Weber Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Time for a little GMO update and heckling of our nemesis, Monsanto and friends. New research demonstrates what most...
Study on Monsanto Corn Suggests GMO Trees could Devastate Forest Ecosystems
11th May 2012 By foodfreedomgroup.com “Some trees are being genetically engineered to contain the Bt toxin,” notes Anne Peterman of Stop GE Trees. “This...
Letter Shows Monsanto Planted GMOs Before USDA Approval
4th May 2012 By Anthony Gucciardi Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Did Monsanto actually plant genetically modified alfalfa before it was deregulated by the USDA? There is some...
Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee Research Firm
20th April 2012 By Anthony Gucciardi Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Monsanto, the massive biotechnology company being blamed for contributing to the dwindling bee population, has...