Consciously Navigating Through Dark Times


By Diana Rose Kottle

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Collectively on the planet we are moving from a ‘me’ to a ‘we’ consciousness. As this shift in consciousness occurs, it is important to understand and remember that healing our own personal issues does affect and contribute to healing the entire collective. Our individual energetic frequency, creates a ripple in consciousness; the way we take care of ourselves, influences and affects others. It is time to find our personal grounding and balance, to not only weather the storm, but to rise above it as a beautiful rainbow of light.

The energy on the planet is extremely intense, dense and dark right now. It seems everywhere I turn, people are in massive emotional turmoil and major upheaval on some level. This ranges in degree of intensity and spans the spectrum from feeling sad and lonely; to being so sensitive and empathic, constantly picking up on the collective fear; to feeling depressed, anxious, worried, hopeless, angry and frustrated (even downright furious), as life is simply not behaving in a fashion that is comfortable, nor easy to navigate at the moment, by any stretch of the imagination.

We were not born to be miserable or to suffer, or to constantly spin our wheels, exhausting ourselves, as we try to avoid pain. We were not created to live in fear and constant struggle and separation, projecting bucket loads of anger and resentment and judgments onto the people around us. We were not designed to live in a world full of toxins and chemicals, with heaps of unconsciousness and control programming and fear being dumped on us at every turn. Feeling awful in our own skin, isolated in our pain, and scared about our lack of health and/or abundance (on multiple levels), is not what we came here to experience.

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Yet this is what we are seeing out-picturing and manifesting in the world around us. This is the reality that we get trapped in and start to believe is the only way things can be. We forget that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, because we don’t remember who we truly are.

Clearly we’ve gotten off track. 

Our world has become a cosmic joke. We live in a toxic soup and we have become emotionally toxic and dis-eased as a result. We are watching a crazy chaotic circus full of outrageous and ridiculous daily political antics play out before our very eyes — from those in positions of great power, the very people who are supposed to be the ones leading our country and representing our freedom. Yet these figures whom we want to blame and project our outrage onto, are simply reflections of the distortions in the collective consciousness of humanity, manifesting externally, showing themselves in a physical tangible visible form, that is sure getting us to wake-up and pay attention.

Things have become so absurd that we are drowning in a sea of madness, desperately searching for a life raft to bring us back to shore. We are looking for the light switch, in an attempt to shed some sanity and sense on the darkness that is quickly multiplying and spreading across the landscape like nasty little water soaked gremlins.

Mostly, we accept it, having come to believe that this is “just the way things are”. Or we feel completely powerless, having no idea how to change things. We sink into deeper despair, falsely believing that our individual voice could not possibly affect change, when nothing could be farther from the truth. We mistakenly believe that we must suffer in silence and ‘suck it up’ and stuff down our misery and toxic emotions, because — what else are we going to do?

The Way Out

The truth is, there is a solution to our individual and our collective pain; there is a way through the darkness. It starts with getting really honest with ourselves about who we are and how we are personally showing up in the world. It’s time to stop eating our feelings, or self medicating them away (temporarily) via alcohol, drugs, sugar, television, etc. (insert your personal numb out vice here), only to have them pop back up with even more force and vigor, keeping us stuck in the same downward spiraling loop of destructive behaviors and emotional chaos.

It is time to reclaim our personal power and own our worthiness. It is time for us to embody mindful awareness and soulful connection, to embrace our spiritual essence, to find balance between our mind and our heart and our soul, to release the toxic limiting beliefs that tell us we are unloveable, unworthy, and not good enough. We need to begin and to continue shining our light, oh so very brightly. We must move away from fear and find our personal empowerment, improving and enhancing our daily experience and increasing our overall joy and happiness. When we do this, we raise our vibrational frequency, which affects those around us (and the world) in positive ways as well. We actually start to feel and see real improvements in our life.

We are here to be exactly who we are, to express our true authentic nature, and to experience and enjoy this beautiful world of contrast. This means learning to love the darkness, embracing our shadows, shining our light even when it feels dim — digging deep and finding the beauty, teachings, and opportunities for growth in everything we are tempted to judge as “wrong” or “bad”. It is time to forgive ourselves and the people in our life, those we want to blame for our unhappiness and our problems, and to embrace how powerful and worthy we truly are.

By owning our personal power and doing our part in improving our own well being, we create a ripple of change that has far reaching potential for the entire collective consciousness.

It is essential to get your own life in order now, as the intense planetary energies are only increasing; the tides are changing and the waves are getting choppier. The sooner you release the emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and energetic internal sand bags of garbage you are lugging around — which are holding you down and keeping you mired in the lower vibrational frequencies of fear, scarcity, and lack consciousness, creating more of the very energies you seek refuge from — the quicker you will notice a positive shift and improvement, an upward movement in your life.

Starting to move up toward the light, and reaching toward those things that bring you joy, inner peace, and a sense of fulfillment, is a great first step. Focusing on what you love and are grateful for, is a wonderful way to invoke these energies.

Ultimately, learning how to create a balance of mindfulness, embodiment and soulful connection — and to begin shining our inner light brightly, fearlessly and with shameless authenticity — is what moves us off the dank muddy river bank and into the beautiful flowing river of abundance. It is from this space that we can access the potential to co-create an amazing life, which in turn influences and impacts all of humanity.

“Enlightened action is the complementary outflow of the enlightened state.” ~ Openhand

It is also important to reach out for help when we are drowning. We do not have to do this all alone or keep treading water, pretending that we are ‘fine’, when we are clearly not okay.

I understand this journey well, having traveled and traversed through many layers and levels of darkness and chaos, emerging more awake and more deeply transformed than I even imagined possible. It is a humbling journey and there is light throughout the tunnel. Things can, and do, change. It is a process, in which you must continue to claim how powerful, how wonderful, and how perfect you are in this moment, exactly as you are. Reach out for the support you need to clean up your stuck points, and take the inspired actions that lead you towards manifesting your personal empowerment, freedom, and transformation.

This process, of releasing our darkness and moving towards the high frequency light, that is available to each and every one of us, is part of what I have come to call, The Alchemy of Awakening. And so it is. Aho. Amen.

Recommended reading by Diana Rose Kottle:

About the author:

Diana Rose Kottle

Diana Rose Kottle, MA, MFT is a Writer, Soul Alignment Coach™ & Psychotherapist — Inspiring Humanity to Awaken to who we truly are as Energetic Spiritual Beings through Being Authentic, Speaking Our Truth, Connecting to Our Inner Wisdom, and Attuning to Love.

Her professional training includes a BA in Psychology, an MA in Counseling Psychology, and a license in Marriage Family Therapy. She is the Founder of Mind Body Soulful™ and Soul Alignment Coaching™.

Diana Rose is a contributing writer for the Huffington Post and the author of ‘Drop Into Your Heart: Unlock A World Of Infinite Possibilities’.

You can connect with Diana Rose Kottle on Facebook and at


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