Natural Detox : Detoxing as a Way of Life

Natural Detox - Detoxing as a Way of Life

By  Marie Be

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The link between increased toxicity and a range of diseases is now becoming well recognized by medical authorities.  Many studies describe a general health decrease as well as specific ailments that occur in the body with increasing levels of toxins.

In toxin-free conditions, the body is  efficient at detoxifying and eliminating free radicals, but the rising quantities of toxic compounds we breathe in, ingest or absorb daily demand more of the body’s resources, and drastically impede the body’s optimal performance. That’s why detoxing needs to be a way of life.  As the environment around us, the foods we consume and the water we drink become more and more toxic, the body’s natural detoxification systems become overloaded.  And as the body  cannot perform optimally, toxicity slowly increases over time, reducing the body’s natural capabilities to maintain good health. That’s when disease occurs.

The equation is simple; the less toxins that accumulate in tissues and organs, the stronger the body’s natural healing capabilities.

When the body is clean from toxins, it doesn’t have to invest a lot of energy in combating toxic compounds, and has extra energy to invest in building and running  its natural defense mechanisms, fighting diseases and dealing  more efficiently with new toxins as they inevitably enter the body.  Detoxing the body of accumulated toxicity and  reducing environmental and  dietary exposure strengthens the function of the immune system, benefits the cardiovascular system, and increases overall vitality.

Other  health benefits  include:

Improved liver function

Detoxing improves the function of your liver which can have a positive influence on regulating  your blood cholesterol level, a key predictor connected with heart attacks, strokes and premature death in many individuals.

Improved digestion

By eliminating waste materials, parasitic infections and built-up contaminants from the digestive track, a ‘detox’ lifestyle improves the body’s  digestive functions. This enables proper digestion and nutrient absorption. Cleansing the digestive track also has the  potential to re-establish flavor appreciation of healthy and balanced natural food products, as well as reduce food cravings.

Reduced inflammation

Detoxing  the body reduces inflammation of the muscles and joints by eliminating toxic pockets in these areas, and reducing the body’s self protective response (which is what typically causes inflammation in the first place).

Rebalanced hormones

By getting rid of agrichemicals absorbed from “enhanced” foods contaminated with fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides, insecticides, antibiotics and growth hormones, a detox can assist the body to naturally rebalance hormone levels.

Improved  mood

When toxins circulate through the body, they inevitably reach the brain and your central nervous system. Such toxins will negatively affect mood, sleep, cognitive function and the ability to concentrate. Toxicity also increases stress, anxiety, lethargy and  even depression. Eliminating toxins can improve your mood and overall sense of wellbeing.

Reduced effects of skin aging

When the body is overloaded with toxins, the body tries getting rid of them through the skin, a main component of the body’s elimination system. Toxicity  can lead to premature aging, poor complexion, pimples and blemishes. Reducing the body’s toxic load can result in significantly younger looking skin.

Detox as a Way of  Life

The human body is designed to constantly gather and remove toxins from its cells and organs. Ideally, detoxing the body should be more than an  occasional cleansing diet – it should be a way of life  – especially with  the unprecedented levels of toxicity to which we are exposed each day.

Avoid cosmetics, body lotions and skin-care products made with chemical ingredients. To find more tips on natural daily detox products, as well as safe cosmetics and skin care products, checkout EarthSun. Or why not try  out my Skin and Body Detox Cream  easy make-at-home recipe?

To maintain a cleansed body, it is also important to minimize your exposure to chemical toxins. Toxins are present in many foods, water supplies and cosmetics. To learn more about  foods that create toxicity in the body, check out my recent  article: Preventative Detox: 6 Foods to Avoid for a Clean Healthy Body


[1] David O Carpenter, Kathleen Arcaro, and David C Spink, Understanding the human health effects of chemical mixtures. Environ Health Perspect. Feb 2002; 110(Suppl 1): 25–42.

[2]  Environmental toxins and health–the health impact of pesticides.

[3]  Chemical Exposures: The Ugly Side of Beauty Products

[4]  Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Previous articles by Marie:

About the author:

Marie BeMarie Be’s inspiration comes from her mom who always challenged common assumptions and sought to understand for herself the major issues concerning her family and the choices she made on their behalf. She raised Marie and her brother in a rural environment, feeding them the best organic foods, and focused on building strong immune systems in her children through the use of natural plants, herbs and  minerals.

As a fiery teenager, Marie travelled the world in search of purpose and dreamed of positively influencing our society. While earning her first two degrees, in architecture and sustainable development, she worked for Greenpeace and many other organizations of change. Her experience taught her that change cannot be imposed; she now aims at inspiring individuals through education and awareness.

Marie moved to Vancouver to undertake a Masters in Regenerative Sustainability under the supervision of a Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Teaching workshops on well-being, she started observing a widespread desire in our society for both physical and environmental health and sustainability. Feeling the winds of change, Marie founded  EarthSun.  By tuning into nature as our source of life, and  acquiring knowledge of ancient herbal traditions as well as new technologies, Marie believes it is possible to use nature’s intelligence to create simple and effective health products.

Check out  EarthSun  for more information, or connect with Marie on  Google +,  Facebook  and  Twitter.


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