Our Purpose is to Heal

Your Purpose is to Heal

By  Jennifer Deisher

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

There’s much going on right now. It’s easy to get caught up in the drama of it all. It’s easy to raise your hands to the Heavens and cry “Why?!?” or “Where are you, God?!?”  Even if you’re awake and aware of the true nature of our being, these can be  very stressful times. Even if you are one of the very fortunate people who understand that there is a Divine plan well under way, it is still a difficult time for humanity. We are all working very, very hard right now. It doesn’t matter if you are working on being awake or working on staying asleep (Yes, I see you “ego”), we’re all still just trying to work our way through the labyrinth of it all.

There are a great deal of atrocious acts being committed around the world right now, but the darkness always shows us where we need to find our Humanity, our Balance. Some of us are busy blaming other people for the tragedies that have happened of late. Some of us know that there are things that must  happen for people to awaken and realign their souls to one another, the Earth (Gaia), God, and/or Spirit (depending on your unique expression). Some of us are questioning our faith. Some of us are certain we are on the “right” path to a new social paradigm, despite (or because of) the chaos in our world. Some of us are thinking “an eye for an eye” by advocating committing  more atrocious acts to make up for the atrocious acts that have already been committed.

In all this confusion, it’s easy to forget why we’re here. Our purpose…

We Are One

What one thinks, we all think. We are each just one delicate piece of an  intricate whole. What we do to another is what we do to ourselves. Our purpose  –  right here and now  –  is to heal. We are here to remember why we are here with each other and Mother Earth right now, at this divine time and place in our human history. We are here to heal ourselves and our Mother of our emotional and environmental scars, so that we can can evolve  and flourish  into a new paradigm. It doesn’t matter where you work, where you live, or how much money you make… It doesn’t matter what you believe or what “religion” you subscribe to… For there is only ONE true faith,  and that is unconditional Love.  In the end, we all want to live in peace and comfort, and we all want to love and be loved.  It is the common thread that binds  everything in the Universe.

We embrace our purpose of healing by healing ourselves first and foremost, and the way we heal is with Love. We heal one another by learning to trust and forgive with our hearts wide open. Through Love, we learn  beyond measure that we are beautiful  and valued. Through Love, we learn that  everyone else we meet is also beautiful and valued. Through giving and accepting love, we heal ourselves. And  through healing ourselves, we can increase the positive energy of Gaia’s morphological field.

But things become so “complicated” sometimes, although  Spirit is actually quite simple. and in those times it does us all well to become, once again, grounded with Mother Earth. She whispers her answers in the wind. And she whispered to me today…

Healing the Trauma

There’s drama to get caught up in if we allow it. If you’re here, reading this, it’s most likely because you already feel the Shift in progress. It can make us anxious for others to feel it, understand it and embrace it as well. But, we don’t want this Shift to come about by way of trauma or tragedy. We see humanity walking an inevitable path toward enlightenment. We  want peace, not war. I want happiness, not chaos. I want Love, not hate or fear.

For many of us, and I’m no exception, this sense of global chaos manifests as a deep-seeded trauma.  And they are  traumas!  They cause many of us to feel fragmented and at times fearful. Even if we say we aren’t going to let it enter our emotional field, it still gets in. Particularly those of us who are empaths.

Personally, I was led to the ancient Hawaiian healing technique of  ho’oponopono, and I knew that this was the simplest, most loving and spiritually conscious way that I  could begin to heal from these latest traumas. . It recognizes that, as the human race, we are collectively responsible for the situation we find ourselves in and speaks of Accountability, no matter how indirectly.   There are many other healing techniques that may also resonate for you. You may also like to read my previous article “Healing the Trauma Drama“.

If trauma  is in your “field” at all, it is there for you to heal it. If it is in your emotional field then you are being divinely called upon to heal it. If it is in your mainstream news field, heal it. If you are in Syria, Russia, Gaza, Israel, the United States, or are caught up  in their ‘war’ energy  – heal it. If it is around you, within your energy field, it is there for you to heal.  That is our purpose in this reality; to restore our energetic being to pristine consciousness, free of the energetic traumas that continue to feed the duality of our existence.

Humanity is  rapidly  evolving right now, in many ways but it’s not always possible to embrace it on a spiritual, genetic, social, and emotional level. We can’t always see it but we can feel it. We need to have emotional intelligence right now, and that can only be found within.  We are the ones we have been waiting for. We are a shining example of a Love that is so Divine it is beyond measure across the multiverse and *NOW* is when we are being called upon to apply it, to put our training and words into action – walk the walk, so to speak. Now is the time when we must  come together – as one  Humanity – and heal. We can send out vibrations of Love and rift the fragments of time into something beautiful and divine. We have that power. The power of unconditional Love. It’s the one  thing that every single one of us has in common.

Everything you see and feel is a by-product of what we, humanity, together, have created. And if we consciously choose to, together, we  can heal. If we do not, we continue to repeat the  energetic  cycles and will ever know what else is “out there”.

Together we can create Heaven on Earth, at one with Gaia and each other. It is our birthright. It is our beautiful future. It belongs to us. It starts with us.  And it is simple…

I am divine. I am life. I am Love.

I am one with God, Gaia and Humanity.

I am healing me, healing you, healing me.

I am loving me, loving you, loving me.

Previous articles by Jennifer:

About  the author:

Jennifer DeisherJennifer Deisher is an empath, intuitive, emotional healer, spiritual transformation artist, and  the writer of the  Moon Hippie Mystic blog. Aaron Deisher is a psychic medium, shaman and intuitive  specializing  in behavioral and paranormal aspects of spirituality. Together they  founded  Blueprints For Butterflies  as a safe, loving space to support  people  who are awakening and making a spiritual connection with  their Higher Self. Offering professional healing and reading services, they work to help others confront their ‘demons’,  realize their divine  spiritual, emotional and creative blueprint, and create a life that  resonates with each  individual’s unique  energy signature.

For more information or to book a session, please visit  BlueprintsForButterflies.com.

This article adapted for  Wake Up World  by  Andy Whiteley  and  Jennifer Deisher.


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