12 Keys to Access the Deeper Dimensions of Life and Consciousness

By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Our whole life is a rush. We chase our desires and unfulfilled dreams. We are attracted by money, power, prestige, a wholesome, happy life. Spurred by our ambitions, we pursue various goals all through our lives. We aspire for something all the time, we always want to achieve something. This restless rush is instigated by our fear that we are still not what we want to be. We are never satisfied, we always want something else. We therefore lose our grip on the deeper dimensions of life. The deeper dimensions are present in our life, but we lose contact with them because of our lack of Alertness.

The question therefore arises, how we are able to access the deeper dimensions of Life?

Here are 12 Keys to Access the Deeper Dimensions of Life

Key 1. You are an immortal being, who is lost in the world of isolation, and is now desperately searching for Itself.

Key 2. With your Mind full of thoughts, you will never find the Truth, because it can only reveal itself in the silent space of the Heart.

Key 3. Step over the categorizing, analyzing working methods of your mind and let the richness of your genuine self to blossom inside you.

Key 4. If the Mind is calm and peaceful, it has no fear, envy or sorrow, then a flow would carry it onwards, that has no beginning nor end: the flow of Life.

Key 5. You can only experience the flow of Life inside and around you in the state of awakened Consciousness.

Key 6. Awake from the stupor of the identification of your thoughts and desires, and then in the motionless space of Consciousness the insane, forever changing world will be tamed into a wonderful game.

Key 7. The Alertness is the door opening to our original life status, to the Oneness.

Key 8. The Alertness is a blazing fire inside you, which consumes the world of isolation around you.

Key 9. Beware! The awakened Consciousness is dangerous, because it can destroy your dreams of spiritual growth in a moment.

Key 10. The first gift of your conscious Alertness is when you discover, that instead of you, the deep-programs of your conditioned mind are living your life.

Key 11. If you seek happiness outside of yourself, you only find momentary satisfaction. Happiness is the joy of Existence itself, the conscious Presence.

Key 12. The most alluring bloom of your proper inner being is gratefulness.

This article excerpted from the book ‘Ego – Alertness – Consciousness: The Path to Your Spiritual Home’ by Frank M. Wanderer.

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About the author:

Frank M. WandererFrank M. Wanderer, Ph.D is a professor of psychology, a consciousness researcher and writer. With a lifelong interest in the mystery of human existence, Frank’s work is to help others wake up from identification with our personal history and the illusory world of the forms and shapes, and to find our identity in what he calls “the Miracle”, the mystery of the Consciousness.

You can follow Frank online at:

Frank is also the author of the following books:


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