Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass – FREE Online Event

From ancient sages to modern-day seekers, many have experienced the rapid spiritual growth that can be sparked when you awaken the Kundalini energy that typically lies dormant at the base of your spine. When activated in the right way, there are few things that can accelerate your spiritual awakening faster than tapping into this divine force within you.

That’s why we’re excited to invite you to a special FREE online masterclass: Awakening Your Kundalini: Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration and Bridging Heaven and Earth.

During this special event, spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will show you how this divine sacred energy can transform your life. Don’t miss the chance to join this completely free session, where you can:

  • Discover the 3 types of Kundalini Shakti — Prana, Chit, and Para Kundalini — and how you can experience them in this lifetime
  • Experience yourself as the light bridge connecting the powers of heaven and earth
  • Discover how to become a living temple or Sri Chakra Meru, and how sacred geometry can help you map out a life of expanding consciousness
  • Find out how to be a Sky Walker and awaken your Third Eye to explore the higher potential of your consciousness, from intuition and siddhis to creativity and manifestation
  • Learn the secret tools of navigating the Void — and experience the blissful dance of Shiva and Shakti

Register here for this hour-long mini-workshop. Raja will dispel many common myths about Kundalini and lay out a clear pathway for you to work with breath, mantras, mudras, and light to open to the blessing of Kundalini. Not to be missed!