Choose Your Reality! Connecting to a New Consciousness

Image by Ira Ratry -

By  Lisa Young

Guest Writer for  Wake Up World

What would life be like if you could  choose between two completely different  experiences of reality in every moment?

Just like Neo in the movie “The Matrix”  having to choose between taking the red pill or  the blue pill; Imagine if each choice moved you into  a different consciousness which brought you a vastly  different reality.

How would you choose between the two? How would you  discern which “reality” you were focused on in any  given moment?

This is not just a story line from a cool science fiction  movie. It is happening on the Earth right now. It is our  planetary reality, a unique cosmic moment in time on our beautiful and beloved  planet.  TWO realities, TWO paradigms, TWO consciousness’, and in a  sense, TWO Earths, are residing simultaneously but in  different dimensions and frequencies. And we have the chance  to experience it first hand consciously in every second. We are  choosing the red or blue pill, or between these 2 realities,  constantly, with our thoughts, intentions and where we choose  to focus.

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What Are These 2 Realities?

Let’s say the “red pill” is the old reality  which has been the dominant consciousness on the planet  for hundreds of thousands of years. This consciousness is  based on frequencies and beliefs of fear, scarcity, competition,  unworthiness and greed. We all know it very well and can still  watch it express itself in our movies, on the news, in  government, business, and in the policies of separation and fear  present in all of our outmoded systems and structures of life.

The other “blue pill” we can choose is a new consciousness  that is aligned with the entire Universe and the Divine Order  of Creation. It is a consciousness of Love, Infinite Abundance,  Divine Truth, Compassion for all, and a knowing of our Oneness.  It holds the remembrance of who we really are and why we choose  to come to this planet at this time. It is the Essence of all Life.

So, how do you discern which reality you are presently living in?

Notice How You Are Feeling

If you are feeling and vibrating in love, gratitude, truth,  joy, possibility, and trust, you are in the “new” consciousness.  If you find that you feel all is possible more frequently, and  that you are supported in being yourself on the planet, you  are in the “blue”, Universal Consciousness. If you are finding that you are  often in a “Flow” and things seem to align for you with greater ease, you  are in the New. If you find you are feeling trust in yourself and  trust in the Universe, God to create the life you truly want,  you are operating in the “new.

If you are feeling or speaking from fear, lack, worry, lots  of stress and limitation, you are aligned with the old  consciousness on the planet. This is where still a majority  of the collective lives and vibrates, so it has a very strong  magnetic and familiar pull to it. And perhaps even a comfortable  familiarity in the pain. There is no judgement around where each  of us is “living” in any given moment. This is ultimately about
awareness and choice to create every moment of your life as you  would like it to be. This is the opportunity to truly harness  the new consciousness in a powerful way and become your full,  empowered and magnificent Self.

How do you move into this New Reality?

Choose the Reality You Want to Live In

This seems too simplified but it is actually the key. YOU  are a creator of your life, and as a creator, your choices  determine the direction of your life. In your meditation, prayers,  thoughts, consciously choose to align with the new source consciousness  that is permeating the planet. Ask your spirit  family and guides to assist you in living more in this reality.  Find meditations and music, friends and new thought that support  you in this new alignment.

Become Conscious of Your Thoughts

Notice if your thoughts are ones taking you into places  of hope, excitement, empowerment and love, or into feelings of  fear and limitation. Catch your thoughts and ask to shift them  into more positive energies and focus. Notice again. Catch and  shift the limiting thought into a thought that feels expansive,  free, joyful or at least hopeful. Practice shifting thoughts. It  is a training and in time your mind begins to move into a new  groove. Over time you lay new neural pathways that vibrate in self  love, self-trust, possibility, and abundance.

Watch Your Words

Words are incredibly powerful. The old adage from 12 step  of “fake it till you make it” works. Say what you want to  feel and believe. Even if you are not quite there yet and  even if you can’t fully feel it. Say it anyway. For example,  rather than talk about the money you do not have, say: “I  am opening to the infinite abundance that is flowing towards  me now in ways I  cannot even imagine.” And take a long,  slow deep breath. Say it again. Say it to your friends and  family. Watch it open up channels of support you never  dreamed possible.

Quiet Your Mind

This is a tricky proposition for most people. The mind  has run the show for a LONG time and can put up a bit  of a freak show at first. Practice sitting for 10 minutes  a day and just breathing very slow, taking long deep breaths.  Inhale, “quiet and peace”, exhale out “all thought”. Say this  to yourself. Breathe again. And again. Feel your body slow  down. As your body settles, your mind will often follow with  practice. Put your hand on your heart as you breath. This will  help bring your focus out of your mind and into your Heart.  Imagine that your hand is breathing.

Connect to Source/Divine Creator/Universe

The new consciousness is pure Source consciousness. We  are made of this consciousness and energy. Yet, to align  with it in its purest state it helps to connect directly to  Source at the Center of the Universe. Depending on whatever  word resonates for you, it is connecting directly to God, Divine  Creator or the Intelligence of the Universe that is pure, direct and  in perfect alignment with You. You may find some helpful guided  meditations on my website under the “enlighten” section.

Follow Your Joy and Your Heart

What makes you sing? What inspires you? What makes you  feel most like your real self? Alive? Follow wherever this leads.  Listen to the whisperings of your Soul for in this lay your  purpose and your happiness. This new consciousness aligns  perfectly with who you really are and assist you in  remembering it.

Move Toward Higher-Frequency People

Once you set the intention to align with the new  consciousness, and follow the above steps, you will begin  to notice when you are around someone who lives more from  this reality as well. You will feel a resonance that is uplifting  and possibly even exciting. You may find that you are drawn to certain  activities, articles, music, and even movies that seem to be also  aligning with and bringing in new expression of this Christ  Consciousness. You will begin to recognize it showing itself  all over the planet.

It is an extraordinary time to be alive on Earth  offering a unique opportunity and experience in a physical  form. How often are we alive on a planet that is undergoing  massive transformation and upgrade? This time offers  unprecedented options for huge consciousness expansion  and awakening for all beings.

Somewhere along the way we decided we wanted to be here.

Let’s choose the Reality that allows us to thoroughly  enjoy the journey.

With Great Love, Lisa

Experience Source and Raise Your Vibration

Here is a powerful and short musical meditation created by my talented friends, Dominique Lacroix and Frits Evelein, with specific frequencies and visuals to assist you in Connecting to Source and Raising Your Vibration. Relax into it, take some deep breaths and open into a deeper connection with Source and the Divine Creator.

Previous articles by Lisa Young:

About the author:

Lisa YoungLisa Young is a Visionary and Spiritual Thought Leader focusing on the emergence of a New Reality on our planet. Her private practice as an Energy Medicine & Consciousness Consultant, has allowed her to support individuals in their spiritual evolution and remembrance of their True Self. From these profound experiences, along with her own spiritual awakening, she shares an understanding of the extraordinary cosmic plan unfolding on the Earth:  One person… One new thought… One new possibility…. a Whole New Earth.

Lisa’s  writings are varied and address areas in life that are Universal to the human experience. She  addresses patterns and concerns that often arise as we live more consciously and invite more joy and peace into our daily experience. She shares insights, tools and energies that assist in our awakening to the Beauty and Magnificence of Life and our Essential Self.  And she  shares the excitement of having the greatest seat in the Universe  –  alive and awake on Planet Earth, Ground Zero of the Greatest Show in the multi-verse.  All is shared with LOVE.

You can experience more of Lisa’s  writing at You can also  connect with Lisa  through  her  Facebook communities:  Universal Soul Spa  and  Create a New Earth.


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