Former CIA Officer Blows the Whistle on Government Criminality


September 29th, 2016

By Dane Wigington

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Do we have a country with a government? Or do we have a government with a country? The latter is the case, as our government has clearly long since become nothing more than an unimaginably massive criminal cabal — a tool of enforcement for those who print the money, the central bankers. The CIA is one of the mechanisms of enforcement used by the tyrants behind the curtain who are actually in control.

As a decorated former-CIA officer and author of the book From The Company Of ShadowsKevin Shipp has shown incredible courage and honor by speaking out against the epidemic of secret tyranny within the halls of government. Those people within agencies like the CIA who dare to tell the truth face the decimation of their careers and their lives. In the 10 minute video interview below, Kevin tells the story of what he endured for simply attempting to do his job honorably.

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Kevin Shipp

A former anti-terrorism expert, Kevin Shipp held several high-level positions in the CIA. He was assigned as a protective agent for both the Director of Central Intelligence and the president of Afghanistan, a counterintelligence investigator, a Counter Terrorism Center officer, an internal security investigator, a supervisor of high risk protective operations, and a polygraph examiner, and supervised the Department of State Anti Terrorism Assistance program. Kevin is also the recipient of two CIA Meritorious Unit Citations, three Exceptional Performance Awards and a Medallion for his role in overseas operations.

From a recent article for Geoengineering Watch:


Kevin Shipp: “Why don’t more “whistleblowers” come out to expose illegal or unconstitutional secret government operations? … Over the last fifty years US government intelligence agencies have perfected a complex, sequential system to systematically silence or destroy any employee, including his or her family, who attempts to reveal illegal or unconstitutional activities conducted as part of secret government operations. … Government agencies began using [the CIA-employee “secrecy agreement”] as a powerful… tool to threaten, silence or jail any whistle blower who dared to challenge [the legality of] the secret operations of government.”

How can we support courageous whistleblowers like Kevin Shipp? By each and every one of us doing our part to help sound the alarm. By sharing credible data with family, friends and others.

Everything is at stake. Make your voice heard.


Former CIA Officer Blows The Whistle On Government Criminality

From the Company of Shadows


Kevin Shipp’s book “From The Company Of Shadows” is a fascinating revelation of the procedures the CIA uses in conducting covert operations, counterintelligence investigations and counter terrorism. In this exposé covering multiple facets of CIA intelligence and secrecy, former CIA officer Shipp gives detailed accounts of what is happening behind the curtain of government secrecy, including the executive branch’s abuse of the little known State Secrets Privilege, to “shut down whistleblower claims, [and] prevent other branches of government from conducting investigations…”

How did this book make it by the censors? Certain words were blacked out by the CIA after Shipp spent months going back and forth, line by line, word by word, negotiating with the CIA for the book’s release.

“From The Company Of Shadows” is available here.

About the author:

dane wigington

Dane Wigington has an extensive background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. He currently owns a 1,600-acre ‘wildlife preserve’ next to Lake Shasta in Northern California, and his personal off-grid residence was featured in a cover article on the renewable energy magazine, Home Power.

Dane initially focused his efforts and energy on the geoengineering issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to ever-increasing “solar obscuration” caused from the aircraft spraying in his area. He also noted significant decline in forest health and began testing and researching into geoengineering about a decade ago.

Today Dane is the lead researcher for, investigating all levels of geoengineering from stratospheric aerosol spraying (SAG) to HAARP. He assisted Michael Murphy with his acclaimed production of “What In The World Are They Spraying?” and has spoken extensively in a wide range of forums to explain the environmental dangers we face on a global level.

For more information, visit GeoengineeringWatch on Facebook and (where this article first appeared.)

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