Epileptic Child Seizure Free Thanks to Cannabis Oil

Epileptic child has been seizure free thanks to cannabis oil - Forrest and Tanesha Smelser - image from KATU.com

Article  by Zach McAuliffe

Video Segment  by Ben Swann

Guest Contributors for Wake Up World

A child in Oregon who has suffered from seizures brought on by epilepsy is  reported to have been seizure-free for close to nine weeks now, thanks to cannabis oil.

A week after Forrest Smelser turned eight, he was diagnosed with epilepsy, which would cause him to go into seizures, sometimes lasting upwards of 15 minutes in duration. According to the Epilepsy Foundation, any seizure lasting longer then five minutes requires immediate medical attention and may result in permanent brain damage.

Forrest’s  mother Tanesha took him  to the emergency room many times until the doctors prescribed Forrest with an anti-seizure drug called Trileptal. However, the medication only seemed to make things worse for Forrest. “He would scream, he would fight, he would punch himself”, said Tanesha.  [source]  The FDA has said these side effects are not common, but they do occur in around  one in every 500 people who take the drug.

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At this point, Tanesha says Forrest became suicidal, which she and her family directly attribute to  the new medications. So,  Tanesha and her family began to look into other medical options for Forrest.

The  family began to read into the uses of medical marijuana and its benefits, and made the conscious choice to begin Forrest on a medical marijuana treatment.

After nine weeks of giving Forrest cannabidiol (CBD), the family reports that Forrest has become  seizure free.

The strain of medical marijuana Forrest is taking contains mostly CBDs, the second most active component of medical marijuana, according to Medical Daily. CBDs provide anti-seizure, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects on their patient.

“Now that I’m on this medication, I feel like a normal boy”, Forrest said.

“I feel like it’s saved his life”, said Tanesha. “I know it sounds scary, and I know it sounds unconventional, but it’s working!”

  • This link  provides further studies by Project CBD on the effects of CBD in a medical setting.
  • This link provides further information about the human Endocannabinoid system.

The Truth About Cannabis as Medicine

Truth In Media: In this feature, Ben Swann  explains how the  US feds are confusing the issue of medical cannabis, on one hand claiming  that  cannabis is not medicine while on the other hand, holding patents on medicinal cannabis.

Previous articles by Ben Swann:

About the authors:

Zach McAuliffeZach McAuliffe is a University of Dayton alumni with degrees in Journalism and English. Through his writing, he aims  to present people with the facts they need to make informed decisions on important topics in the world around them. He also enjoys Shakespeare and long walks on the beach with his puppy Lily.


Ben Swann

Ben Swann  spent 14 years working as a journalist in broadcast news, most recently as a news anchor in Cincinnati, USA. He has won two Emmy Awards and two Edward R. Murrow awards.

Through experience, Ben has come to believe that the mainstream American media is not interested in telling the truth. Guided by the  principle of truth in media, he has chosen to take a stand, and has gone independent and online.

For more information, visit  Ben Swann | Truth In Media.


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