Evidence of Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities

Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities

In this July 2015 article, researcher Sonya van Gelder explores the extent of organised pedophilia and child-trafficking networks around the world, involving top-level governments, churches, media and charity organizations…

By Sonya Van Gelder

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

In an earlier article, Suppressed Pedophilia Allegations Reveal Culture of Satanic Ritual Abuse, I discussed the story of the Hampstead child-abuse whistleblowers, 9 year old Hampstead girl Alisa and her 8 year old brother Gabriel, whose testimony of alleged abuse at the hands of their father, Ricky Dearman, and a satanic cult had just been leaked into alternative media. The alleged abuses involve a network of pedophiles in positions of public trust, including school teachers (from 8 different schools), priests, social workers, health care workers, child protection agencies and police officers, and medical examination of the children revealed physical trauma consistent with long-term sexual abuse.

However, adding to the complexity of this situation, the more evidence that comes to light surrounding the modus operandi of child molestation and trafficking networks, the more it appears that those people at the top of our society’s most influential social and legal are actively working to protect organized pedophilia and child-trafficking networks, rather than to dismantle them and bring the perpetrators to justice. So while Ricky Dearman has since been cleared of wrong-doing by the High Court in the UK, unanswered questions remain as to whether justice has indeed been served in this case.

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The Hampstead Case

Following the initial allegations, the children were examined by a Police Medical Officer. Medical reports cited physical injuries consistent with blunt force trauma that correlated with allegations of physical and sexual abuse. The children gave names and also provided details of perpetrators’ anatomies, characteristics and birth marks etc. However the UK legal establishment failed to begin formal investigations into these allegations, instead appearing to close ranks around the individuals and institutions implicated. Only after the children’s recorded confessions were made public did authorities pursue legal action — against the children’s mother, Ella Draper.

Showing little sensitivity to the nature of these allegations, the children were taken from Draper’s custody by UK authorities and entrusted to a network of social workers, health care workers, child protection agencies and police — part of the same institutional networks that the children alleged to have been involved in facilitating their abuse.

According to Ms. Draper, the children were later asked by Police to retract their statements in police interviews conducted after the children had already spent 6 days in two separate foster care accommodations. Notably, the children’s initial statements correlated with each other while also being extremely detailed, however their later retractions (issued after almost a week in institutional placement) were entirely dissimilar.

Perceiving there to be holes in the official narrative of this case, many citizens and activists around the world have been mobilized and, since February, much more research has been done by those whose priority is to defend the rights of these children — and indeed, children everywhere — from the potential of systemic, self-protecting abuse networks. Their efforts have helped to create a bigger-picture understanding of this complex situation, lifting the veil on the organized and institutionalized molestation, abduction, trafficking, sale, rape, torture and murder of children involving governments, media, churches and charities.

With unanswered questions mounting, activists working to uncover the truth of this situation have become increasingly disconcerted by the apparent inaction of high-level authorities in this and countless other matters of child abuse. Volumes of recent and historical evidence indicates that global pedophilia and child-trafficking networks are not only operating within the ranks of our society’s most influential governing bodies and institutions, but are also being protected from legal recourse by those same institutions. Implicated by this evidence are countless well-known politicians and officials, educators, entertainers, media heads, and public and religious figures, many of whom are claimed to enjoy the calculated protections of conspirators within the political, media, religious and justice systems — the systems that are meant to protect our children’s interests, not their abusers.

Let’s examine the evidence.

Pedophiles in Politics

Allegations of pedophilia and satanic ritual abuse, child stealing and child trafficking are dangerously common amongst the highest ranking members of our society. The recurrence and consistence of allegations involving the powerful elite at the highest levels, coupled with the demonstrably routine suppression of evidence relating to those allegations, raises some difficult yet critical questions. Have the institutions we trust to serve the public’s best interests (including government, technology and media giants) in fact become corrupted, systemically serving more sinister, undisclosed ends?

As you’ll see in the short video below, British MP John Mann delivered a passionate speech to the British Parliament on 23th May 2015, outlining just how extensively pedophilia, child abuse and slavery networks are within the British Government.

There are already over 1,400 suspects involved in just one alleged British pedophile ring alone, with many more cases coming to light in Australia following recent investigations of the Royal Commission Into Child Abuse into the activity of the nation’s institutional bodies.

According to Mann:

“My constituency is no worse, no different to anywhere else in the country. This is nationwide, it’s every aspect of society… I’m expecting other people with other names coming forward from other parts of the country in the near future, others have already done so.

“The scandal of historic child abuse in this country is going to be one of the defining issues of the next five years… It is going to corrode everything over this Parliament because it is so large, it is so huge, it involves so many people… and this Parliament is going to have to deal with it.”

Getting Up to Speed…

The following broadcast from the The Kev Baker Show on Truth Frequency Radio features a 2 hour interview with researcher, author and broadcaster Chris Everard who presents a detailed and up-to-date report of the situation in the UK. If you don’t have the time to view all the links connected to this article, this one is the one to watch.

For more information on the situation in the UK, please see James Corbett’s article, Pedophiles in Politics: An Open Source Investigation.

The Grim Reality of Institutionalized Abuse

As shocking as the notion of pedophilia is, the information that actually reaches mainstream media and therefore the common perception of what pedophilia actually is – what it involves, and who – barely scratches the surface of the reality.

Our society is controlled by a Satanic ruling class. They are criminals, hiding behind the ‘respectable’ upper hierarchies of our society. It is difficult to believe such atrocities are occurring in the ‘civilized’ West in the 21st Century, but the evidence has become so overwhelming that we can no longer claim ignorance. We (myself included) have no choice but to put our fears aside and find the courage to seriously examine this cesspit of humanity, and to act on what we find. Ongoing investigations are uncovering unimaginable atrocities and, heart-broken, many of us would rather not pursue the truth any further. It can seem like too much to bear, so we would often rather dismiss it because we cannot endure nor comprehend it, much less believe we can do something about it. Too often, our spontaneous response is one of cognitive dissonance.

Ultimately, the truth cannot be ignored. Our conscience must not let us ignore the facts. This horror is all very real. It is very calculated, and it is happening globally. Innocent children are being raped and murdered on a daily basis, victims of organized abduction and satanic ritual. With so many identical cases worldwide, all avenues of research constantly and consistently lead to the same conclusion. This goes way beyond our common comprehension of child abuse and pedophilia: the culture of ritual abuse is so heavily embedded in our most influential institutions and ‘protective’ agencies, that information is routinely suppressed and censored, protecting their networks, themselves and each other — the perpetrators.

(For example, the videos and research links embedded in my previous article had to be constantly replaced and updated, as they were routinely removed from circulation by supposedly impartial technology providers. This is still a work in progress… )

In my research, I recently came across a 5 part video series that provides similar details of satanic pedophile rings allegedly operating in France and Germany. Outlining a series of horrors endured and witnessed at the hands of satanic cultists, the children speaking here claim to have been subjected to and witnessed acts of slavery, rape, murder, torture, trafficking, as well as rituals involving masks and costumes, injections, underground tunnel systems, blood drinking, cannibalism, and ‘snuff movies’ — films of abuse victims’ deaths, which are said to sell for up to $20,000 Euros a piece.

Further Evidence of Institutional Abuse

There is extensive evidence that human baby and fetus trafficking networks extend into Central America and Asia, reportedly for the purposes of ‘black magic’ ritualIn one case in China reported in January, authorities rescued 37 babies and a toddler from an abandoned factory in the southwestern province of Shandong. The children were in poor physical condition and many were suffering from HIV/AIDS and malnutrition. Human traffickers were found to be recruiting pregnant women to sell their babies and hiding them in the factory until they gave birth. Once the women gave birth, they handed their newborns over to the traffickers and left. The babies were then drugged and smuggled inside handbags and luggage to a hospital morgue where they were kept until buyers arrived.

Another recent case uncovered a “baby making factory” in Nigeria, where young girls were used to “breed” babies, which are then taken and sold on the black market to traffickers for supply to networks of Satanic ritualists and pedophiles. According to reports, an unsuspecting women’s and children’s hospital provides the cover of a humanitarian outfit for the inhumane trade and sale of babies and children. This shocking 4 minute video leaves us with no doubt this crime against humanity is all too real, and by no means restricted to Nigeria alone.

Notably, this kind of cover operation is also in keeping with Satanic principles. In Satanism, war is peace, restriction is freedom, black is white. This is how they operate. Posing as the protectors of children simultaneously enables their access to victims and provides them a cover of respectability.

An extensive report containing an interview with a former undercover Interpol agent (Bannon) further reveals just how trafficking networks are set up. Bannon puts those who sexually exploit children into two categories: consumer-traders and producers:

“The consumer-trader is the guy or woman you’ve heard about – maybe the local teacher – who’s abusing children and buying images and selling images of those abuses online… The producer is the one who actually buys and sells the children across international lines, running a multi-billion-dollar business that truly has a global network that has connections all the way to terrorist cells.”

While child trafficking is condemned globally, many countries with laws against trafficking and molestation fail to enforce them. Moreover, such abuses are actually legal in some countries, such as Thailand and Pakistan. In Thailand, selling children is not only legal, it’s big business, contributing an estimated $1 billion to the Thai economy. This level of institutionalization makes rescuing victims from the system of abuse extremely difficult.

Agent Bannon continues:

“We were able to rescue these [Caucasian] children, but all of the Thai children we had to leave chained to their beds, padlocked behind steels doors… These six children – when we told them, ‘Follow us,’ it broke our hearts to see how quickly they obeyed. No matter what we said, they obeyed silently and effortlessly. And to see young children so broken that any adult telling them what to do they immediately obey is perhaps the most heart-rending aspect of this terrible work.”

“Those images will stay with me. You can’t erase them from your mind.”

Providing further evidence, award winning independent film director, Bill Maloney, released a landmark documentary in 2008 entitled Sun Sea & Satan. The film detailed Maloney’s visits to Jersey in the Channel Islands (between France and the UK) and the ongoing investigations into allegations of abuse at Jersey’s children’s care home Haut de la Garenne.

While these examples are shocking, they are really just scratching the surface of what many understand to be a much wider network operating all around the world, especially given how frequent and consistent these kinds of allegations (and apparent cover-ups) occur.

As MP John Mann told the British Parliament in May, “My constituency is no worse, no different to anywhere else… it’s every aspect of society.”

It is realistic to expect that such a well-organized criminal network would, like any other criminal network, utilize whatever influential conspirators or disinformation tactics they had at their disposal to discredit their accusers, suppress evidence and cover their tracks. The only difference between criminals who are protected by institutional veils and those who are not, is the extent of their influence, not their underlying psycho-pathology.

If we truly want to protect our children, we need to put aside our preconceptions of pedophiles, public figures and the agenda of the press, and genuinely try to understand what is happening. Pedophilia IS happening. We cannot continue to assume – as convicted pedophiles have always suggested – that children who accuse seemingly “upstanding” members of our society must be lying to serve some devious end. The facts at hand prove that is simply not true.

A Hampstead Coverup?

Not surprisingly, allegations of deviousness were leveled against Ella Draper following the release of her 9 year old daughter Alisa and 8 year old son Gabriel’s testimony of abuse that implicated the children’s father, actor Ricky Dearman, and an alleged network of Satanic abusers. However, when we consider the extensive evidence surrounding this case in totality and context, the official narrative portrayed by mainstream media of a scorned ex-wife and her two devious children appears to fail numerous tests of evidentiary scrutiny.

Firstly, a forensic linguistics analysis of the children’s leaked testimony provides a professional’s view as to the validity of the children’s statements. Forensic linguistics (or legal linguistics) is the application of linguistic knowledge, methods and insights to the forensic context of law, language, crime investigation, trial, and judicial procedure. Taking into detailed consideration the linguistic evidence provided by the children’s testimony, expert analysis (performed anonymously, for the protection of his or her identity) did not support claims of conspiracy in the children’s testimony, nor therefore of coercion or duress on the part Ms. Draper.

Furthermore, initial Police medical examinations of both children showed clear evidence of physical and sexual abuse. The children’s testimony includes explicit details of violent and sexual satanic ritual, and the children described identifying physical markers on the bodies of their alleged abusers. The children’s recollections also bore similarity to countless other cases of abuse reported around the world (which, as MP John Mann reminds us, is only the small fraction of victims who come forward to tell their stories compared to those who stay silent or are no longer here to speak at all.)

We must also remember that media silence tells a story of its own. Although it thrives on scandal (particularly in the UK), mainstream and even tabloid media did not cover these developments when the story initially broke in alternative media in early February 2015, instead maintaining an inexplicable silence on the matter. That was, until the High Court ruled in late March that Ella Draper (the children’s mother) and not Ricky Dearman (the father and alleged abuser) had mistreated the children. Raising many questions in the wider community, it was only after Mr. Dearman received the protection of a High Court ruling that the mainstream media reported any details of this complex story, publishing a string of headlines that were all staunchly sympathetic to Mr. Dearman:

Mother who tortured her two children to lie about satanic child sex cult… [20th March 2015]

The yummy mummy, a ‘satanic sex cult’ and the smears that terrorised a very swish London suburb… [23rd March 2015]

Police hunting runaway mother who tortured her two children into inventing fantasy claims about a satanic sex cult… [27th March 2015]

Father falsely accused by his own children of sexually abusing them [reveals]… his horrific ordeal [21st April 2015] (*this article also included photographs of the actor crying to camera.)

The degree to which any such case is covered by the mainstream media, and seemingly covered over by government agencies, inevitably leads one to wonder — just how deeply embedded is the culture of abuse within the hierarchies of our these institutions?

Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities -Jimmy Savile

Historically, posing as the protectors of children while hiding behind celebrity, formality and (apparently) corrupted legal and media institutions, simultaneously has enabled pedophiles access to victims while providing them an effective cover story. Convicted pedophile Jimmy Savile is a perfect example of this; renowned as a flamboyant former presenter of the UK’s Top Of The Pops, Savile posed as a philanthropist, working with children and young people and visiting schools and hospital wards, which enabled him access to vulnerable children and a cover of institutional respectability.

In a disturbing irony, Savile played the role of the ‘Child Catcher’ in the 1968 movie, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, catching children for the town’s elite.

Speaking of Savile’s apparent decades of criminality, Chairman of the BBC Trust, Lord Patten, wrote in 2012:

”Can it really be the case that no one knew what he was doing? Did some turn a blind eye to criminality?… Did some prefer not to follow up their suspicions because of this criminal’s popularity and place in the schedules? Were reports of criminality put aside or buried?”

Providing further insight into the apparent cover-up of Savile’s past by the BBC, UK Telegraph Chief Reporter Gordon Rayner revealed in his article 2012, Dark Side of Jimmy Savile Glossed Over at BBC, that:

George Entwistle, the former director-general, was told by one manager that he was “queasy” about the “real truth” of Savile’s past…  Danny Cohen, the Controller of BBC One, and a third executive were given a further warning, which went unheeded… 

When an ITV documentary exposed Savile’s paedophilia, the BBC was accused of a cover-up because of its decision to drop the Newsnight film…

[Investigator, Mr Nick] Pollard, a former head of Sky News, said… that senior people within the BBC knew about “the unsavoury side of Savile’s character” at the time… 

On Dec 2, at an awards lunch, Ms [Helen] Boaden [BBC’s Head Of News] says she told Mr Entwistle that “Newsnight were doing an investigation into JS [Savile] … it is probable I did mention it was about sex abuse.” Mr Entwistle’s reply was: “Thanks – keep me posted.”…

The report recommends that the BBC’s news and editorial management is reviewed, and questions whether the director-general should also be editor-in-chief.

According to Pollard’s 185-page report, The BBC’s decision to abort the Savile investigation:

“… started a chain of events that was to prove disastrous for the BBC… one of the worst management crises in the BBC’s history”.

Wrote columnist Mary Riddle in 2012:

At the heart of Savile’s story are two interlinked forms of violation – the abuse of children and the abuse of power. The victims were betrayed not only by the BBC hierarchy but also by the Surrey police, who failed to prosecute; by the DJ’s colleagues, who never spoke out; and by all those in awe of a star whose fame and bogus virtue shielded him from scrutiny until (no thanks to the BBC) his secrets emerged and the current wave of horror broke…

Jimmy Savile was given the glory, the freedom and the immunity to do as he wished.

So, with clear conflicts of interest embedded within its editorial and managerial structures, is the failure of the media to expose the truth of Savile an act of negligence, or an institutional cover-up of the highest order? This is a question that must be answered.

Here we will explore further evidence of institutional involvement in organized pedophilia networks, to shed some light on this dark and complex issue.

Child Trafficking, The United Nations and The Global ‘Peacekeepers’ Force

Statistics from the International Centre for Missing Children (ICMEC) estimate that 8 million children are reported missing each year around the world. Of that number, according to the latest U.S. Department of Justice research, an estimated 800,000 children will go missing in the United States alone — a rate of over 2000 missing children each day — with 466,949 of those cases entered into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database in 2014. With a current child population (aged 0 – 17) of around 74 million in the United States, the U.S. Department of Justice figures equate to around 1 child in every 92 going missing in the United States each year.

These statistics are staggering.

This is clearly an epidemic of staggering proportions; one we can no longer shrink from or pretend does not exist. And given the robust intensity of U.S. internal, military, informational and border securities, and the nation’s world-record incarcerated rate, this statistic is completely incomprehensible.

That is, until we begin to look internally for the root cause.

To account for such widespread childhood disappearances, which (for some context) outnumber cancer deaths in the United States by one third, we must fully comprehend this epidemic is both well organised and orchestrated. It is therefore no stretch of the imagination to acknowledge that the many thousands of young children whose faces have peered out from ‘missing’ posters and milk cartons across the United States, over many decades, may in fact have fallen victim to a global child-trafficking and slavery trade.

While child trafficking and abuse networks tend to be concentrated most highly in relatively peaceful areas with large foreign business and military interests, this problem does not appear to be isolated to western nations. Even larger, unknown numbers of children in Third World countries are disappearing each year, without a trace, with countless reports from around the world indicating children are being routinely sold by their families to make ‘ends meet’, sold by orphanages, and kidnapped by gangs who make their living by supplying ‘stock’ for the child trafficking trade. Some reports suggest these gangs including highly organized militia and private “security” companies, and networks operating under the facade of human rights workers funded by Governments and the United Nations.

A 2004 report from the UN’s Department of Peace Keeping Operations (DPKO) outlined the seriousness of this issue, however it seems to have had little to no impact to UN operations over the decade since its release.

“Human trafficking is a form of serious exploitation and abuse that is increasingly present in the UN peacekeeping environments. Trafficking exploits human beings for revenue through sex, forced labour and human organs. For peacekeeping (UN and other) there is a crisis of perception in relation to trafficking and the linked issue of sexual exploitation and abuse, which sees peacekeepers branded as more part of the problem than the solution, along with criticisms that the issue is not taken seriously by peacekeeping institutions.”

Today, the “crisis” outlined by the DPKO has not been formally addressed, and yet many would still rather believe that all of this is just another crazy ‘conspiracy theory’. In reality, the dismissal of such theories is at best a moral failure of our children to act on their behalf, and at worst, a conspiracy of global proportions.

Mounting evidence suggests that government-sponsored military contractors have utilized ‘peacekeeping’ positions (which provide both access and trust) to facilitate systemic abuses, and all under the legal impunity afforded to peacekeepers who operate these systems of abuse under the guise of freedom, liberty and philanthropy.

contract_to_tortureWell known examples include the 2003 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse case (pictured left) in which U.S. military officers subjected prisoners of war to extreme acts of abuse and humiliation, taking ‘happy snap’ photographs as they did so. The systemic corruption of so-called “peacekeeping” forces was further demonstrated by a leaked video of Blackwater military employees who proudly videotaped themselves helicoptering around Iraq, shooting civilians for target practice and their own personal amusement. You can learn more here.

In more recent developments, a report from the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) released last month revealed that UN “peacekeepers” working in Haiti have been found to have raped Haitian women and children, citing 231 claims from Haitians of sexual violation at the hands of peacekeepers, often in exchange for food and other emergency relief supplies.

“For rural women, hunger, lack of shelter, baby care items, medication and household items were frequently cited as the ‘triggering need,’” the report said, adding that UN workers coaxed women and girls into sexual activities with “church shoes, cell phones, laptops and perfume, as well as money… In cases of non-payment, some women withheld the badges of peacekeepers and threatened to reveal their infidelity via social media,” the report said.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that UN workers have been accused of these types of atrocities. Following the entry of UN “peacekeepers” into Cambodia, Mozambique, Bosnia, Sudan and Kosovo, authorities in each region reported sharp increases in allegations of sex trafficking and abuse. Meanwhile, earlier this year, the United Nations was caught trying to suppress details of their aide workers raping starving and homeless boys in the Central African Republic.

Notably, this kind of behavior (and cover-up) of so-called peacekeepers is not unique to the modern “War On Terror”. In the late ‘90s, military contractor DynCorp was hired by the U.S. State Department to provide “peacekeepers” for the United Nations police force in Bosnia, just as in Haiti now. Subsequently, two well-respected employees, Ben Johnston, a former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, and Kathryn Bolkovac, a U.N. International Police Force monitor, independently alleged that UN officials and employees of Dyncorp were engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior, including the purchase of women, illegal weapons, forged passports, and other criminal and immoral activities.

According to a 2012 report, What The UN Doesn’t Want You To Know:

[Kathryn Bolkovac] signed up with DynCorp, the private contractor providing American personnel for the UN mission in Bosnia.

The first of several nasty shocks came before she’d even left: among the recruits at DynCorp’s training week in Texas was a man from Mississippi. He’d been to Bosnia before and, and he told them all how scenic it was, adding, “and I know where you can get really nice 12- to 15-year-olds”. Bolkovac was baffled, believing she’d misheard…

[While running] a pilot project on violence against women… She found stacks of American dollars and foreign passports in a safe and, behind a locked door, seven girls. ‘Sheer terror,’ says Bolkovac of the looks on the girls’ faces. ‘It was exactly as you see in the film: ‘they’re huddled, they’re holding each other, they’re on these bare, stained mattresses’…

“They didn’t expect [the police] to help them,” says Bolkovac.

In her role as U.N. Police Force Monitor, Bolkovac also claims to have observed numerous individuals in the Bosnian and U.N. police forces who were not only using trafficked prostitutes but were also on the “traffickers’ pay-roll”. According to Bolkovac, members of the peacekeeping forces were routinely paid to give warnings on raids, and to return children who escaped from their abusers so they could be ‘recycled’ back into the system.

The more Bolkovac investigated, the more her U.N. colleagues turned against her, she says. Notably, four days after her claims were formally raised, Bolkovac was demoted, and a few months later fired by DynCorp outright. However, adding further weight to the validity of her claims, Bolkovac filed a lawsuit for unlawful dismissal against DynCorp in Great Britain following her dismissal — and won. The tribunal that heard her case maintained that, by whistleblowing, Bolkovac had made a ‘protected disclosure’ and should therefore have been protected, not persecuted, for her actions. (You can learn more here.) In closing comments, the tribunal remarked of DynCorp:

‘It is hard to imagine a case in which a firm has behaved in a more callous manner.’

Similarly, Ben Johnston, a former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, is another employee who claims that he witnessed his supervisors and fellow employees buying and selling minors as sex slaves, abusing them and/or selling them to gangs involved in child prostitution, slavery and pedophile rings.

According to a report from The Daily Bell:

It is obvious when it comes to the UN that corruption is ingrained. The UN was created much like the IMF, World Bank, etc (at around the same time) as a facility of globalist expansion and this is its underlying goal, not the other empty phrases that swirl around its “mission.”

Within hours of the [Bolkovac] ruling DynCorp settled a second whistleblowing case against it, offering an undisclosed sum to an aircraft mechanic from Texas called Ben Johnston, who had evidence of UN personnel buying and selling girls elsewhere in Bosnia. Johnston signed a gagging order.

‘It was very disappointing,’ says Bolkovac with a sigh.

Although disappointing, Johnston’s decision is understandable. A report from CorpWatch.org, US DynCorp Disgrace, explains the circumstances around Johnston’s apparent concession:

According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuit filed in Texas on behalf of the former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, “in the latter part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorp were engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] were purchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating in other immoral acts. Johnston witnessed coworkers and supervisors literally buying and selling women for their own personal enjoyment, and employees would brag about the various ages and talents of the individual slaves they had purchased.”

Rather than acknowledge and reward Johnston‘s effort to get this behavior stopped, DynCorp fired him, forcing him into protective custody by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID) until the investigators could get him safely out of Kosovo and returned to the United States. That departure from the war-torn country was a far cry from what Johnston imagined a year earlier when he arrived in Bosnia to begin a three-year U.S. Air Force contract with DynCorp as an aircraft-maintenance technician for Apache and Blackhawk helicopters.

Clearly, Johnston’s treatment and the final issuing of a gag order is contradictory to the fundamental principles of truth and freedom these so-called “peacekeeping” bodies claim to represent. While it is disappointing that Johnston ultimately submitted to the non-disclosure terms of the gag order, the fact that such terms were offered or even contemplated by authorities reveals a great deal about the level of knowledge and intent operating behind those institutional walls.

Moreover, the allegations against DynCorp are not isolated, and Johnston wasn’t the only DynCorp employee disturbed by what he saw during his tenure. Along with Johnston, another employee Tom Oliver also lodged similar claims with Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID), once Johnston had decided to take formal action outside of the DynCorp chain of command. (You can learn more here.)

Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities - Trafficking

These examples aside, the DynCorp company has a history of allegations relating to systemic corruption, including claims of waste mismanagement, fraud, human trafficking and drug-running whilst working under a United States Government contract to train Police Forces in Afghanistan, Haiti and Iraq. In 2010 The Guardian in the UK reported that DynCorp had been accused of providing Afghan police with drugs and child prostitutes.

“A scandal involving foreign contractors employed to train Afghan policemen who took drugs and paid for young “dancing boys” to entertain them in northern Afghanistan caused such panic that the interior minister begged the US embassy to try and “quash” the story, according to one of the US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks.”

There are many other cases and eyewitness accounts that raise questions over the legitimacy and agenda of the DynCorp operation, some of which can be followed here and here. Yet, it is evident that both corporate and government institutions prefer to ‘close ranks’ around such allegations, obscuring the chance of accountability, and in the process, raising further questions about the extent of corruption within these peacekeeping forces.

With mounting evidence of organized pedophilia and child-trafficking networks implicating high-level government, church and charitable institutions, many members of the community are left wondering: Are the world’s taxpayers unwittingly be used to fund organized crime? The kind of crimes that taxpayer-funded ‘War On…’ campaigns purport to combat? How do we bring criminals to justice if the criminals themselves control our justice and information systems?

As one of the top three U.S. Defense Force contractors receiving money from the United States Government, it is unfathomable that, for the most part, this story was ignored by the mainstream media in the U.S. With evidence and allegations mounting in relation to pedophilia, as well as drug- and slave-trafficking, the United States Government has a moral and legal responsibility not just to the U.S. people but to the people of the world — in whose backyards they wage their wars — to investigate DynCorp, and indeed their own internal regulatory systems. After all, this is the mechanism through which police, military and U.N peacekeeping forces are trained in countries around the globe.

Inexplicably, this situation appears to be of little concern to global authorities. Dyncorp is still being awarded large-scale contracts by several western governments and the United Nations, and despite mounting evidence that the corporation has committed and/or protected those who have committed human rights abuses, the U.S. continues to employ DynCorp to supply military personnel to U.N, forces such as those deployed in Haiti.

This situation did not go unnoticed within the U.S. Congress. In 2005 U.S. Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney questioned then-Secretary Of Defense Donald Rumsfeld over the Dyncorp scandals:

“I watched President Bush deliver a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade. The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business. But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children. While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program. Mr. Secretary, is it [the] policy of the U.S. Government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?”

Following Congresswoman McKinney’s statement, Rumsfeld admitted on the record that the allegations were credible, but wrote them off as the actions of a “few bad apples”, refusing to investigate the potential that such abuses are in fact institutionalized, and as evidence suggests, not merely the actions of a few “rogue” employees. Today, 9 years on, DynCorp remains unaccountable to these accusations.

You can watch Ms. McKinney’s exchange with Mr. Rumsfeld here.

This all begs the question:

Is the U.S. Government’s apparent willingness to overlook allegations of misconduct against its contractors simply because the conduct of DynCorp’s employees is exactly as it was contracted?

While this situation seems to be of little interest to the United States Government, notably, it is of no interest to other international legal and regulatory agencies. Protected by international law, ‘Peacekeepers’ and ‘Humanitarian Aid Workers’ are indemnified against criminal charges whilst working in foreign lands on behalf of Government Military or the United Nations. This loophole creates undisputable opportunity for such positions to be abused for criminal means, and in the context of child abuse and trafficking allegations, provides a ‘safe’ mechanism through which global operations can flourish.

Therefore it is a sad reality that none of the accused in these cases are ever likely to face criminal charges under the current systems of governance.

The ‘Supreme Master’ Ching Hai and The ‘Papa Dearman’ Connection

In considering the breadth of evidence at hand, the extent of corruption evidenced by continually emerging child-trafficking and abuse cases goes well beyond what we typically perceive of “corruption”. Such abuses do not just reflect corruption of process or power, but corruption of the human spirit.

The testimonies provided by the children in the Hampstead case, and so many other cases the world over, detail stories of babies been trafficked for the purposes of Satanic ritual. To summarize this portion of the allegations made in the children’s video testimony:

  • Babies are supplied to the UK from all over the world, including the United States, South Africa, Portugal, Spain, Gayana, China, India and Hawaii.
  • Babies are either purchased, drugged and transported by international courier service, or the parents (cult members) bring them from other parts of the world.
  • A high-level member of the network – a real estate agent – provides empty properties for ritual and sexual abuse of children to take place.
  • The rituals they described involve child rape, sodomy, orgies, torture, cannibalism and human sacrifices. These activities were also filmed and sold.

Central to the children’s testimony was the involvement of their father, actor Ricky Dearman, who has known connections to the self-professed spiritual leader, the ‘Supreme Master’, Ching Hai. The children went on to assert that they worship the ‘Supreme Master’. Notably, the Satanic Bible also states that ‘Satan’s ministers will obey all commands of the ‘Supreme Master‘. While such an association is not on its own conclusive, these claims cannot objectively be overlooked, particularly as keeping up a charade of decency and respectability is vital to abusers, and in keeping with documented Satanic philosophy.

So then, who are Ricky Dearman and Ching Hai?

Ricky Dearman is involved in the film industry as an actor and has affiliations with ‘Supreme Master Television’, a television station airing from 14 satellite platforms and reaching hundreds of millions of households around the world. The beneficiary and focal point of this self-created spiritual hierarchy, Ching Hai is worshipped by followers the world over. Actively involved with child orphanages and schools in third world countries, she also has elite connections, including well-documented links to the Clintons (who themselves are alleged to have been involved in high level criminal activity).

In the research community, there have long been suspicions that Ching Hai works for the CIA. Supreme Master Ching Hai is also connected with the United Nations and, under the impunity afforded to ‘Peacekeepers’, is involved in many of the same activities as DynCorp’s contractors — in particular, crisis and disaster intervention, a role that places her among the world’s most vulnerable children.

Former members of the sect say involvement with Ching Hai has proven to be disturbing and dangerous, while insider allegations against the sect include institutionalize child rape, child pornography, child trafficking, prostitution, mind control, ritual torture and murder involving children and animals. (source.)

When we objectively examine this evidence, it cannot reasonably be argued that further investigation is unwarranted. Therefore, the apparent unwillingness of authorities to act on behalf of the victims or to examine documented issues of fact is increasingly suggestive of a systemic cover-up involving extremely influential, high-ranking, members of the institutions implicated.

For example, evidence of the British Police and Intelligence Services involvement in organized crime emerged in 2014 via a Metropolitan Police report that was leaked to The Independent:

Famous for its secret handshakes, Freemasonry has long been suspected of having members who work in the criminal justice system – notably the judiciary and the police…

Secret networks of Freemasons have been used by organised crime gangs to corrupt the criminal justice system… Operation Tiberius, written [by Metropolitan Police] in 2002, found underworld syndicates used their contacts in the controversial brotherhood to “recruit corrupted officers” inside Scotland Yard, and concluded it was one of “the most difficult aspects of organised crime corruption to proof against”.

So, with implications of complicity reaching far beyond the doors of our most powerful institutions, what of the grassroots movement attempting to find justice for these children?

Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities - William Wilberforce

The Information War: Disinformation and Infiltration

It has been alleged by many researchers and activists following the release of the Hampstead tapes that disinformation agents have been strategically placed within circles working to validate Ms. Draper’s allegations, in a campaign of confusion and chaos designed to protect the guilty. I am not alone in suspecting this tactic was employed at recent public protests held outside the Hampstead Church, which resulted in two arrests. Where confusion and chaos inevitably reigns, so too does disinformation. This tactic is not new; it has been used against truth-seekers by governments, media and intelligence agencies for the past half-century or more.

The disturbing reality is that institutionalized pedophilia and child-trafficking networks are among the most organized and comprehensive abuses upon humanity. It hides in powerful shadows, inflicts horror on the innocent, and demonizes their protectors. So, when it comes to fighting organized crime in the 21st Century, we truly are fighting an information war. If you think the notion of a deliberate “information war” is paranoid or conspiratorial, please understand that is the same term used by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2011, when defending her department’s proposed increase to propaganda funding before a U.S. Congressional Committee.

“We are in an information war and we are losing that war… and unfortunately we are paying a big price for it.”

The information war, she added, is being won by information channels that offer “real news”, adding that the U.S. should get back “in the game” and do “what we do best.”

Broadly speaking, infiltrating, opposing or discrediting movements serves a number of purposes in an information/credibility war. Besides gaining inside information, disinformation agents may deliberately leak information, create division, and steer the ‘group thinking’ and activity of support networks away from achieving real outcomes. Controlled opposition also satisfies the casual concerned observer that “someone is doing something”. Such infiltration also serves to ‘media tarnish’ the reputation of the those asking questions of the official narrative, portraying the extremist Satanic Panic lunatic archetype that the media loves and the public loathes, and therefore steering public perception and undermining any factual evidence they stand for. In this way, the guilty can be made to look like victims and the victims to look guilty, sabotaging the clear passage of truth. Historically, this simple kind of manipulation has been extremely effective, if we are blind to it, and this is something that activists need to fully understand and remember in all our dealings, if we are ever to make a dent in uncovering the truth in cases where key evidence is apparently disregarded by the official narrative.

In an information war, government disinformation agents work on all sides. By allowing ourselves to be infiltrated, influenced and manipulated, we make it easy for them to subjugate, infiltrate, divide and conquer, chalking up another win for the perpetrators of abuse.

And when it comes to cases in which high-level institutional corruption is already suspected, it would be naive to assume the work of disinformation agents does not extend as far as government-led inquiries and judicial process.

Notable Names “Steering The Ship”

In the public discussion of the Hampstead case, and of organized pedophilia in general, there are some notable names steering the ship. However many researchers and truth-seekers are beginning to suspect the ship has been steered in the wrong direction.

The kind of cover-up tactics activist believe are being employed in the Hampstead case also appear to have been employed in Canada after claims of Satanic ritual abuse and murder of indigenous people were lodged with the Canadian Courts. Kevin Annett, a former minister of the United Church of Canada, founded the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) in 2010 to support and bring justice to the victims of institutional abuse. According to the itccs.org mandate:

Our Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions.

Since its inception, the ITCCS has achieved no such result, and Annett has been accused of double-dealing by those working closely with him. Explains author and former colleague, Alfred Lambremont Webre:

By the evidence, it appears the ITCCS is a fabrication. Some investigators think Kevin Annett is a globalist operative. In that case the ITCCS is a globalist fabrication to displace, scatter and retard community and self-sovereign restoration of authentic society. Our working hypothesis is that one of the functions of ITCCS is to displace and discredit any genuine [efforts]…

In the course of following through on due diligence we have been attacked and distorted by Annett and followers… [We have] yet to receive verification that ITCCS Brussels personnel or the court exists…

Incredibly, Kevin Annett recently told UK activist and radio show host Andy Peacher that he no longer believes Satanic ritual abuse is even happening. In this startling ‘turn around’ statement, Annett now says he attributes countless reports of Satanic ritual abuse to the planting of “false memories” and “false stories and labels in people’s minds”. This statement is in direct contradiction to his long-held observation that:

“These things happen regularly… They are definitely tied into, not just Roman festivals, but also Satanic calendars. There are certain days of the year that seem to have more significance in terms of human sacrifice. New moons apparently often tie in to those times of the month as well. But the Roman festivals are significant because they seem to be guiding the actions of these cults that operate within or around the Catholic Church.”

Incidentally, child welfare groups agree with the observations Annett now claims to dispute. Given his sudden divergence from well-established facts, many activists and researchers now believe the “false stories and labels” are in fact Annett’s.

Concerns have also been raised within activist networks about the role of influential activist Belinda McKenzie, founder of McKenzie Friends. McKenzie is closely associated with Kevin Annett, having publicly supported him throughout 2010 and 2011 while he travelled to the UK to appear at a series of rallies. Rumoured to be an MI-5 agent with links to money laundering and ‘independent’ think tanks, questions about McKenzie’s agenda have been further compounded by her recent call for an ‘amnesty’ for pedophiles — essentially, advocating increasing legal protection for the perpetrators not the victims of child abuse.

Now, with questions still unanswered about both Annett and McKenzie’s agenda, it is notable that the organisations they front (ITCCS and McKenzie Friends respectively) were founded within months of each other, and perhaps more notably, both organisations bear a very similar logo – a detail that has not gone unnoticed within activist circles.


Given the historical prevalence of disinformation tactics in “information wars”, many truth-seekers are asking: Have these individuals been strategically placed at the front of the awareness campaign? Are they here only to keep their fingers on the pulse, while steering genuine activists away from the truth, and justice? And what of online awareness campaigns?

As every truth-seeker well knows, the infiltration of organized action groups also extends to the online world, where paid disinformation shills work diligently to distort facts and defame the individuals who oppose the hidden complicity of authorities.

Since January, there have been extensive online efforts to discredit the testimony of the two children involved in the Hampstead allegations, and in particular, the integrity of their mother who first reported the allegations to authorities. These counter-efforts appear to be coordinated from within London, while technical data suggests the efforts of activists are being monitored closely by members of the Westminster Methodist Hall. It is also worthy to note, the Methodist Church has long-standing connections to the United Nations, providing Westminster Methodist Hall as the venue for the very first United Nations meeting held in 1946.

One particular website appears to have been created specifically to undermine any and all evidence relating to the Hampstead case. Calling themselves Hoaxtead Research and bearing remarkable resemblance to the Hampstead Research website, the Hoaxtead Research site works primarily to denounce the testimony of the children in this case and to attack any research that hints at wrong-doing on the part of anyone but the children and their mother. The tactics employed by Hoaxstead Research are reported by many activists to involve only character assassinations of those involved without credible or objective research. This development has led many in the community to believe this site was created only to enact the tried-and-tested tactic of the guilty — to discredit credible testimony with emotion, chaos and confrontation.

(For more information on the nature of professional trolls, please see the article: Pay for Comments – Confessions of a Paid Disinformation Internet Shill.)

Among the hoax theories that are circulating online, the most commonly believed is that the children’s mother, Ella Draper, concocted this story and coached her children to repeat it, in order to gain legal custody of her children. However, 3 minutes of research reveals the simple flaw in this hoax theory: Ella Draper was already the children’s primary care giver, and so had no need to make false claims in order to secure custody of her children. In 2011, a residence order issued by the court assigned legal residence to Ms. Draper, and subsequent claims of disputed access to the children arose after claims of abuse came to light, not before.

You can read the chronology of events as outlined by Ms. Draper HERE, which details allegations of violence against Ricky Dearman as well as the events that led Ms. Draper to take action on behalf of her children.

Raising further questions, as BBC News reported:

Delivering her judgement at the High Court, Mrs Justice Pauffley said the children had been forced to concoct accounts of horrific events and that their stories were a result of relentless emotional and psychological pressure and significant physical abuse by their mother’s new partner in collaboration with their mother.

However, the claims of psychological and emotion abuse at the hands of Ms. Draper and her partner did not correlate to the physical evidence of sexual abuse provided by the initial police investigation, which revealed scar tissue on the children’s genitals and other evidence of physical trauma directly related to long-term sexual assault.

While these facts may have been obscured in the media to the casual observer, many activists believe this in an act of desperation, itself providing further evidence of just how far up the social and political ladder the corruption that protects pedophiles from justice actually reaches.

Be Part Of The Solution

For the sake of our children, and their children, we need to accept the facts; where there is smoke, and lots of it, there is fire. As informed and conscientious human beings, we have a moral responsibility to hear these witness accounts, and take the time to analyse and discern the scope of problem we are being confronted with — no matter how overwhelming it may seem. Yet, to the majority of the public this kind of information is so horrendous and unthinkable that it is beyond the capacity of many people to believe this could be true, much less contemplate the details. The result is cognitive-dissonance, which inevitably leads to inaction.

But our ignorance of this matter is no longer an excuse! Given the weight of evidence at hand, it is no longer acceptable nor is it even logical to write-off each accusation of organized and ritualized abuse that arises as an isolated fiction. There is certainly reason to suspect that many of the 8 million children who ‘disappear’ each year are falling victim to coordinated pedophile networks. A culture built on Satanic ritual, they have the motives, the power and the means to traffic children around the globe, under the guises of “upstanding citizens” and “peace keepers” and “good Samaritans”, with the necessary influence to suppress the truth through corruption of the so-called justice system.

So, how do we bring criminals to justice if the criminals themselves control the justice system?

Firstly, we must stop accepting the calculated excuses of the perpetrators of organized crime, and finally take steps to confront and dismantle it.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (and women-Ed.) to do nothing.” ~ Edmund Burke

As responsible adults in a world seemingly gone mad, who else but us – you and me, here and now – can speak and act for these abused children? Our failure to make a stand in whatever way we can, whatever the cost, would mean a failure of our most basic human ‘duty of care’ to our youngest and most vulnerable. Our children are precious, and they have the right to be children; they are our most valuable investment in humanity’s future. To fail them would be a failure of our society.

It is the therefore obligation of the adult world to defend the rights and safety of our precious youth, and hold accountable those who sadistically and methodically seek to harm them. We must call pedophiles out as the organized, institutionally-protected ‘monsters in suits’ they are, and carry out our ‘duty of care’ with all the diligence we can muster.

With so much information, misinformation (non-deliberate) and disinformation (deliberate) surrounding this case, and pedophile networks in general, it is essential that we as responsible members of the community exercise critical discernment of all information, sources and motivations. As history has begun to prove, with information and awareness on our side we can oust these Satanic predators from the institutional veils they hide behind, no matter what their role or rank may be. 

In the words of freelance scholar and author John Lash:

“It’s a horrible crime. But like any other crime, it can be overturned by the proof of the evidence. The only way to maintain that crime is to hide … and suppress the evidence that contradicts the official narrative… It’s my view that the people who have attempted to do that are losing control. They’re losing control of the narrative…

“If you want to see … a life of pleasure and mutual aid on this planet, never perfect… and if you recognize the narrative that is preventing that from happening, you must also recognize that it is not enough to defeat and overcome that narrative. There must be another narrative to replace it.” 

So, on behalf of the world’s children and parents alike, I plead with those employed within government, religious, military, media, and peacekeeping institutions — particularly those in positions of power and authority — to do your job. Blow the whistle. Speak the truth, and stand up courageously for the rights of children everywhere. If you still have a common love of humanity, but until now have been too afraid of potential consequences to come forward, now is the time. While the general public remains uninformed about the true nature of the ‘elite’ and their abuses, the political narrative surrounding these cases will remain the same. But with your help, the momentum of the current public awareness campaign will soon reach ‘critical mass’.

Get Involved!

Please add your name to the petition to Justice Anna Pauffley. We are requesting that she:

  • Honour the residence order put in place in 2011 which assigned legal residence of the two Hampstead children, Alisa and Gabriel, to their mother.
  • Order a thorough and comprehensive investigation of the children’s original disclosures, and the handling of the inquiry by the institutional powers implicated, including the circumstances that led to the children revoking their allegations after 6 days in institutional care.

Research. Discern. Inform others.

We are the victims’ only voices, and together we will be heard.

We’re watching you Westminster!

Please take a moment to watch this powerful and heartfelt speech by Russell Burton at the anti-child abuse rally “Victims & Survivors Unite – Breaking The Cycle Of Abuse” held at Westminster on 27th June 2015.

“WHAT WE ALLOW WILL CONTINUE. We must be the generation that puts an end to this evil because I fear for the sanity of future generations if this filth is allowed to retain its control over us.”

Further information can be found in the following detailed articles and videos:

Overview (Previous article by Sonya van Gelder)

Child, baby and fetus Trafficking

Human smuggling and trafficking into Europe

Abuses in Haiti

Organ trading

Behind Satanic Ritual Abuse

About the author:

Sonya van GelderSonya van Gelder is an independent researcher, author and truth-seeker. Growing up in Africa, New Zealand and Australia, Sonya gained a keen interest in the varied cultures of the indigenous peoples worldwide, and has since undertaken over 20 years of personal research into ancient mysteries and esoteric teachings.

Sonya’s continuing research has led her to many of Australia’s significant sacred areas and to working closely with Aboriginal elders. Feeling a deep connection to and a mutual respect for the aboriginal elders and their stories, Sonya feels it is of vital importance to take a look at ancient aboriginal lore and explore its multi-level significance both locally and globally.

Sonya is currently writing a book that will explore the similarities in the symbolism and mythologies within our ancient mysteries worldwide, connecting many dots and helping to bring humanity to a greater awareness of significant truths to who we really are, and of the esoteric wisdom and spirituality that was once a global understanding.

While Sonya’s work as a children’s rights activist is a departure from her focus on ancient mysteries, she is a passionate advocate of children’s rights who feels driven to use her skills as a researcher and writer to help break down the walls of institutionalized abuses, and bring justice and security to our society’s most vulnerable.

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