The Body’s Natural State is Health, Not Disease, as We’ve Been Led to Believe

July 31st, 2018

By Marco Torres

Guest writer for Wake Up World

There is a reason for every disease state. It is the body’s attempt at restoring balance. A healthy body is incapable of maintaining a state of one disease and healing another. The body heals holistically, and the processes that create each disease affect the body as a whole.

From the time we are conceived until the time we die, the cells in our bodies are endlessly working to maintain a natural state of homeostasis or equilibrium. When we turn to medicine or medical technology to manipulate our own body systems to heal us, we are really only facilitating our natural ability to heal from within. A diseased body is no coincidence and the natural state of every human being is health, not disease.

The duress of disease can influence our ability not only to deal with the pain but also to express it. In specific states of disease, some people cannot help but wonder if their body is working to maintain its natural state of health.

Our disease care industry doesn’t go vary far to help our cause either. From the time we are born, until the time we die, from the very first vaccine to the very last dosage of medication on our deathbeds (and everything in between), we have been conditioned to accept that external factors and disease treatments are what can help control our pain and suffering. 

We’ve also been conditioned to believe that many diseases cannot be reversed when in fact they can — and without drugs.

Preventable illness makes up approximately 80% percent of the burden of illness and 90% of all healthcare costs, however our focus is too often addressing symptoms instead of causes.

Each one of our cells is in a type of fluid matrix which is a dynamic and living unit that is constantly monitoring and adjusting its own processes, and always working to restore itself to the original DNA code it was born with, to maintain balance within the body.

Cells have the ability to heal themselves, as well as make new cells that replace those that have been permanently damaged or destroyed. Your body is fully equipped to heal everything from a cut on your hand to cancer in your colon and everything in between. That is, as long as there is no interference. Even when a large number of cells is destroyed — something that happens almost daily within our bodies — the surrounding cells replicate to make new cells, thereby replacing almost immediately the cells that were destroyed.

When a bleeding injury occurs from a small cut anywhere in our bodies, blood vessels at the site contract to slow the bleeding. Now, once you stop the bleeding and move past the pain, what do you do to cause that little cut to heal? You may cover it with a bandage to keep it clean but does the bandage heal the cut? No, the cut will heal with or without a bandage. Next, blood platelets begin forming a blood clot where the injury is located.  In fact, that little cut set into motion a cascade of over 20 microscopic, biochemical reactions.

Populations worldwide are finally coming to the realization that contracting disease is avoidable, and within our control. Whether it’s the common cold, or something more serious such as heart disease or cancer, have to against our body to get these illnesses.

It’s perfectly normal and natural to have a population of mutant cells. The human body has 75 trillion cells. We have over 200 different types of cells in the human body. Some 230,000 cells are created every second, almost 20 billion per day. The average person has about 1100 mutant cells daily. The difference between these mutant cells running an imbalanced path of destruction leading to disease, or one leading to balance is entirely dependent on our immune system. The immune system fails to heal us when homeostatic balance is disturbed and the model is unbalanced. 

Either way we are always in control of our body. To live in a human body, we must have access to a certain amount of life-sustaining energy. We may either use this inherent energy in a nourishing and self-sustaining, or in a destructive and debilitating way. In case we consciously or unconsciously choose negligence or self-abuse over loving attention and self-respect, our body will likely end up having to fight for its life. 

Disease is but one of the many ways the body tries to change the way we see and treat ourself, including our body. Leading healthy lifestyles and consuming healthful (as opposed to toxic) diets, will go a very long way in keeping us healthy, whether we are young or older.

The only way to really bring the body out of a diseased state is to stop doing all the things that cause disease and begin rebuilding the immune system. Only then will you not only get rid of one disease state, but you will be rid of them all.

The immune system is activated by oxidative stress to kill the harmful invading organisms and also kills and dissolves damaged cells that cannot be repaired. Too many oxidants in the cells or blood causes damage and aging to all tissues. An imbalance different oxidants can cause the immune system to attack healthy cells, inflame tissues and slows down the healing process. Too few oxidants will remove the red flags and allow damaged, infected and malfunctioning cells (those that should be flagged and destroyed by the immune system) to thrive, divide and spread the damage.

Supplement the raw materials the body needs to support the immune system including raw, green vegetables, juices and herbs, as well as anti-oxidants and vitamin supplements from reputable sources.

Whether you believe your body is in a state of health or disease, you will be right in the long-term. We must recognize the symptoms of imbalance and dysfunction within ourselves before they even have a chance to produce disease. So bring attention to a state of health, not disease and your body will respond, always.

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About the author:

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science, and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

This article courtesy of Prevent Disease.

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