Drama and Division: Astrology Forecast November 18–25, 2018

November 18th, 2018

By Lorna Bevan

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Drama, Divisions and Soap Operas

Since last Friday November 16th, when both Venus and Mercury changed direction simultaneously — Venus turning direct and Mercury retrograde — the waves of news have reached new heights and new depths, as crisis after crisis hit their tipping point. Witness: the erasure of an entire town by wildfires in California, the near collapse of the UK Government over Brexit, the famine in Yemen and the Rohingyan refugees being sent back to their tormentors. As predicted, the collective mood swings are now volatile as the political meets the personal head on.

This week is going to feel even more like a hall of mirrors as illusionist Neptune slows to station direct just as Mars in slippery Pisces and the Gemini Full Moon align with Jupiter blowing everything out of proportion — the good or bad, the positive or negative. The chart for the Full Moon has big collective aspect patterns: a Cardinal Grand Cross to the Nodes of Fate; a T Square to Mars and a Grand Trine. Venus is conjunct deep space planet Haumea — as important and as powerful as Pluto and whose strapline is “the Terrible Gift” — terrible as in awesome and disturbing. Haumea catalyses dramatic tipping points. Finally, unpredictable Uranus is back in a conjunction with Eris — the two awakeners and disruptors aligning with Pluto and the Nodes of Fate shaking us out of any illusions that somehow things can return to “normal” — whatever that was.

Mercury retrograde and ruler of this Full Moon is conjunct Jupiter so exaggeration, stretching or inventing the truth is going to polarise opinions.

In your own life, stay away from personal soap operas and be extra careful in how you communicate — double check emails and texts before you press send and don’t sign major contracts. Trust your own instincts over what you’re being told.

The Chandra Symbol for Gemini 1:  Knots in a cord. They are a message in code.

“Signalling that something is happening here which is endangered, promising, riddled with problems and wondrously permeated with talent, intelligence and a flowing grace of the rarest kind. The shadow is intense. The stakes are the highest. What will prevail?

The bright central impulse lies in such spaciousness that no matter what arises, it is welcome, it is part of it-all is as intended. This frequency can flourish whenever it is free and joyous and in no way driven back on itself. If it spontaneously overflows in the moment into the entire surround, there is this contagious wave of YES, this ripple of excitement and activation.

The contorted shadow reflection is taken up with such a mountain load of doubt and hesitation and mental anxiety that when this comes on strong, the light goes out, the energy folds back on itself and there is this ghostly quality of perpetual absence combined with an undertow of suspicion and something feeling very wrong.

This is one for spirit intervention. The fuller and more wakeful the call, the higher the spiritual response. It is collective, it is personal, it is everything-at-once. We need a deep equanimity, a whole seeing, a light that is not shadowed by darkness. If the mind can give over to a vaster consciousness, if the past can yield to an open future, all will be well.”



My Yearly 5D Forecast, “Grace and Grit”, covering the whole of 2019, will be mailed to subscribers at the end of November. This is your guide to leaving the past behind, turning your face towards the future and resourcing yourself for a yearlong walk between two great lines of force — the razor edge path of grace and grit. For strategies on how to survive and thrive financially and personally if you are self-employed, a creative, a change agent or work with those who are, sign up at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk

Aries Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

Focus on the facts.

With both Jupiter and Mercury in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, your horizons are rapidly expanding and many more options are becoming available than you’d thought possible. But don’t just jump in feet first as the Messenger is now retrograde until mid -December – this is a time to consider your options rather than grabbing at the first shiny glittery thing that comes along. Add to that, illusionist Neptune slowing all week and you need to double check all sources of information -some of it could be pure fiction. Thursday’s annual Full Moon shines a light on your finances so take off your rose tinted glasses and look at the bottom line. Which contracts and agreements have outlived their usefulness and which need renegotiating?

Taurus Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

Money, money, money…

As the quote goes: “Show me the money!” Your 8th House of resources and finances is activated now as the Sun joins Jupiter and Mercury there from Thursday, as is your zone of earned income by the Gemini Full Moon. With Mercury now travelling slowly backwards and slippery Neptune in the frame, take nothing at face value. Carry out an audit of your outgoings and contracts and cut out dead wood. This will create room for a new income stream from mid-December. Under these influences, savings can grow but so too can debt. Now is the time to get your house in order ahead of the wild card eclipse in a little over 6 weeks’ time.

Gemini Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

Look for what’s working and do more of it.

There’s definitely an air of promise and potential about the Full Moon in your sign on Thursday 22nd. Not only is the Sun conjunct Jupiter, archetype of growth, but also aligned with Mars at the pinnacle of your chart. Not for a long time -two years to be precise -have you had such a fair wind in your sails. The only caveat is that your personal ruler Mercury is now travelling slowly backwards so, tempting as it may be to take a big leap of faith, wait until mid -December and focus on putting the finishing touches to your desire map — your personal blueprint for 2019.

Cancer Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

Truth time.

This is a week when some of life’s big questions come up for consideration. Not only is the Node of Fate now in your own sign for the next 18 months, nudging you back on track with your purpose, but Thursday’s Full Moon activates your axis of work, service and meaning. With the Sun conjunct Jupiter, it’s going to be impossible to ignore whatever is not living up to its promise — the elephant is coming out from under the carpet! If your work/life balance is out of kilter, pay extra attention to your physical wellbeing — stress and burnout can creep up on you unawares — partly as a result of denying reality.

Leo Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

Growth and gratitude.

You’re probably starting the holiday season early this year as generous Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun light up your 5th House of fun, pleasure, creativity and relationships. Thursday’s Full Moon shows you who your friends and supporters are and who does not have your best interests at heart. Take note. Hopefully old family rifts are now healing as Venus moves forward again, but if not, be aware that Mercury is now travelling backwards until mid-December — so check your lines of communication. No news is not necessarily good news. Meanwhile let your creativity off the leash and liberate your artist in residence.

Virgo Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

Feeling loved and supported.

Your solar astrology has growth written all over it- all you need to do is to plant the seeds and keep them watered and nurtured. On Thursday your work/life balance is in the spotlight of the annual Full Mon at the pinnacle of your chart. Since the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury are all clustered at the base of your chart, ask yourself what you can do to enhance your sense of belonging and to put down stronger family roots. How and where you live affects how secure you feel out in the world so create a sanctuary or haven that instantly lifts your spirits and welcomes you when you come home.

Libra Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

No more driving through the rearview mirror.

The welcome news is that your personal planet Venus is now travelling forwards after 40 days in the wilderness. Whenever Venus is retrograde, you are affected more than any other sign apart from Taurus, often feeling isolated or left at the margins of life. As Jupiter puts you back in contact with supporters and sponsors, don’t just move quickly on but notice that persistent soul yearning and longing to inhabit your life fully. This is about choosing a soul honouring trajectory, about letting an old life go dark and allowing a new one to light up and above all, about making meaningful choices about the arc of your chosen path, your service work.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

Becoming an ideas incubator.

Much of the last year has been about your career or role in the world with many twists and turns along the way due to the wild card eclipses across the pinnacle of your chart. Now the spotlight switches to upleveling your self-worth, to building viable resources and to becoming more independent. Thursday’s Full Moon on Jupiter opens up innovative ideas about ways to develop income streams – either alongside your paid job or launching yourself into self-employment. It will all unfold in its own timing, so don’t jump at the first opportunity that comes your way. Instead frame the next few week to the January 6 2019 eclipse as a crucial period of preparation,research and development.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

All to play for.

From Thursday when the Sun joins expansive Jupiter and Mercury in Sagittarius, notice your natural sense of faith, hope and optimism returning as the planets gather to support you. Not only that but a Full Moon in your opposite sign on the same day aligned with Mars in your zone of roots and belonging combine to make you feel at home in your own skin for the first time in a long while. Some positive momentum is building to nudge you firmly back on track to your true purpose and a life that is built around your highest values and desires. Between now and mid -December as Mercury retrogrades, create your desire map and design your blueprint for 2019.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

Filling the well.

From Thursday 22nd November the Sun-our Light-slips into the most occluded hidden part of your solar chart until December 21st at the Solstice. This is all part of your natural rhythm of doing, creating and resting and now is the time just to be. The Full Moon brings an end to a work cycle and is the perfect time to drop duties and responsibilities which are not yours to fulfil. Place your physical health and your emotional and spiritual wellbeing at the very top of your agenda by consciously making time for rest, regeneration and regrouping ahead of the first wild card eclipse across your sign on January 6th 2019.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

No more lone ranger.

Are you feeling the relief of Mars leaving your sign after 6 (!) long months of mainly retrograde movement? You will know by a lessening of anxiety, inner tension and a strange feeling of being more at ease in your own skin. This week you can sit back a little and let life come to you. Thursday’s Full Moon begins a period of personal growth and unexpected creativity as Jupiter starts to expand your alliances, contacts and networks. Win/win collaborations will pave the way to setting up your own business further down the line or to ignite innovative ideas for increasing your income streams.

Pisces Weekly Forecast: November 18–25, 2018

Nurture the green shoots of new beginnings.

Ever since June your personal planet Neptune has been travelling slowly backwards through your sign, reducing your motivation and fogging up the way ahead. At times, you’ve felt lost, adrift or unanchored, despite your best efforts. The welcome news is that Neptune stations to turn forward again on Saturday November 24th reviving some of your longheld hopes and dreams and rekindling your faith in both yourself and in life. No more thinking you have to handle this life thing on your own. Just watch as over the coming weeks and months Jupiter starts to bring results, opportunities any of which could change your life direction.

About the author:

Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI: Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.

I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.

You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.

You can learn more about my work or contact me at:

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