By Cedar Rivers
Guest writer for Wake Up World
We are currently traversing the period from the Age of Pisces to the beginning of Aquarius, the end of the Hindu Kali Yuga, the completion of the Mayan fifth age, and the close of the Mesoamerican fifth world, and with these endings and beginnings the very fabric of reality is changing.
Seers, shamans, scholars and astrologers have written volumes about this pivotal time with its various cosmic configurations and planetary alignments over the three days of the summer/winter solstice of 20, 21, 22 December 2012. Vastly differing views of the possible ramifications range from apocalyptic scenarios to enlightenment of large sections of the global population.
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Beyond the much-publicised fear-engendering turbulence there is a glorious world of radiance and reconnection to the divine Infinite in progress. Whether we know it yet or not, we are all participating in this massive evolutionary shift.
Humanity has been living an illusion or false consensus reality for eons – a virtual dream or hologram held in place by energetic matrixes that can no longer be sustained and are currently breaking down. This dismantling is enabling individuals to see beyond the gross illusions that the majority have accepted as the true nature of reality for eons.
New Beginnings – 2012 and Beyond
The personal clearings and subsequent awakenings have been radically accelerating for the past few decades and particularly since the Harmonic Convergence in August 1987. No-one can truly know exactly what will happen in the time-frame around the December 2012 solstice, and throughout 2013 and beyond, because it is ‘we’ who are the creators and midwives giving birth to this new reality by our personal choices and the manner in which we prioritise our intentions. In the light of exponential spiritualisation, it is impossible to know just what we’ll bring into existence, both individually and collectively. The time is perfect now to do a detailed personal reassessment and visioning for all the dreams you have ever held for yourself, your loved ones, and for the planet.
As we become more aware of our growing spiritual enlightenment, we find it unconscionable to do harm to any living thing. The shift in consciousness and energy popularly known as ‘The Shift’ is an on-going process, and with the associated illumination comes massive evolutionary advancement. People actively exploring full consciousness, societal improvements, and an understanding of our place in the galaxy are gaining a real sense of the magnitude of transformation during this time frame. The Shift ushers in the turning point for genuine personal and planetary ascension. We can make the most of this remarkable time by understanding how we empower and manifest whatever we give our attention to.
It is crucial to be extremely mindful of the quality of our thoughts, emotions, intentions and actions. In the coming weeks and months we may find ourselves having many more epiphanies or aha! moments along with being presented with unprecedented opportunities for further awakening. Spontaneous pineal and heart openings, for example, may lead to phenomenal spiritual experiences that confirm the actual nature of our multidimensionality, connections with previously invisible spirit beings, and a true understanding of our connection to the Infinite and all that it means.
By welcoming exponential change and keeping our wits about us, we may rest in the knowledge that our intuition and allies will guide us to the best ways through the changes both within ourselves, and in those around us.
No-one is alone on this journey to exponential illumination. Light-workers are willing to support our awakening, aided by nature spirits, innumerable angels, ascended masters, and other spirit beings.
The Old Frontier: Opposites and Illusions
When the earth is dying there shall arise a new tribe of all colours and all creeds. This tribe shall be called ‘The Warriors of the Rainbow’ and it will put its faith in actions, not words. – Prophecy of the Native American Hopi people
In order to understand and embrace the New Frontier, let’s first briefly examine the nature of life on earth as we have known it for millennia. It may also be called the Old Frontier, or the Old Reality. We know these Old Frontiers very well as we have traversed them endlessly, repeating the same patterns and life experiences over and over again. In this context the ‘frontier’ is much more than a boundary or a veil, as once crossed it opens to infinite fields of experiences and possibilities.
The Old Frontier was an illusory world restricted within matrixes very often made of beliefs, agendas and rules imposed and controlled by others. It was largely characterised as an external world of opposites such as good and evil, fear and love, harmony and chaos, war and peace, heaven and hell, wealth and poverty, clarity and confusion, wellness and illness, and other distorted perceptions that enforced duality as the true nature of reality. This perception is now changing in the current climate. In the future the ‘demarcation line’ between the Old and the New may be acknowledged as having occurred around the December 2012 Solstice.
Socrates wrote, ‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ He had a good point. The gift of life is not all about life missions, job descriptions, and obedience to external authority as we have been led to believe. Self-discovery is a foremost reason for existence, along with learning to follow our passions and to live from the heart. Many may be experiencing a number of ‘dark night of the soul’ episodes requiring intently working through unresolved shadow issues to gain understanding and forgiveness.
This inner work is the greatest work we can do. As we garner insights and turn them into wisdom, we free ourselves from the shackles of a painful past if applicable, while those who have enjoyed a pain-free past may discover new ways of being creative and of service. The inner emotional work clears our energy fields of encumbrances. Once insights are brought to light and acknowledged, there is no desire for endlessly repeating already lived experiences. Grand new vistas await and we can consciously embark upon the next stage of evolution involving such pleasures as an ever-deepening connection to the natural world, greater intimacy in relationships, enhanced creative endeavours, access to the sacred mystical realms, and a conscious connection to the Infinite.
Symptoms of The Shift
Choices are being made at either a conscious or subconscious level to either remain in the cataclysmic world of opposites, or to evolve into the authentic and glorious realms of Oneness. This involves the shattering of long held beliefs. Some will have noticed appreciable changes in dynamics with family and friends, and in career and living arrangements. Ultimately, the movement away from any stagnant places and non-supportive relationships facilitates the expansion of personal growth and enlightenment.
Throughout the past decade a growing number of people seem to be experiencing symptoms of The Shift, frequently referred to as Ascension Symptoms that may be either gradual or spontaneous, and debilitating or exhilarating. Eventually, challenging symptoms are replaced by the euphoria of an authentic sense of belonging, an increase in synchronicities, faster manifestation, miracles, deeper connection to nature, greater sense of beauty, heightened creative skills, new healing abilities, genuine self-love, total presence in the moment, meetings with remarkable beings, abundance when needed, enjoyment of the simple things, light hearted humour, and inner peace.
The New Frontier: Multidimensionality and Oneness
We may ask ourselves: How will my life function in the presence of timelessness? As time subsides linear time becomes obsolete. This is what is meant by the end of time. Think about that. Previous timelines of past, present and future will all be simultaneous in the quantum fields of the New Frontier. We learn to live with full awareness in the moment, much like a young child who involves all the senses to give total attention to the activity at hand.
We will discover the gracious art of creating through the heart with love and gratitude, and once awakened to this, there will be no desire to revert to old outmoded ways of living. We will have access to all information that ever was, is, and will be, as we move into the higher expressions of ourselves, and participate in becoming an entirely new species as we metamorphose from homo sapiens into homo luminous.
Homo Sapiens > Homo Luminous
habits > spontaneity
linear time > eternal time
busyness > presence in stillness
striving > allowing
limitation > mastery, unlimitedness
competition > co-operation
predictability > unpredictability
opposites > oneness
struggle and pain > joy and miracles
fear > fearlessness
external laws > motivated from within
separation > unity
density > light
egoic identity > true identity
health challenges > wholeness
time > timelessness
form > formlessness
the illusion > the real
Seers and Shamans Light The Way
Numerous seers, shamans, leaders and way-showers throughout the world may already be experiencing the awakened Cosmic Consciousness of Oneness. Some have become role models paving the way for our homecoming to the Infinite, inspiring participants to seek the truth, and in anchoring the intense new energies. Many are working assiduously at this golden time of cosmic change to ensure that another long cycle of the duality of opposites never has to be repeated.
In recent years, health issues, scandals, misrepresentation and corruption have thwarted many of these great leaders of integrity and vision from delivering their teachings. On occasion, dark, jealous and corrupt forces have worked to tarnish their credibility and to dilute their messages. Fortunately, in the current energies now facilitating total transparency – people, politics and corporations are being seen for what they are in their true light – or darkness.
Ethical spiritual leaders appear filled with light as their auras expand with vibrancy, and their skin glows with luminosity. Merely coming in contact with them may elevate receptive students to total healing on all levels and to new mystical experiences. It is becoming more common for seers and shamans to dematerialise and shape-shift into other dimensions, bi-locate and spontaneously levitate before their students. Some can access hidden records of the earth to help navigate humanity along the profusion of pathways and bridges to the New Frontier.
Awakening the Slumbering Genius
The road to awakening lies within. Enticements to look outside for the Holy Grail have been instrumental in maintaining the illusion, when all along it has been slumbering within, silently awaiting our discovery.
As we progress through The Shift we experience the full capabilities of the body and mind. When the glands, chakras, pranic tube, brain and high heart in particular become activated beyond their current minimal capacity, perception changes and we live from the fullness of our merged aspects and new mastery. The hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, pineal, and the reproductive glands are the major glands forming the human endocrine system and none of these have been functioning to their maximum capacity. When fully operative these glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream that are responsible for the regeneration and transfiguration of the body. By turning within and meditating, and by observing in silence of mind we finally become familiar with the vast being that we truly are, and have been all throughout eternity, as human expressions of the Infinite.
A Glimpse of What May Lie Beyond
Matter is lit from within. Matter is energy and light.
Entirely new modes of living naturally occur in Oneness
Timelessness. Past, present and future being simultaneous.
A life of synchronicity and miracles.
Observer consciousness. Awareness of the very big picture.
Love takes on new meanings.
All needs met for every individual on earth.
Sacred interaction with the environment.
Absent loved ones greeted in the present.
Immense gratitude for learning, love and enchantment.
Changes in bodily needs and functions.
Enhanced abilities.
Wellness, youthfulness, and immortality.
New means of communication.
Access to the archives of the earth and cosmos.
Zest for living, discovery and creation.
Life becomes a work of art and excellence.
Co-creation with spirit orbs, ascended masters, angels, nature spirits and star people.
Exploring celestial holy cities and environments.
Free energy and high technology devices.
Developing a deeper relationship with the Infinite.
Seeing the Infinite in all things.
The mystical gifts that have been there all along, yet hidden become sublimely apparent as we venture to explore what lies within and beyond the New Frontier. It is evident that we only know a minute fraction of what ‘is’, and now, during this Spiritual Renaissance, humanity has the opportunity to make known the unknown, in order to further access the unknowable. Along with dealing with various debilitating ascension symptoms, our immediate challenges are in developing our under-utilised capabilities, and in having the courage to welcome monumental positive change into our lives.
As we open to the new and modify our beliefs and behaviours we come to understand that we are made of many multidimensional aspects. By slowing down and allowing sufficient time to befriend and absorb these aspects we are able to integrate our new discoveries and abilities with ease and without resistance. As we cross the borders into the New Frontier we are welcomed to fields upon fields of glorious experiences silently awaiting our discovery and delight.
About the Author
Cedar Rivers is the author and photographer of the newly released print book and full colour eBook – The New Frontier: multidimensionality
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