Trusting the Divine Through Uncertain Times

Trusting the Divine in Uncertain Times

By Trinity Bourne

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

How much do you really trust?

Do you trust that if you do exactly what your soul is guiding you to do, you’ll be in exactly the right place at the right time and get exactly what you need to be who you truly are? Do you trust enough to do what you are ‘meant’ to do?

The world is in pretty uncertain times. If we look throughout history, we’ve undergone huge transition periods through different eras.  Unthinkable things have caught unsuspecting people off guard, heart-wrenching their lives. Throughout the ages, royalty has been overthrown, good men, women and children have been enslaved, currency rendered useless, war, disease and famine have wreaked havoc. This list is endless.

What makes us so different now?

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Opening our eyes

Personally, I don’t think that any of us are immune to this type of thing! The world at large has had the wool pulled over its eyes for so long, that the majority don’t even see what is really going on. Most have long since forgotten what it really means to follow the path of the  soul  and see through the eyes of authenticity.

I feel Heaven in my heart. It is indescribably divine, providing the deepest inspiration during my journey through life. I see it reflected externally too, but in no way do I reside in a utopic ‘La la Land’ where I negate what is going on in the world. I see the beauty in things, yet I sincerely acknowledge that there is pain and suffering in this world too. I see the path to liberation for all sentient beings. True freedom IS when we follow the  path of the soul  in every moment.

I can’t help but notice these days how most people are still carrying on as if nothing much is happening to the foundations upon which society stands. It’s like we’ve built our house on sand and expect that when the floods come and the hurricane blows, that it will still be standing there. Look again!

Where did I go wrong?

Imagine this scenario…

Mr Pleasant has worked hard his whole life to ensure security for himself and family. They own a nice detached urban house, with a little garden and have even paid of the mortgage. The only problem is that his entire dream is built upon the foundation of an unsustainable society, (like millions of others).

One day, inevitably, owing to the exploitation in order to create this lifestyle, society collapses. Food imports stop. Conventional trade stops altogether. Mr pleasant is completely dependent on the supermarket a few miles down the road for food, but can’t afford the fuel to get there. He decides to walk only to find that the food stocks have ran out and the doors are locked. He hears that there is no way to produce, package or transport more of the food, so it doesn’t look like there will be any more soon.

People begin to loot stores, taking whatever they can, not quite yet getting that it is all worthless. There is general fighting over what little food that can be found.

Back at home, although his garden looks very pretty, there is nothing edible in it, nor is there much space to do much even if he wanted to. His house is worthless and he is stuck in an area with thousands of other people, where they can’t get food or fuel.

Mr Pleasant now begins to wonder where he went wrong. What happened to his secure life, all the insurance policies and the safety net of the matrix? He’s devoted all his life to making sure he is financially secure, warm and fed. Now they are starving, cold and the house is worthless. Nothing of the world they created means anything any more.

He’s one of the lucky ones though and decides to abandon his home to seek refuge with his brother in the country, where they are already growing food and using local sustainable goods. He and his family now don’t own a thing, they can only take what they can carry by hand.

This might seem like a far fetched sketch, but it is something that is actually looming in the air in the industrialised world. Similar circumstances are happening to many people in different countries through war or corporate greed, as families are torn and displaced right now.

Sheltered from the harsh reality

Western countries have been sheltered from the harsh reality of what really goes on in the world, building a dream of modern comfortable, secure lives. But let’s think again. The fabric of modern society is already crumbling – things are about to get very hot. Don’t settle for deception any more. Most people don’t really want to know as they hold on to what ever ‘security’ they perceive. For most people, it will only really become clear once they are thick in the midst of it – at which time it will sadly be too late to do anything other than scrabble in the chaos, save for a few lucky ones.

This is very real.

Trust IS your insurance policy

I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that we each have our own. Fear will only take us down a blind alley. Are your choices based on fear or are they based on heart felt guidance of the soul?

What is your soul guiding you to do RIGHT NOW? What your soul is saying is the ONLY thing that resembles security that we have! Listen to it with all your heart.  ‘Listen, and follow the guidance’.

And I’ll see you there!

With Love,

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About the author:

Trinity Bourne - bio

Trinity is an experienced, empathic energy worker and the author of ‘Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen’ and ‘Angelicious’, recipe books designed to inspire the soul through conscious vegan, wheat-free and gluten-free cuisine.

25 years ago Trinity had a profound spiritual awakening that interconnected her with the deeper consciousness of life. What followed was a journey of compassion for all sentient beings, and a passion to share conscious eating for the benefit of all. Understanding that the energy of our food directly impacts sentient life on all levels, Trinity founded Trinity’s Conscious Kitchen, a website devoted to inspiring the soul through conscious, plant-based cuisine. She is also the co-founder of Openhand, an organisation dedicated to the conscious evolution of humankind.

For more, visit and follow Trinity’s Kitchen on Pinterest and Facebook!

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