Detoxing with Zeolites

Clinoptilolite Zeolite Crystal - Health Detox7th March 2014

By  Dr. Edward F. Group

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

One way to benefit your body in several ways is to detox with Zeolites. Zeolites are naturally occurring minerals, typically found in rocks and clay. Cultures around the world have consumed clay for health purposes prior to the rise of industrialized civilization, and many animal species consume Earth minerals as well.

Zeolites have a number of industrial, agricultural, and medical uses. Most commonly, they are used in advanced material preparation, water purification, radioactive waste management, and in the agricultural and medical sectors. Of particular interest is how Zeolites can help to make our bodies healthier.

Health Benefits of Zeolites

Large amounts of research have been done on all the benefits of detoxing with Zeolite and studies show that they appear to balance pH within the body, reduce allergies, act as antioxidants, and aid liver function.[1]  Zeolites also appear to help with digestion and, most importantly, they also help remove toxic metals from the body.

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One natural Zeolite, Clinoptilolite, was discovered to assist in removing metal toxins through urination without depleting the body’s store of essential electrolytes.[2]  These studies are extremely encouraging because they suggest Zeolites can help with alleviating toxic metals that accumulate in the body.

The benefits of Zeolite have been known in the medical community for many years. They have been used for blood purification, and  Zeolites supplements have been used to detox the body of lead and also known to fight diarrhea and harmful organisms.[3][4]

How Do Zeolites Work?

The molecules in Zeolites contain a powerful magnetic energy, which can be used to attract and hold several types of toxins. The idea is that Zeolites pull the metals out of afflicted tissues and into themselves. This ability may be especially important for removing lead, aluminum cadmium, arsenic and mercury. These metals are then passed out of the body through urination and defecation.

You can learn more about detoxing with Zeolites  here.

– Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


  1. Dogliotti G, Malavazos AE, Giacometti S, Solimene U, Fanelli M, Corsi MM, Dozio E. Natural zeolites chabazite/phillipsite/analcime increase blood levels of antioxidant enzymes. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2012 May;50(3):195-8. doi: 10.3164/jcbn.11-63. Epub 2011 Nov 29.
  2. James L Flowers, Stewart A Lonky, Erik J Deitsch. Clinical evidence supporting the use of an activated clinoptilolite suspension as an agent to increase urinary excretion of toxic heavy metals. Dovepress Journal. 2009 November. Volume 2009:1 Pages 11 – 18 DOI:
  3. Beltcheva M, Metcheva R, Popov N, Teodorova SE, Heredia-Rojas JA, Rodrà­guez-de la Fuente AO, Rodrà­guez-Flores LE, Topashka-Ancheva M. Modified natural clinoptilolite detoxifies small mammal’s organism loaded with lead I. Lead disposition and kinetic model for lead bioaccumulation. Biol Trace Elem Res. 2012 Jun;147(1-3):180-8. doi: 10.1007/s12011-011-9278-4. Epub 2011 Dec 7.
  4. G. Rodrigues-Fuentes, M.A. Barrios, A. Iraizoz, I. Perdomo, B. Cedre. Enterex: anti-diarrheic drug based on purified natural clinoptilolite (PDF). Elsevier Science Inc. 1997.

Previous articles by Dr. Group:

About the author:

dr-edward-group-iiiDr. Edward F. Group  founded  Global Healing Center  in 1998 and is currently the Chief Executive Officer. Heading up the research and development team, Dr. Group assumes a hands-on approach in producing new and advanced degenerative disease products and information.

Dr. Group has studied natural healing methods for over 20 years and now teaches individuals and practitioners all around the world. He no longer sees patients but solely concentrates on spreading the word of health and wellness to the global community. Under his leadership, Global Healing Center, Inc. has earned recognition as one of the largest alternative, natural and organic health resources on the internet.

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