Clean Up Your Act – How to De-Clutter and Grow FREE!

By Hilde Larsen

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

This is the first article in a four-part series on de-cluttering every aspect of your life. You can read each one independently, depending which areas of your life need clearing out, or read them as a series for best effect. This article focuses on de-cluttering your thoughts and emotions. You can follow these links to jump ahead to de-cluttering your body (Part 2), home and office (Part 3) and relationships (Part 4).

Clutter is a killer of many things. Peace of mind, joy, the feeling of freedom and control. Chaos and stress enter our space, from the inside out, dimming our light. If you ever feel life has a hold on YOU, and not the other way around, the wind of change is whispering in your ear: start de-cluttering your entire reality.

We see the madness, and we feel its rage. The time has come to stop pretending to be something but our authentic selves. It is time to strip naked that facade that is falling apart day by day.

There is nothing you need to do, have or accomplish, not for all the wrong reasons. What I call clutter, is everything that is standing in your way of your true inner potential. Keeping you on hold from an optimal happy life free of bullshit, obstacles, and most of all, the general clutter surrounding us, inside out. So much clutter. Everywhere. In our house, office, car, relationships, mind and emotions. Something has got to give.

Cleaning and organizing to the rescue! You won’t believe how much better life feels when the mess is gone.

Everything we draw into our lives, be it a physical thing, a thought or a person, we tend to hang on to it, to store it. Carrying it around, being affected by the meaning we have given to the situation or person. Our old beliefs might tell us that giving something away when we no longer need it, is not a good thing. We might need it later. There might be famine, we might end up in lack, therefor holding on, storing and cluttering our space is natural. It is needed. It is safety. It is our burden to carry.

We are owned, by things.

Whenever you are battling between your emotions and your mind, your schedule and your time, you are held hostage by your own clutter.

Let’s look at some signs that YOU are full of shit, or that your spaces are. Clutter is a sign of congestion, obstruction and stress. A reflection of our inner state of being. That being said, some will try to make up for an inner chaos by being obsessed by tidiness and control on the outside. De-cluttering is never about control, it is about letting go. It is not about giving up, it is about the release and the flow. It is about deeply cleansing your whole being from stagnation and lack of growth.

The key to de-cluttering is to simplify and organize.

How to start releasing the clutter:

Start by acknowledging which part of your life, if not all, needs examining. Start small and be diligent. A little work each day goes a long way. If you are facing a lot of what you perceive as obstacles in a specific area of your life, dive right in. Get your hands dirty, your feet wet, and get ready to pull up some roots. One thing is realizing the mess that has filled up your inner and outer space, another is having the will and the spunk to actually do something about it. You need to activate the release button and let go of the patterns that keep you piling up and holding on. What areas in your life do you want to improve? What are you not happy about?

We all do this by the way, collect unneeded and unwanted crap. We all need a spring cleaning now and then. A detoxification from day to day waste and un-serving habits. Every area of our life has potential to improve by de-cluttering its space, be it physically or mentally.

No one wants to trip over a box or a piece of furniture, and the same goes for unwanted thoughts and debilitating emotions. Our focus and our ability to create is greatly impaired by the unnecessary burdens we carry. It is like driving a car in pouring rain with no wipers. Like walking in heavy fog, not seeing clearly where you are heading.

Once you realize that a lot of what you have been told, and have been telling yourself, are lies, the clutter will be more visible. It will be easy to stumble upon and get annoyed by. Who wants a mind that keeps reminding you how you can’t do this and that, or an office that looks and feels like chaos? That is not a successful office. It reflects stress and chaos.

How is a relationship going to move forwards, when it is cluttered by old hurts and disagreements, constant nagging and replays of the same old stories? Once you realize you are walking around in a dirty shirt, you will want to clean it, or get a new one. Once you get that your business is not moving forward due to lack of structure and organized actions, you will want to learn and do better. Clutter grows where it is welcome and left alone. Like a weed. Invading the space, leaving you feeling helpless, overwhelmed, confused, and unable to focus.

As you wake up to your own power, this will be clear. When it is clear, you are ready to start the process. One step at the time, let’s get rid of some serious shit. Flush it. Let the sunshine in and say hello to more freedom.

Like no two physical objects can hold the same space at the same time, no thought or emotion can arise simultaneously.

In this four-part series, you will learn how to de-clutter:

  • Your thoughts and emotions,
  • your physical body,
  • your home,
  • your office,
  • and your relationships.

We’re going to start today with de-cluttering your thoughts and emotions. If you prefer, you can follow these links to jump ahead to de-cluttering your body (Part 2), home and office (Part 3) and relationships (Part 4).

Get your pen and paper ready, learn how to de-clutter, and let the freedom flow towards you.

How to de-clutter your thoughts and emotions:

Everything starts with a thought, so let’s start by making space for some new ones. The mind is the root of all clutter. It has helped you create everything you see and live. It has been you best friend in all crimes, the good the bad and the ugly. Now, let’s put it to work, to de-clutter your whole life. Step by step, freeing you from unwanted and unneeded life-sucking energy and burdens.

First and foremost, you need to monitor your thoughts. What are you thinking? Look around. Your reality is a reflection of your inner terrain, both mentally and emotionally. Be mindful of your thoughts. Be observant of how you respond to situations and your own beliefs. You can only hold one thought at the time, so remember that a negative, or un-serving thought is occupying the space of a serving one.


The subconscious mind, constantly nagging away, feeding us a myriad of false beliefs. Paired with our mental conscious blabbering, creates a clutter that can drive anybody off balance. Often referred to as the monkey brain, it goes on and one, like a run-away train. Not leaving room for anything but the ongoing internal dialog. It might feel like a trap, or you might not even be aware that it is occupying your space. Not until you become more mindful and able to observe your own thoughts and emotions.

Start by minding your thoughts. Write a journal. Listen more and be mindful throughout your day. What is triggering your internal chatter? What are you saying about yourself and your situation? Keep your thoughts under surveillance. Let them know you are watching.

Be quiet. Spend at least 30 minutes every day in stillness. Let the mind settle, and just observe any thought that might arise or drift by. Practice makes all the difference. It takes time to change any old pattern, so give yourself time. Stillness is making room for grandness, the gems that you want to fill your life with. With too much clutter, the door to the divine wisdom is closed.

Think uplifting and empowering thoughts. The same way thoughts cannot enter the same space at the same time, choose to think more positive, serving thoughts. It might feel awkward at first, but it will change your life like nothing else. You are the thinker, and you absolutely hold the power to choose your thoughts. Use that power wisely and start affirming new and better thoughts consciously every single day. Once you observe a negative or un-serving thought sneak in, delete it and replace it with one that is. Write down positive affirmations everywhere. On your computer, on your phone, in your journal and on your bathroom mirror. Constantly be on the lookout for that weed, for that clutter.

Be the observer. By that I mean; step back and look at your inner and outer life from a perspective. Try to be more objective and less subjective. Observe from a far, without involving your feelings and emotions. Detach from the outcome of your desires. Let go of the need to know, and the need to control. Being an observer simply means that you are stepping back from the situation, without turning your back on it. It is so easy to get lost in the emotional and mental clutter, it can be hard to see the underlying patterns. Internal clutter is hard to see when it is embracing us with its false truths. Step back and think less.

Be grateful. A game changer in any situation is gratitude. The gate opener for love and peace. A feeling that will dissolve any negativity and bring calm and ease to our whole lives. So simple yet forgotten and overlooked by most of us. Stress and gratitude are as different as hate and love. They cannot exist at the same time. Inviting in the grace of appreciation and gratification is a great tool and key to lifting your life to that new level of awareness. Although not of the mind, and not a thought, gratefulness starts with the willingness and the mental conditioning of appreciation. Practice it every day, though meditation and your chosen focus. Be grateful for everything in your life, also the ability to do better. Be grateful for your own free will, and your new path to freedom and a clutter-free, true life.

Do something kind for someone. This energy opens your ability to let go of any self-pity and victim pattern. It has a ripple effect beyond belief. The best way to wipe out any dusty and negative pattern is to use a force or something better. Something of a higher vibration. Where there is light, there can be no darkness. Always speak with a kind tongue; “Is it kind, is it true, is it necessary?” Pride yourself in your words. They reflect your inner terrain, and therefore your own outer life. Speak uplifting words, help someone carry a heavy load, and assist a stranger. Donate your time or your smile. It does not matter. True kindness comes from the heart, and it will nourish your ability to open up and change.

Let go of the control. Yeah right! I know, this might sound crazy to anyone who is running a business, trying to keep everything together. It is everything but It is one of the greatest secrets to growing and evolving. Not to be confused with being the authority or the goal-getter. I am not talking about not working systematically and diligently towards what you want. When talking about de-cluttering our minds and lives, letting go of the control means not clinging to an outcome. It means resting in faith and knowledge that everything will turn out in the best possible way, so long as you keep doing your part. Your best, always.

Be creative, laugh and dance. Being physically open and playful has a great bearing on our mental state. Open up some space for easy going and flowing energy. Don’t take everything so seriously. Life is short, and every day has an opening for some fun.

“Sometimes we just need more zen and less chaos in our lives. Less mind and more stillness.” — Hilde Larsen

Check out part two of this series, about how to de-clutter your physical body, and why it is important for your life and success. And make sure you watch out for part three of this series, coming soon, where I’ll share my tips on de-cluttering your home and office spaces.


No More Bullshit: Power Up and Grow Free

The new book by Hilde Larsen…

Let’s cut the crap and get real. What in the world has taken us so long? Why is it that we keep on living as if nothing is wrong, when the whole world is upside down?

If you are searching for the good life, for abundance, health and happiness, this may be the book for you. In ‘No More Bullshit’, author and life coach Hilde Larsen takes you right back to the very beginning, giving you the tools you need to uncover the causes of the disconnects in your life, and revisit yourself and your life, bullshit free.

Are you ready to dig deeper into life and its meaning, and flush out everything within you that’s not worthy of taking your light and your essence? ‘No More Bullshit’ is designed to help you smoke it out, and set yourself free — to find the real you and live the life of abundance and joy you deserve.

‘No More Bullshit: Power Up and Grow Free’ is available here on Amazon.

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About the author:

Hilde Larsen, known as ‘the one who Inspires’, is the CEO and founder of She is a certified Health and Mindset Coach, an Author, a Keynote Speaker, Detox Specialist, Raw food Teacher and Life-Enthusiast. Her glowing enthusiasm for health and vitality has the leading role in her work. Her interest in healing and spiritual growth also led her to become a Reiki Healer. She is highly intuitive and has a strong connection to Mother Earth and the spiritual world.

Hilde Larsen writes articles, and has her own blog and YouTube channel. She is the author of three published books: ‘From HELL to Inspired’, ‘Know the Truth and Get Healthy’, and ‘No More Bullshit’. She creates online video programs and has her own membership site, The Inspired Members.

Born and raised in Stavanger, Norway, she and her husband of 29 years have a second home in Florida, USA. She is a proud mother and grandmother, and a tree-hugger at heart. Called by nature and spirit, she is inspiring many to take back their power, and to live a healthy successful life doing what they love. Hilde now spends her time traveling between Norway and Florida, speaking, and appearing on different media as the Inspired health and thought leader. She is an authority in her field who has walked her talk. She also values the time with her clients, and her time in nature with her closest family and friends.

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