The Secrets of Food Marketing and How You’re Being Fooled By Advertising

The Secrets of Food Marketing and How You're Being Fooled By Advertising

By April McCarthy

Guest Writer for  Wake Up World

There are large divisions within every population in the world where people have absolutely no idea where their food comes from. They believe cows, pigs and chickens run around in green pastures  without any comprehension of what they’re fed, how they’re treated and most of all, completely unaware of the confined quarters they live in for the majority of their lives. This is the reality of factory farming. The speaker in this video is portraying herself as a so-called expert revealing food marketing’s secret weapon and how they fool the public through deceptive strategies to encourage the false belief that meat comes from humanely treated animals. The audience’s expression says it all.

The speaker in this video is actually an actress named Kate Miles, but the facts about produce and its marketing are 100% real. The audience is also real, and thus the looks of disgust are totally real too.

There are things we can all do as individuals to end factory farming, but there are some things that we can only do together: Exposing the suffering, changing the minds of food businesses, of politicians, and of the public.

There is no doubt that consumer awareness and concern about the lives led by animals raised for food is on the rise. Ethical concerns are playing an increasingly important role in purchasing decisions. Labeling makes a difference but they are both educating and confusing consumers. For example, egg producers — perhaps more than any other — have responded to this trend by adding an abundance of confusing claims on egg cartons.

Most ingredients commonly used in factory farms include genetically modified grains, plastic pellets, animal byproducts, dangerous chemicals including drugs, antibiotics and vaccines in misguided attempts to fight disease and control parasites.

Antibiotics and other additives are added to animal feed or drinking water of cattle, hogs, poultry and other food-producing animals to make them gain weight faster or use less food to gain weight.

It’s time to create awareness at all levels. Inform your families, relatives, colleagues, friends about the tactics these industries use to manipulate public opinion and conceal what is really going on behind close doors.

Most of all, speak your mind with your wallet. Avoid toxic factory farmed meat. As a consumer, select organic, grass-feed varieties whenever and wherever possible. Action first begins with you and your choices.

No amount of marketing makes factory farming acceptable. You can stop the spin.



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Previous articles by April:

About the author:  

April McCarthy  is a community journalist playing an active role reporting and analyzing world events to advance our health and eco-friendly initiatives.

This article was reposted with the express permission of the good folks at


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