Preventative Detox: 6 Foods to Avoid for a Clean Healthy Body

detox Foods to Avoid for a Clean Body

By  Marie Be

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The body is designed to constantly gather up and remove toxins from its cells. But in our highly toxic world, unprecedented levels of  toxins are present in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink and cosmetics, body lotions and skin-care products we use every day – so detoxing has to happen as  a daily way of life instead of being just the occasional cleansing diet.

The first step in maintaining a clean body is to minimize exposure to chemical toxins. By decreasing the stress of chemical overload, the body naturally  returns to  a state of equilibrium, and  will detox naturally.

Importantly, some foods actually increase  the retention of toxic compounds within the body.  By simply reducing your exposure to these foods over the long  term, you will give your body the ability to rid itself of some of these toxins through its natural elimination processes.

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Foods to Avoid for a Clean Body


Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners. Excess sugar consumption has been linked to health issue from hypoglycemia and high blood pressure to acne, diabetes and depression.  Sugar also feeds candida, and food cravings – both symptoms of a high toxicity level in the body. Replace sugar with natural sweeteners such as stevia and  honey.


Avoid wheat and grains containing gluten. Gluten reduces nutrient absorption within the digestive track and enhances toxic buildup. Studies have found  wheat to disrupt the body’s endocrine system, and  has also been linked to diabetes and  obesity, and even  depression  and schizophrenia.

Gluten can be found in pastas, bread, crackers, cereals, and other products made from grains such as wheat, oats, rye, spelt, kamut, bulgur, couscous, and barley. Replace by gluten-free whole grains such as brown rice, wild rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth, and buckwheat.

Dairy Products

Products made from cow’s milk contribute to mucus formation and enhance toxin retention. While infants typically  have high concentrations of lactase, the chemical required for the intestinal  absorption of lactose, adults typically do not. Dairy products today  also contains hormones, pesticides and herbicides.

Dairy products include milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream. Replace dairy in your diet with seed or coconut milk, coconut yogurt or organic goats cheese.

Alcohol and Caffeine

Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages are toxic to the body,  including coffee, tea and sodas. Alcohol and caffeine, plus the sugars that generally accompany them, bind to toxins and ease their absorption deep into the body.

Fried Foods

Avoid fried foods, hydrogenated oils, margarines, etc. Hydrogenated fats’ melting point is around 42 °C while the body’s temperature is at 37.5 °C. This means that these fats can only be eliminated from the body by creating  fever, putting undue strain on the body. These undigested fats then block arteries and accumulate toxins in the body.

Replace your unhealthy fats with coconut oil and avocado oil. They can be cooked at high temperature without turning rancid and they contain great brain nutrients.

Processed Foods

Avoid processed, packaged and genetically modified foods. They often hide chemical ingredients, iodized salt, unhealthy fats and sugars – and in the case of GMOs, dangerous BT toxins. Eat  fresh organic foods and cook from  scratch, so you know what you’re eating.

Detoxing is a Way of Life

To avoid toxic build up,  supporting your body with a clean diet, free of foods that create toxicity, is a great way to start.

But remember –  Just as  there is not one surefire way to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals, the miracle detox diet or supplement doesn’t exist either. Detoxing is a way of life. Although you may not be able to eliminate all environmental exposures, making positive changes in factors you can control  –  such as your eating  and skin care habits  –  are important to maintaining optimum health.

For safe body care and daily detox products  that can assist the body in getting rid of these extra toxins, please  checkout EarthSun.

Previous articles by Marie:

About the author:

Marie BeMarie Be’s inspiration comes from her mom who always challenged common assumptions and sought to understand for herself the major issues concerning her family and the choices she made on their behalf. She raised Marie and her brother in a rural environment, feeding them the best organic foods, and focused on building strong immune systems in her children through the use of natural plants, herbs and  minerals.

As a fiery teenager, Marie travelled the world in search of purpose and dreamed of positively influencing our society. While earning her first two degrees, in architecture and sustainable development, she worked for Greenpeace and many other organizations of change. Her experience taught her that change cannot be imposed; she now aims at inspiring individuals through education and awareness.

Marie moved to Vancouver to undertake a Masters in Regenerative Sustainability under the supervision of a Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Teaching workshops on well-being, she started observing a widespread desire in our society for both physical and environmental health and sustainability. Feeling the winds of change, Marie founded  EarthSun.  By tuning into nature as our source of life, and  acquiring knowledge of ancient herbal traditions as well as new technologies, Marie believes it is possible to use nature’s intelligence to create simple and effective health products.

Check out  EarthSun  for more information, or connect with Marie on  Google +,  Facebook  and  Twitter.


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