Wikileaks’ CIA “Vault 7” Leaks – The Top 15 Discoveries and Implications (So Far)

Top 15 Discoveries and Implications of Wikileaks CIA Vault 7 Leaks... So Far - fb

March 15th, 2017

By Makia Freeman

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Vault 7 is the name given to the latest and biggest leak in both Wikileaks and CIA history. Here are the top 15 discoveries and their implications so far…

Vault 7 has been the subject of a curious and cryptic set of tweets from Wikileaks over the course of the past month or so. Now we know why. In bombshell news, a total of 8,761 CIA documents have been released in a series that has been dubbed Vault 7, which, even for seasoned conspiracy researchers, are fascinating and horrible at the same time.

Now, we have the inside proof to substantiate the research of many investigators. The CIA has been caught with its pants down: spying on its citizens, bypassing encryption to steal their messages, hacking into their electronic devices to listen on their conversations, using U.S. consulates abroad to conduct spying operations, remotely hacking into vehicles (to perform undetectable assassinations) and much more.

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You can watch Julian Assange’s March 9th press conference below, in which he discusses details of the Vault 7 leaks. Some will be shocked with the contents of these leaks, but really, let’s remember the true nature and purpose of the CIA in the first place: it is a rogue agency that avoids congressional scrutiny, overthrows foreign leaders, installs puppet regimes, imports drugs, runs guns and assassinates anyone who gets in the way of its agenda, including U.S. presidents.

Wikileaks has stated that it has only released less than 1% of its Vault 7 series, so this is literally the tip of the iceberg. Imagine what else is to come …

Here are the top 15 discoveries and implications of Vault 7 so far.

#1: CIA = Virus and Malware Factory

The CIA is not just a rogue agency that runs illegal drugs and weapons, assassinates people, starts wars and conducts overseas regime changes. It has also spent untold millions or even billions of dollars developing what is probably the most sophisticated cyber warfare/hacking/spying department on the planet, equalling or even surpassing that of the NSA. Wikileaks reveals that the CIA has its own “hacking division” that is run by its CCI (Center for Cyber Intelligence) which by the end of 2016:

“… had over 5000 registered users and had produced more than a thousand hacking systems, trojans, viruses, and other “weaponized” malware. Such is the scale of the CIA’s undertaking that by 2016, its hackers had utilized more code than that used to run Facebook. The CIA had created, in effect, its “own NSA” with even less accountability and without publicly answering the question as to whether such a massive budgetary spend on duplicating the capacities of a rival agency could be justified.”

Snowden’s leaks were already bad enough, showing that the NSA was an agency above the law that monitored, surveilled and spied upon just about anyone it wanted, since most people on the planet are within its reach in one way or another. Now, we have confirmation that the CIA is engaging in exactly the same kind activity, or perhaps even worse. Could there be any possible doubt left by anyone that the MIC (Military Intelligence Complex) runs the US Government and the world?

#2: Bypassing Encryption

You know how all these companies promise encryption and some even charge more for the service? Guess what? It doesn’t matter! Vault 7 leaked docs shows that the CIA is getting audio files before they get encrypted. The CIA can hack into your phone, compromise your operating system and suck up your messages before they’re encrypted and sent. It doesn’t matter what precautions you’ve taken. Encrypted messaging apps like WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram and many more are vulnerable.

#3: Bypassing Computer Operating System

The CIA can hack your computer. In fact, every part of your computer can be bypassed, including your operation system. Per Wikileaks:

“The CIA has developed automated multi-platform malware attack and control systems covering Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, Linux and more, such as EDB’s “HIVE” and the related “Cutthroat” and “Swindle” tools.”

#4: Smart TVs become Spy TVs

It was obvious to many at the time of their introduction that smart TVs are basically spy TVs (see The SMART Deception), but now we have the proof. In the Vault 7 docs, the CIA has a program called Weeping Angel (i.e. read ’em and weep) that it developed with the MI5/BTSS (British Security Service). It details how the CIA can hack Samsung smart TVs and then place them in fake-off mode so that an unsuspecting owner falsely believes their TV is off – when really it is on, recording all sounds in the room and transmitting them via the net to a covert CIA server.

Top 15 Discoveries and Implications of Wikileaks CIA Vault 7 Leaks - Smart TVs = Spy TVs

#5: MicroSoft MicroSpy Software

Bill Gates is the agenda-man for the New World Order. Clearly he sold out a long, long time ago. Kim Dotcom has been particularly vocal, calling for Gates to come clean (ain’t gonna happen) and admit how much he helped the CIA (and the MIC in general) by helping them build backdoors into their software. As these documents prove, the CIA turned Microsoft software into spyware, using exploits that were built into the system:

“The CIA also runs a very substantial effort to infect and control Microsoft Windows users with its malware. This includes multiple local and remote weaponized “zero days”, air gap jumping viruses such as “Hammer Drill” which infects software distributed on CD/DVDs, infectors for removable media such as USBs, systems to hide data in images or in covert disk areas ( “Brutal Kangaroo”) and to keep its malware infestations going.

Many of these infection efforts are pulled together by the CIA’s Automated Implant Branch (AIB), which has developed several attack systems for automated infestation and control of CIA malware, such as “Assassin” and “Medusa”.”

Top 15 Discoveries and Implications of Wikileaks CIA Vault 7 Leaks - Microsoft CIA spyware

#6: Skype is Vulnerable

Vault 7 reveals that conversations on Skype are converted to text then uploaded to a CIA cloud for data assortment and analysis.

#7: iPhones and Androids are Vulnerable

Both Apple iOS and Android systems are vulnerable. Snowden already told us this, but Vault 7 re-confirms that iPhones and Android are easily hackable. The CIA has been creating all kinds of malware to spy on practically every piece of electronic equipment you own.

Top 15 Discoveries and Implications of Wikileaks CIA Vault 7 Leaks - Snowden - US Government paying CIA unsafe software

#8: Breaking “Zero Day” Commitment by Hoarding Vulnerabilities

Wikileaks notes that Obama had promised the technology industry (after much lobbying) that the U.S. Government would disclose any vulnerabilities as soon as it had discovered them (thus the term “zero day”). Yet the CIA stockpiled these vulnerabilities because it wanted to retain the advantage of knowing how to hack into systems and devices, which endangers everyone else who uses them:

“”Year Zero” documents show that the CIA breached the Obama administration’s commitments. Many of the vulnerabilities used in the CIA’s cyber arsenal are pervasive and some may already have been found by rival intelligence agencies or cyber criminals.

As an example, specific CIA malware revealed in “Year Zero” is able to penetrate, infest and control both the Android phone and iPhone software that runs or has run presidential Twitter accounts. The CIA attacks this software by using undisclosed security vulnerabilities (“zero days”) possessed by the CIA but if the CIA can hack these phones then so can everyone else who has obtained or discovered the vulnerability. As long as the CIA keeps these vulnerabilities concealed from Apple and Google (who make the phones) they will not be fixed, and the phones will remain hackable.”

#9: Hijacking All Sorts of Vehicles – for Assassination

Of all the discoveries, this one is explosive – literally. Vault 7 exposes that the CIA has the ability to remotely hijack all kinds of vehicles (including cars and planes), which means it can carry out undetectable assassinations. This casts a new light on the suspicious death of Michael Hastings, whose car ran into a tree at high speed. It also makes one wonder about the deaths of JFK Jr. (son of John F. Kennedy) and former U.S. senator Paul Wellstone, both of whom died in suspicious accidents.

#10: Using U.S. Consulate in Germany as a Spy and Hacking Base

You can imagine how impressed the Germans are with the US now. Remember when it was revealed that Obama was hacking the cell phone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel? Now we learn that the CIA, in flagrant violation of international law, has been using the US consulate in Frankfurt, Germany, as a base for its spying and hacking activities, many of which in this case required a close physical proximity to the target. From Wikileaks:

“CIA hackers operating out of the Frankfurt consulate (“Center for Cyber Intelligence Europe” or CCIE) are given diplomatic (“black”) passports and State Department cover.

Your Cover Story (for this trip)

Q: Why are you here?
A: Supporting technical consultations at the Consulate.

A number of the CIA’s electronic attack methods are designed for physical proximity. These attack methods are able to penetrate high security networks that are disconnected from the internet, such as police record database. In these cases, a CIA officer, agent or allied intelligence officer acting under instructions, physically infiltrates the targeted workplace. The attacker is provided with a USB containing malware developed for the CIA for this purpose, which is inserted into the targeted computer. The attacker then infects and exfiltrates data to removable media.”

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#11: CIA-Electronics Supplier Collusion

Another aspect to consider with this is CIA collusion with electronics manufacturers and suppliers. We know the CIA owns the MSM, Hollywood, the Communication Industry, etc. Wikileaks reports that the CIA’s Mobile Device Branch created technology to infect and control smartphones. Do they possess a backdoor into the software and hardware of all smartphones?

#12: Billions of Dollars of Damage?

The CIA has caused worldwide damage that can be estimated in billions of dollars, since they can’t now control the malware they have created. Now that the CIA has lost control of the monster it created, we are all vulnerable. How much data will be hacked, how much privacy stolen and how much money will it cost to prevent and repair this breach?

#13: Project Umbrage: The Framing of Foreign Nations like Russia

Well well well. Remember all that brouhaha about Russia hacking the US elections? It was all lies and propaganda, but many people fell for it. Now look at this. The CIA has been a program called Project Umbrage under which it manipulates code to make it look like it comes from somewhere else like another nation. You could call it false flag cyber terrorism. In other words, the CIA clones the hacking procedures of Russia to create false flag hacking attacks, and then says with a straight face that the attacks “are consistent with what we would expect from Russian hackers”. That may be technically truthful (but what deceit!) – however only because the CIA has first intentionally mimicked those techniques with a motive to frame an innocent party or country. As YouTuber Joe in General writes:

“The CIA’s Remote Devices Branch gathers and maintains a large library of attack techniques stolen from malware produced in other countries, including Russia. One particular attack technique is the ability leave behind fake digital “fingerprints” that make it look like a CIA initiated cyber attack was done by someone else. At this early stage, its unclear if this is WikiLeaks’ interpretation of one thing the CIA could do, or if there’s a specific place in the document where the CIA mentions this use of UMBRAGE.)

This is HUGE. The ability to create a digital false flag calls into question anytime in recent history that the CIA has accused another country of hacking. “We have proof that Russia hacked the U.S election.””

#14: The CIA-NSA Turf War

For some time, we have known about the rivalry or turf war going on between the CIA and NSA in their struggle to become the preeminent military intelligence agency. Another implication of Vault 7 is that we now know for sure that the CIA has a hacking system that is at least equivalent to, if not better than, that of the NSA. The spying, criminality and illegality of the NSA is already miles past the line of what is acceptable in a free, open and just society. Now the CIA has doubled the criminality? Where’s the line here? What are the other 16-17 agencies doing? What’s the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) doing to us? What about the creepy NRO (National Reconnaisance Office), who sports mottos such as “Nothing is Beyond Our Reach” and “We Own the Night” (see above)?

Are all these agencies in some kind of selfish, macho competition to see who can enslave us the fastest?

Top 15 Discoveries and Implications of Wikileaks CIA Vault 7 Leaks - CIA Chain of Command

This chart shows the CIA at the top of the tree, feeding data to the Executive Branch (i.e. the President). This provides black-and-white proof that, in the U.S. government’s organizational structure, the CIA is placed above the President.

#15: CIA Above the Rank of President

JFK found out the hard way that presidents don’t tell what the CIA to do. The CIA tells the president what to do. The image above is interesting proof showing that the CIA is further up in the hierarchy that the Executive Branch.

Top 15 Discoveries and Implications of Wikileaks CIA Vault 7 Leaks - Obama CIA Trump



The timing of this release is interesting, given it occurred right after Trump accused Obama of wiretapping – an accusation in itself which is totally unprecedented. When has a sitting president ever even come to close to accusing a former president of any crime like that? Trump has been vindicated, but only in a certain sense. The CIA has no need to single him out when it can literally spy on anyone who owns a smart phone, smart TV or computer, or who uses Skype or WhatsApp.

Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media suggests the leak may cause more apathy or learned helplessness, and that may be true, but it really depends on people’s attitudes in response to this information. Sadly and predictably, many US Government officials have reacted by scampering to find who did the leaking, rather than address the magnitude of the content of the leaks themselves.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

The CIA has lived by the sword ever since its inception. It has always played with fire. Now it has lost control of a big chunk of its weapons – its cyber weaponry. The implications of Vault 7 are monumental yet hard to comprehend at this point. What this means is that any nation hostile to the US (and there’s a long list of invaded and subverted nations the CIA has left in its wake since 1953) can now use these weapons against America. It also opens the door to genuine criminal thief-hackers who are just out to steal information and money.

What the CIA has done is not negligent. It’s not even just reckless – it’s brazenly criminal and utterly unaccountable.

The CIA wants total information control.

The CIA is just another tool for the people who run the world. They want total information control. They want to know what you’re thinking. (And they may already have the capacity to do that.) They want to control your every act.

This is just the beginning. Wikileaks has only released 1% of its Vault 7 leaks. Multiply the revelations so far by 100 and what do you get?

Have a critical mass of people finally awoken to this horrible fact yet?

Can the Vault 7 leak get us to the point where we can fully face this reality?

Julian Assange’s Vault 7 Press Conference, March 9th, 2017

About the author: - Knowledge is PowerMakia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at Tools For Freedom, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance. An avid promoter of freedom, truth and health, his mission is to expose the truth, raise awareness about the conspiracy to enslave mankind and to help create a critical mass of people to stand up against it – and thus restore peace and freedom to the world.

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