Love Waves In Our Hologram

Love Waves In Our Hologram

By Melissa Joy Jonsson

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation. Things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same. — Guru Pathik

Often our individual and collective experiences are a result of fields with which we are knowingly or unknowingly in resonance through the hologram of consciousness. Change a field resonance in the hologram, and everything can change.

Although an understanding of science is not necessary for practical application and experience of the Fields, a general synopsis of principles relating to the science of consciousness and the possible nature of reality is provided here to support empowered interactive reality creation. However one does not need to understand the science to experience the power, love, and grace of the Fields. In fact, experience is a form of understanding. Embodied experience ignites curiosity that propels movement in our awareness. The moment we think we completely understand or know anything, we limit what we might discover. The moment we immerse ourselves in experience, we create references and distinctions for ourselves as placeholders in our personal maps of reality.

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Consider that the science in this article may be understood as a language to map the heart of love as consciousness. The science offers us the scenic route to inner truth as wisdom. Realize that the truth of the matter is that the heart always knows and understands what the mind may not yet see.

Approach the science with an open heart. Rather than attempting to assimilate the information from an analytical perspective, allow for comprehension to occur at the level of the heart’s innate intelligence. Allow for knowledge to be revealed to you by the integrative wisdom of the heart, a balance of personal truth as love in relation to all that is . . . love too.

Conversations in Consciousness

Science is a dialog between truth and reality. — Glenda Green, Love Without End

The Science of Consciousness is a vast, complex, and evolving field of study that includes a plethora of theories. The true spirit of science has always been a quest for knowledge. The word science comes from the Latin word scientia, which means “knowledge.”

Science itself has been defined as “the state of knowing: knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding.” Consider the possibility that much of what has been proven in so-called science may have misunderstanding at its root. A false premise proven true is still false at some level. Perhaps the true–false dichotomy is where science has gone awry? Perhaps true or false in science is more a matter of hidden or revealed? Perhaps true or false is more a function of resonance and revelations?

Our revelations may bring us to a new level of awareness, an understanding not as knowledge but as wisdom. Truth in science based on knowledge is only ever partly true. What is dismissed as false may simply be that which is not yet resonant in awareness, recognized, evident, and/or experienced. What may appear false from one vantage point may indeed be something entirely true from a different angle, perspective, or experience of consciousness.

The Science of Consciousness in Defined Parameters

The words consciousness, conscious, and conscience all derive from the same Latin word conscius, meaning “with” and “to know.” So if conscience means “with and to know,” and literally the science in conscience means the same thing as science itself, what is consciousness?

A common dictionary definition of consciousness is “the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings” or “the ability to be aware of, and to be able to perceive the relationship between oneself and one’s environment.” The most basic definition is simply “awareness.” Awareness.

According to the ancient Vedas, the definition of consciousness is “to be self-aware,” and a primary function of self-awareness is self-reference. [1]

So then, what exactly is the Science of Consciousness? According to Christian de Quincey, PhD, professor of philosophy and consciousness studies at John F. Kennedy University, science is about the external objective world; but consciousness is interior, it is subjective. We turn to science for reliable knowledge about the external physical cosmos, and turn to spiritual traditions for knowledge and wisdom about the “inner cosmos” of consciousness, mind, experience. To know how science knows anything, we need a different kind of science—a science of consciousness, a “noetic” science. All knowledge of the external objective world relies ultimately on nonobjective consciousness. [2]

In other words, all objective knowledge relies on subjective interpretation. So, even through science, we can never really know objective reality. Rather, we can only know our experience of reality though how we subjectively perceive reality. Our experience of reality is shaped by the apertures of our awareness, serving as windows for our subjective perceptions. Our experience of reality is affected by our perception.

Being Conscious of the Consciousness Adventure

This somewhat paradoxical notion regarding the subjective–objective nature of reality and the science of consciousness evokes memory of an amusement park ride I thoroughly enjoyed as a child: Adventure Thru Inner Space.

Adventure Thru Inner Space was a popular Disneyland attraction in Anaheim, California, from 1967 to 1985. Patrons of the ride, children and adults alike, would embark upon the adventure by climbing into open-air trams called “atom-mobiles,” which would slowly move into a giant micro- scope. I recall feeling giddy anticipation each time the journey began.

While waiting in line for the ride, we would curiously look upon a giant microscope under which the visitors ahead of us would seemingly shrink and disappear from sight. When it was our turn to board the atom-mobiles, we were subjected to the illusory experience of being shrunk down to microscopic size.

After passing through the large simulated microscope, we were injected into the center of a snowflake. This virtual reality experience was created by rocking the cars side to side while the vehicles moved forward through a dark tunnel. It was hardly rocket science, but to those with innocent perception and the magical open heart of a child, the virtual experience seemed quite real.

Upon emerging from the dark tunnel, we were welcomed by gigantic, falling snowflakes surrounding us. As we shrunk further in size, the sights changed: giant snowflakes became molecules, and molecules became atoms. Overhead, we were aware of a gigantic eye that watched our entire journey through a microscope.

When the ride was over, we were mysteriously returned to full size. For a few moments, while our perceptual lenses adjusted, we weren’t really sure if we were still microscopic in size. Reality seemed somehow … different. We wondered whether we were the same as before the adventure, or did seeing the all in small somehow change us?

The now-obsolete ride at Disneyland is much like observing life in the hologram, as we shall soon discover. When we look through our microscopes, we see aspects of ourselves waving back. The object of our awareness is not separate from us. We are like the eye in the microscope on the Disneyland ride. We are self looking at other reflecting oneself looking back. We are that which subjectively perceives and that which we observe, objectified through the lens of our awareness in an interconnected holographic universe.

Curiosity of Connections

Science and physics can evoke our curiosity about the nature of consciousness through various perspectives that unto themselves create distinct possibilities, virtual realities, playgrounds, or playing fields for exploration.

None of the scientific theories may be absolutely true, and yet many of the theories may be relatively true in close approximation. Some theories appear closer to true than others, but any conceptual truth may simply be a matter of perspective. All theories, as working models, are reflections of perceptions, based on connections.

We are the same. We are working models, reflections of perceptions based on connections.

Consider the science of consciousness as not being separate from us but rather as a way of describing us in relation to … reality. In the same way a photograph of us is not us, but rather depicts us, science attempts to objectively (or subjectively) depict terrains of reality. Science is not reality. Science is a structure to portray reality.

Science of Consciousness offers maps or snapshots to describe reality. Similarly, we as human, conscious beings are far more complex than what is depicted in a photograph. The true nature of reality expands far beyond scientific perspectives or prisms of awareness. The true nature of reality is seemingly limitless, and some scientific models attempt to capture and reflect this vast and boundless notion too.

Perhaps the Science of Consciousness is really about the workability innate to all of reality? [3] From a practical standpoint, workable models in science can support us in our experience of interactive reality creation. We can look to a science of consciousness to point us toward possible truths that enable our inner worlds to match our outer experiences.

In this process, we may want to be more conscious and conscientious about our notions of consciousness, for fixating on any specific idea can limit the very continuum of what we are attempting to be aware of, flow with, notice, and experience.

Universe as a Hologram: Reality as Illusion?

A popular meme circulating through the collective consciousness is that reality is an illusion. Is this true? Is reality an illusion? Well, this meme is perhaps true AND not true simultaneously. Reality and the illusion of reality are both true and not true when we realize the universe may be a hologram. Reality is both virtual and actual. The meme “reality is an illusion” may simply be an invitation for us to realize that what we perceive at one level may not be all there is. More importantly, what we can conceive of may be created and actualized when we understand the holographic principles at play.

Waves Form Matters of Reality from Holographic Constructs

If man thinks of the totality as constituted of independent fragments, then that is how his mind will tend to operate, but if he can include everything coherently and harmoniously in an overall whole that is undivided, unbroken, and without a border then his mind will tend to move in a similar way, and from this will flow an orderly action within the whole. — David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order

There is extensive evidence that the nature of reality as we know it, ostensibly filled with particle-based matter, giving the illusion of solidity and separation, is not really solid and distinct at all. Rather, fundamental reality is perhaps more accurately a series of interconnected standing wave-based interference patterns.

These wavy interference patterns are organized into fields of information projected into an infinitely fractal hologram. Our personal experience of the hologram is largely determined by the resonant wave-fields of information in which we play. In other words, how and where we resonate, so we experience.

Infinite Potential Expressing in the Hologram

A holographic principle of the universe was initially referenced by the ancient Greek Hermes Trismegistus when he shared, “As is above, so is below. As is below, so is above.” Hermes was referring to a Principle of Correspondence between the macro-cosmos and the micro-cosmos. This Hermetic principle conveys that what we see in the universe and galaxies we will also find on a smaller scale inside the atoms, and also in everything in between. [4]

A holographic concept of reality was later popularized by Richard Alan Miller, Iona Miller, and Burt Webb; David Bohm; Ken Wilber; Karl Pribram; and Michael Talbot, among others. The essence of the holographic paradigm is that there is a more fundamental level of reality beyond what is visible—an invisible reality that is inherently interconnected and perpetually in a state of flux. In a holographic paradigm, nothing is separate. There exists a reciprocal enfolding and unfolding of patterns of information amid the flux, or holomovement. All potential information amid the universe is holographically encoded in the spectrum of wave patterns we may resonate with, connect to, and experience. [5]

Within this context, it has been posited that the nature of reality is fundamentally analogous to the nature of a holographic projection. Although several scientists and thought leaders have supported a holographic theory of reality, the aforementioned individuals contributed, expanded on, and arrived at conclusions from different perspectives. Perhaps this interesting form of synchronicity may be evidence unto itself of an interconnected grid of unified consciousness.

What Is a Hologram?

A hologram is formed from a technique known as holography, based on the wave-based principles of light invented by British scientist Dennis Gabor in 1948. Later, in 1971, Gabor was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery. The word hologram is based on the Greek words holos (whole) and gramma (message).

A hologram is a three-dimensional image created with photographic projection using a laser. A hologram is produced when a single laser beam is split into two separate beams. The first beam is bounced off the object to be photographed; then, the second beam is allowed to collide with the reflected light of the first beam. Where the two laser beams intersect and create an interference pattern is captured on film. When the film is developed, the picture is indiscernible to the naked eye. It looks like fuzzy overlapping waves or ripples in a pond. However, when the film is illuminated by another laser beam, a three-dimensional image of the original object appears.

The characteristic of a hypothetically perfect hologram is that all of its content is contained in any finite part of itself, albeit at lower resolution. In other words, holograms contain all the information needed to reconstruct a whole image. Contrary to regular photographs, every part of the hologram is an exact reflection of the whole. The hologram has the entire information system for the complete image programmed into every piece of it and contains many dimensions of information in far less space. The whole of the image is in its parts.

Eye on Virtual or Actual

What is most interesting to me about a hologram is that if we look at a hologram with the naked eye, it will appear as a series of crisscross patterns and nothing like the object that was initially photographed. It is not until a coherent beam of laser light is shone directly on the film that we can clearly see the entire image projecting the original object recorded. Not only that, but the three-dimensional holographic image looks as real and solid as the object itself!

To truly distinguish between the hologram and the “real” physical object, one can wave a physical hand through the center of the hologram, like running a hand through air, and notice free-flowing movement void of resistance. Only then is the mind able to clearly discern that the object in its awareness is a hologram, not the “real” object.

We make this distinction based on comparison to how we have come to associate and experience matter as being solid. As we do not seem to have the same experience waving a hand through an actual physical object; when we encounter physical matter, we meet resistance, rigidity, solidity, and thus we conclude by comparison that the object is real and the hologram is virtual.

Implicate Explanations for a Holographic Universe

Prominent quantum physicist David Bohm is best known for his pioneering ideas about a holographic paradigm. Many of his creative impulses were activated from his dissatisfaction with aspects of quantum theory. Bohm was intrigued by the mysterious behavior of electrons. Specifically, Bohm postulated that the reason these tiny particles are able to remain in contact with one another no matter the distance is because they are not separate; rather, their apparent separation is illusion. [6]

Bohm utilized the concept of the hologram as the basis for a new description of reality. He called this model the theory of the implicate order. [7] In this theory, David Bohm describes a world of unbroken wholeness, which consists of a universe that is made of different layers.

Bohm thought the true nature of physical reality is not a collection of separate objects; rather, reality is an undivided whole in perpetual dynamic flux. This undivided whole is not static but is in a constant state of flow and change. Bohm described his theory as a holomovement. The terms holo– and movement refer to two fundamental features of reality. The movement portion refers to the fact that reality is in a constant state of change and flux. The holo- portion signifies that reality is structured in a manner that is very similar to holography. Bohm theorized that the universe functions as a hologram.

Bohm stated that everyday physical life is a sort of illusion, like a holo- graphic image. Everyday life is the explicate order or manifest expression. Underneath this image is a deeper implicate order, hidden and not visible, a sea of information from which all things emerge. This implicate order unfolds from a superimplicate order of absolute unity and absolute infinite potential. He referred to this level of reality as the field of quantum potential.

Quantum Potential Distinctions and Expressions

Bohm theorized that the quantum potential pervaded all of space like gravity. However, unlike gravitational and magnetic fields, the influence of the quantum potential did not diminish over distance. [8] This quantum potential and its implicate order have also been referenced in scientific terms as Zero-point field, quantum vacuum, vacuum potential, aether, Akashic field, and the field, and most recently, as the Higgs field. Eastern spiritual traditions have referred to this as prana, ki, or chi, to give a few examples.

Consistent among all these terms is that there is an undivided fabric, a quantum sea of interconnected potential, a universal field of reality implicate to our awareness, where all information is connected, stored, transmitted, and potentially retrieved.

Mind as Hologram

If the universe is a hologram, then what does this mean about us? We feel real and solid. We are aware of the thoughts we are having at this moment in our minds. But are these thoughts in the mind, or are they emerging from some vast implicate order of holographic waves that the mind is simply interpreting as thoughts? Are these thoughts simply wave-based interference patterns of information that we decode, interpret, and share through language?

Eminent brain scientist, psychologist, and philosopher Karl Pribram also was intrigued by the possible holographic nature of reality. As early as 1971, Karl Pribram applied the model of a hologram to neuropsychology, suggesting it was more than analogy. He concluded through systematic research that the brain actually encodes information as holograms. He called this theory the holonomic brain theory.

Pribram’s theory asserted that memories and information are not encoded in neurons in the brain but rather in patterns of signals of wave interference that crisscross the entire brain. This patterning is virtually identical to the way that patterns of laser light interference crisscross the entire area of a piece of film containing a holographic image. [9]

The holonomic brain theory indicates that cognitive function is guided by a matrix of neurological “wave interference patterns” forming from general impressions that are holographic Gestalt perceptions. Information perceived through the sight is processed in a way that resembles an encoding apparatus. The brain receives a large quantity of impulses at the same time and deciphers them into a single understandable unit, like a holograph.[10]

When Pribram encountered Bohm’s holographic model, he expanded his own theory on the brain. Pribram determined that the brain as a hologram exists within a holographic universe and that information itself is not stored in the brain; rather, information and memories are stored in an underlying field of universal consciousness. Pribram’s research and holographic analogy further demonstrated how the brain could manage to store so much information and also how the brain could translate blurs of meaningless swirls into a coherent image.

The brain itself is a holographic receiver and transmitter of information, enfolded in a larger interconnected holographic universe. According to Pribram, we are able to transcend the boundaries of our physical reality (the brain) and connect with a field of information that exists at a level of reality beyond space-time:

If you didn’t have telescopes what would you see? You would see a hologram. So not only the lenses of the eye, all the lenses that we use to look microscopically, telescopically, we would see nothing but holograms. Because light bounces all over the place. . . . That doesn’t mean that objects don’t exist, that stars don’t exist, you know, you can’t take it to the holographic universe being every and all, a total explanation, anymore than you can take brain function as being a total explanation. It’s one of the processing steps that we have, that we use, and a very powerful one. [11]

Practically speaking, at the level of reality called the explicate order, we appear to be physical bodies, living among separate structures made of matter. On a deeper level, everything is actually a blur of interference wave patterns enfolded throughout the interconnected universal hologram. Our brain’s perception is like a laser beam that shines through the holographic film to interpret the intersecting wave patterns in the hologram. Our unique lens of awareness is formed through how we interpret intersecting wave patterns.

Virtually True and Actually the Same

Well, then, is reality virtual or actual? Reality is both virtual and actual. Pribram’s research, among that of others, demonstrated that the mind–body ultimately is unable to distinguish the difference between the neural holograms the brain uses to experience reality and the ones it creates while imagining reality.

This can explain the power of spontaneous healings and even the placebo effect, where patients’ health improves based on their thoughts and beliefs about receiving a medication. Additional research has proven that the body does not distinguish between the thought of a movement and the actual movement. Virtual reality simulation through focused imagination has the same impact on body physiology as the actual activity of physical movement through space. [13]

Holonomic Matters of Experience

So if reality is both virtual and actual, then how do waves of interference patterns communicate, organize, and interrelate to form the appearance of reality as matter, life, and experience? After all, it is one thing to understand how a photographic hologram is created, or even how the brain might interpret interference patterns. But how does holographic theory carry forth to the creation of organized, structured physical materials and living, breathing organisms?

More important, how does holographic theory pertain to our personal and collective experience of interactive reality creation? Let us look a little deeper at the implications of the holographic paradigm relative to interactive reality creation.

Similarity Seems to Matter: WSM Theory

Building on holographic principles, some scientists propose that matter is simply a focal point of awareness, like a drop of water still immersed in an ocean wave.

In 1986, physicist Milo Wolff formulated a theory that he called the standing wave structure of matter (or WSM theory). Independently, philosopher of science and theoretical physicist Geoff Haselhurst came to the same conclusion about a standing wave theory of matter, and the two physicists have been collaborating on this theory since 1998.14 Perhaps this meaningful co- incidence is more evidence of an interconnected, synchronized universe?

The WSM theory proposes that matter (the electron) is actually the focal point of a standing wave, the result of two interfering waves. One wave is an inward-bound wave moving toward the center, and the other is an outward-bound wave moving away from the center.

The two waves form a standing wave whose peaks and nodes are like layers of an onion or ripples in a pond. The wave amplitude is a scalar wave, not an electromagnetic vector wave (a scalar wave is a mathematical wave of force, having quantity and magnitude without direction). The wave center is the apparent location of the electron particles. The waves are spherical waves in the fabric of space. The center of the two spherical waves is the point particle center.

In the WSM theory, matter is the interference pattern of in- and out- waves. The in-waves of a given particle are the out-waves of another particle. In this way, all matter in the universe is sustained and mutually dependent. Wolff states that information carried on the waves can be easily exchanged when two self-similar waves meet and share space. This process is called phase conjugation.

Quantum Hologram: Phase Conjugate Waves of Shared Information

Edgar Mitchell, former astronaut and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, and his team have applied similar ideas to the study of consciousness. Mitchell also believes consciousness is holographic and functions based on principles of similar resonance. He posits that all entities, including consciousness and nonmaterial things, come together or form because they share a similar (conjugate) energetic relationship through their wave phases. Waves carry information, and waves in-phase with one another exchange information. Mitchell refers to this resonance process as phase conjugate adaptive response. Again, we see that information is shared through similar resonance. [15]

Similarly, theoretical physicist Dr. Peter Marcer, DPhil, CEng, FBCS, CITP, also proclaims that the nature of consciousness is a quantum hologram. Marcer hypothesizes that all of matter emits phase waves, as do all conscious beings. When the phase wave from one human being contacts the phase wave of another physical object or human being, the intersection of the two equal but opposite waves creates an interference pattern that imparts information. Information is carried and shared via phase relationships in the hologram. [16]

All three of these physics theories offer further explanation of the holographic paradigm and the nature of reality as a holomovement. Wolff, Mitchell, and Marcer, among others, have proposed that the explicate order of the universe can be explained by the implicate similarity of standing waves sharing information. Through self-similarity, and resonance with information in the hologram, spherical standing waves exchange information and agree to share space, creating what appears to be separate forms, matter as distinct expressions in the everyday explicate order of the hologram.

Making Light of Matters

Numerous references throughout many spiritual traditions draw parallels between consciousness and light. Even our bodies appear to be composed of light. Our bodies are made of biophotons, and biophotons are light. It has been scientifically proven that every cell in the body emits more than one hundred thousand light impulses, or photons, per second! These light emissions, found in all living things, are called biophotons and have been found to be the driving mechanism behind all biochemical reactions. [17]

Russian embryologist Alexander Gurwitsch did initial research establishing the role of light in living processes. In 1923, Gurwitsch established a strong hypothesis that every living cell emits light. In the 1970s, the work of German scientist Fritz Popp expanded further on biophoton theory, providing ample experimental evidence. Popp discovered that DNA both emits and absorbs biophotons and that the health of living creatures could be determined by the subtle energy of the biophotons they emit.

Torsion Informs Light in Synchrony

According to MIT- and Princeton-educated physicist Dr. Claude Swanson in his synchronized universe model, the new sciences of biophotons and torsion fields provide a bridge between two views of life: the old twentieth century view of an organism as a chemical machine and the emerging view of life as communication and energetic flows. [18]

Dr. Swanson goes on to state:

Bio-photons (light) create the three-dimensional hologram, which controls growth and healing. It creates and interacts with torsion fields which extend beyond the body, and create the aura … The ability of intention and visualization to alter DNA transcription, changing cell biology, is one of the modern breakthroughs which help us understand the close connection between consciousness and biophotons. [19]

The concept of the torsion field was developed in Russia over the past fifty years. The best summary in English of this research can be found in Dr. Claude Swanson’s book Life Force: The Scientific Basis. It summarizes the Russian research and compares it to research on subtle energy in China, Germany, the United States, and many other countries. Dr. Swanson is the first to explain that the aura is a torsion field and that many of the amazing feats of chi gong masters and yogis are really just applications of the physics of torsion.

In summary, the body is made of light, also known as biophotons. Biophotons interact with a biohologram informing the body to grow and heal. This hologram of light creates torsion fields (spin) and also transmits and receives information from resonant torsion fields (spin) around the body. Extensive Russian research has shown that torsion fields, presumed to be everywhere in the fabric of the universe, are able to transmit and receive information. What is more, the communication between torsion fields is not limited by time and space.

Torsion fields do not propagate in a linear fashion, like a photon or a light wave at the speed of light; rather, they are transmitted in a nonlinear, nonlocal, holographic manner. In other words, torsion fields can transmit and receive information, including thoughts, instantly from anywhere to anywhere. Furthermore, biophotons (of which we are composed) are considered to be the “intermediating link between local/linear and non-local/ non-linear field effects.” [20]

HoloGrammatic Influences

Additional scientific evidence has indicated that the body functions as a hologram and that DNA is a quantum biocomputer. Furthermore, it has been shown that DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies.

Documented research in wave genetics conducted by Russian biophysicist Dr. Peter Gariaev has shown that DNA is a sort of quantum recorder. This recorder holographically encodes information in wave structures, which are transmitted instantly to and from the entire human body, which also functions holographically. Furthermore, Gariaev and his team have proven that DNA functions like human languages and can be rewritten using specific sequences of language (ordered words) transferred via coherent laser light and sound waves.

DNA is responsible for the construction of the body and also serves data storage and communication roles. Gariaev’s group has found that human DNA code follows the same structure as human language, carrying both syntax (how we structure sentences) and semantics (the study of meaning in language form).

Gariaev and his researchers have found that the alkalines of human DNA follow the same principles and rules of grammar as human languages. Their research has systematically found striking similarities across multiple languages. Following holographic principles, human languages seem to be a reflection of our DNA!

Following is an excerpt from a recorded conversation I had with Dr. Gariaev while teaching in Moscow, Russia. The interview has been translated from Russian to English. [21]

DNA Phantom Effect

The functions of genetic coding are much wider, and protein synthesis is just one aspect of coding, a very important one, but just one. There are other aspects of genetic coding, which are related to holographic memory, holographic functions of the genetic apparatus. And there are many proofs of that. For instance, if you take a leaf of a living plant, cut off part of it, and put that living little leaf in a certain electromagnetic field, a sparkling image of a leaf appears, but a whole one, regardless of the fact that one part of it is cut off. This is an example of holographic memory.

The phantom leaf effect was an experiment where an electron photograph of an amputated leaf revealed a picture of an intact whole leaf. The amputated portion still appeared in the photo of the leaf, even though the missing leaf fragment had been destroyed. [22]

Similarly, Gariaev is responsible for the astounding discovery of the DNA phantom effect. This was first observed scientifically by Gariaev in 198523 but was not accepted by the Russian Academy of Sciences until 1991, in a collaborative paper with V. Poponin. [24]

The DNA phantom effect was observed during experiments measuring the vibrational modes of DNA in solution using a sophisticated laser photon correlation spectrometer. When scientists exposed the DNA molecule to coherent laser radiation, then removed all physical DNA from the scattering chamber, they found evidence that the DNA had left an imprint in what is called the vacuum (aether or Zero-point field).

The DNA imprint remained for long periods of time, in several cases for up to a month. The evidence suggested that the vacuum was imprinted with the DNA pattern or information.

Furthermore, the vacuum imprint then interacted with and changed the electromagnetic energy (the laser beam), providing compelling evidence that holographic information patterns guide physical structures.

The Whole Body Is a Hologram

Gariaev continues to explain:

It is important to understand that the cerebral cortex operates like a hologram. The entire brain, and especially the cerebral cortex, is holographic. Therefore, in many cases, when someone had his or her brain injured, and part of the brain was destroyed, that fact did not have any impact on the mind. Moreover, paradoxically, there were people who had no brain at all; nevertheless, their thinking was normal.

How is this possible? Because the entire biosystem works like a hologram, and the remainder of the nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, including the spinal cord, works like a hologram, and performs the functions of the brain, including endocrine functions, etc.

This is consistent with Pribram’s holonomic brain theory, whereby he stated that information is not stored in the brain; rather, information is stored in a universal field of consciousness that lies beyond the fabric of space-time but that is accessible to all in the hologram.

Gariaev’s research has now expanded our understanding to include the entire body as an interconnected hologram. Thinking is not in the brain, and the body hologram can, in many instances, provide holographic compensatory mechanisms for physical injuries.

Quantum Nonlocality and Torsion Fields

Gariaev continues:

The first function of the genetic apparatus is linguistic. The second is holographic, and finally, the third key function of the genetic apparatus, also ignored by official science, is quantum nonlocality. Quantum nonlocality, or teleportation of genetic information, means cells communicate with one another via electromagnetic fields; not simple electromagnetic fields, however, but torsional fields.

Why torsional exactly? Because our genetic apparatus, our chromosomes are emitters of torsional … well, photonic fields. Photonic fields. Any electromagnetic field includes a photonic field, and they always have a torsional component. That torsional component arises from optical activity of chromosomes.

All our DNA molecules of which chromosomes are composed, all RNAs, all proteins, all metabolites, including the main macromolecules—DNA, RNA, proteins—all of them are optically active, that is, they rotate plane-polarized light. It means they acquire torsional component. Any optical rotation implies creation of torsional fields. Most genetic information is recorded in torsion fields. [25]

Information is recorded in torsion fields.

Quantum Benefits

Gariaev continues his explanation of the body as a hologram with quantum qualities:

In what way is it good for a biosystem? In what way is quantum non-locality good? It ensures instantaneous connection of cells with one another. It means there is no act of transmission per se, because the transmission time equals zero, i.e. it is instantaneous transmission. A biosystem, all those billions, about two hundred billion of our cells, they know about the condition of one another instantaneously. The entire biosystem, all the cells are in entangled states. It’s a huge advantage of multicellular systems that emerged in the course of evolution, which allows operating genetic information at quantum level.

These benefits provide instantaneous connection, communication, and collaboration among the interconnected systems of the body hologram:

Our thinking and consciousness are realized via the workings of chromosomes—brain neurons. The most powerful protein biosynthesis is displayed by brain chromosomes. The biochemical equivalent of conscious-ness and thinking is the proteins, which are a certain similitude of phrases and sentences. And that quick protein synthesis and breakdown is a sort of equivalent, biochemical equivalent of consciousness and thinking.

This is because any thinking is performed via speech. Well, this is the ultimate level, which is preceded by the subconscious level, when intuition works, and it absolutely doesn’t depend on speech. We did experiments in which we talked to plants like the great scientist Luther Burbank had done. We talked to them in Russian, English and German, and we assigned “abracadabra” as meaningless jargon to control samples.

We evoked reparation of chromosomes in plants, wheat and barley, which were administered radiation of 2,000 R. The control samples died, and we managed to cause restoration of the genetic apparatus in the test samples.

For that reason, human speech is a quasi-genetic structure. And, vice versa, speech is also a speech structure. It means, DNA is quasi-speech, and speech is quasi-DNA. This thesis is significant, it’s one of the key premises of linguistic-wave genetics that we are now promoting now. [26]

Human speech is of the same structure as DNA, and vice versa.

Thinking Out Loud

I have visited Gariaev’s laboratory in Moscow, and though his research may recall an episode from Star Trek, rest assured it is real and scientifically reproducible now. I encourage everyone to consider that this offers a path to noninvasive healing, longevity, and planetary well-being for all future generations, and it is here now.

The universe is a hologram, our brains and bodies are holograms, and our DNA functions on holographic principles, too. We can influence our DNA by the conveyance and communication of information such as language.

Perhaps it is not as simple as just talking to the DNA. “Hello, DNA. Will you please give me two more sets of hands so I can simultaneously play the piano while eating lunch and typing on my computer? Oh, and please give me green eyes today, instead of brown eyes, so my eyes match the green shirt I plan to wear to a party.”

Nonetheless, the work of Dr. Gariaev has very important implications relative to all forms of biological life. His groundbreaking research provides a holographic model for healing and longevity at personal and planetary levels. Wave genetics further elucidates our own ability to modify resonance in an interconnected universe through our thoughts, words, emotions, and actions … as our minds function holographically, too.

As Gariaev’s work has shown scientifically, clinically, and practically, we are not victims of our DNA. We can change our DNA in the body hologram. The very information fields with which we resonate (often through thoughts, words, and deeds) contribute and give shape to our experiences all the way down to our DNA!

DNA serves as a toroidal antenna for linguistic communication with everything in the hologram. What has historically been deemed genetic is better understood through communicative resonance.

We can leverage light–sound and language as electromagnetic carrier waves for torsion fields of information to transmit expressions of coherence affecting personal and global imprints and experiences.

Love Matters: Language of Love and DNA

Physics isn’t the most important thing. Love is. — Richard P. Feynman

The language of love as a powerful information force has been scientifically proven to affect DNA, too. Among the myriad research studies that have been conducted on the impact of love on DNA, the following study from quantum biologist Dr. Glen Rein is of particular interest relative to the Gariaev findings. Rein found in a study that love sent through conscious intention has transformative effects on the human DNA molecule, causing it to unwind and heal itself when in the presence of loving energy when it is directed at the molecule:

Specific thoughts and intentions are generated by the brain/mind and are used to frequency modulate the coherent biofields from the heart. When one is in a state of love the coherence is enhanced and the biofields become stronger. This allows for a resonance between the coherent fields of the heart and the coherent fields around the DNA molecule. Such an interaction allows the frequency information associated with the original intention to manifest as a physical change in the DNA, whether it be a conformational change in the structure of the helix, a change in DNA replication or a shift in the electrical properties.[27]

Love as intent reverberates through every fiber (or standing wave) of our being. Love as a universal language, modulated through light–sound waves, has the power to cause measurable physiological and biological changes all the way through to the so-called strands of our DNA. Maybe the hologram is made of love waves? Maybe we are made of love waves, too!

This article was adapted and excerpted from the bestselling book ‘ Little Book of Big Potentials’ by Melissa Joy Jonsson.

Little Book of Big Potentials: 24 Fields of Flow, Fulfillment, Abundance, and Joy in Everyday Life

Melissa Joy Jonsson - Little Book Of Big Potentials

The Little Book of Big Potentials is a culmination of Melissa Joy Jonsson’s unique, expansive work integrating scientific principles and spiritual concepts into practical daily experiences. It offers a complete system of relating, assimilating, and embodying empowered, joy-filled, extraordinary living.

The Little Book of Big Potentials is about much more than recasting thoughts or beliefs to change reality; it is about commanding the power of the unified heart and information fields that shape the experience of reality. Through a delightful interweaving of science, spiritual insight, enlightening humor, and practical play, Melissa Joy takes us into the heart of interactive reality creation and provides an evolutionary perspective on the nature of reality based on universal truths, scientific observations, and practical experience.

“Little Book of Big Potentials: 24 Fields of Flow, Fulfillment, Abundance, and Joy in Everyday Life” is available here on Amazon.

M-Joy Practically Speaking: Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential

Heart-Centered Awareness Portal to Joy

M-Joy Practically Speaking is a playful exploration of the universal consciousness and infinite potential that is available to everyone within the field of the heart. Combining with a humorous weave of science, spirit, and practical play, Melissa Joy reveals how universal consciousness and infinite potential are organized and influence experiences.

Take a journey into heart-centered awareness and discover how to consistently drop into the heart, let go, notice what you notice, and notice what is different. In this intriguing book, M-Joy shares specific and effective strategies for change, as you discover how to playfully transform yourself and everything around you.

“M-Joy Practically Speaking: Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential” is available here on Amazon.

Previous articles by Melissa Joy Jonsson:

Article references:

  1. Wicherink, “Aether Vibrations.”
  3. Green, “Jesus on Science.”
  4. soul/.
  6. Talbot, Holographic Universe.
  7. Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order.
  8. Ibid.
  9. Talbot, Holographic Universe.
  12. Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order.
  17. Institute for Applied Biophoton Sciences,
  18. Swanson, “Torsion Field and the Aura,” 43.
  19. Swanson, Life Force, 17.
  20. Hammond, “Torsion Power.”
  21. Interview with P. P. Gariaev, Moscow, 2014.
  24. Poponin, “DNA Phantom Effect.”
  25. Emphasis added.
  26. Emphasis added.

About the author:

M-Joy Melissa Joy Jonsson

Melissa Joy Jonsson (M-Joy) is best known for her ability to engage people from all over the world to embrace their True Authentic Power by playing in the field of the heart. She has a unique perspective on how we are able to experience living joyfully and loving completely.

Melissa has been teaching popular life-transformational Matrix Energetics® seminars around the globe since 2008. She is the founder and instructor of the “M-Joy” seminar series, a unifying movement in consciousness dedicated to exploring and expanding heart-centered awareness and practical personal empowerment for everyone. Prior to creating a career she loves, she spent almost fifteen years as an executive in the pharmaceutical industry.

Melissa is the author of the books “Little Book of Big Potentials: 24 Fields of Flow, Fulfillment, Abundance, and Joy in Everyday Life”(July 2015) and “M-Joy Practically Speaking; Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential”(March 2014). She co-authored “Into the Matrix: Guides, Grace, and The Field of the Heart” and “The Physics of Miracles: Tapping in to the Field of Consciousness Potential” with Dr. Richard Bartlett. She is also the author of Practical Play the Heart-Centered Way: A Complementary Play Guide to Little Book of Big Potentials (January 2016).

Melissa has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She attended graduate studies at Pepperdine University’s Graziado School of Business and Management.

She is sought after as a respected published author and as a frequent guest speaker on global radio broadcasts, webinars, and tele-summits. Melissa is well known for her eloquent articulation and personal accessibility on both nationally and internationally recognized social media platforms.

Melissa Joy is passionate about inspiring every other person to realize his or her True Authentic Self (TAS) with practical, creative, and powerful wisdom that she embodies every day. She enjoys long runs near the ocean in San Diego, reading, hanging out with friends, and sharing with people the joyful journey of living their infinite potential

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