Scorpio New Moon: An Electrifying Storm is Coming

October 25th, 2019

By Nikki Harper

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

The Scorpio New Moon occurs on the 27th/28th October and – hold onto your hats – it’s set to be a tumultuous one. The Moon, already in fall in Scorpio, is electrified by an almost exact opposition to Uranus, the planet of shocks and surprises. Traditionally, a New Moon is a positive moment in time, and an opportunity to sow new seeds. With this lunation, however, the seeds you sow are set to grow in entirely unexpected – and perhaps unwelcome – directions. Caution is needed.

Lunar transits through Scorpio can be deeply uncomfortable, because the Moon is simply not at home here. It is “in fall” – expressing its emotional energy through anxiety, fear, suspicion, moodiness and angst. A Scorpio New Moon is therefore always intensely felt; there’s nothing superficial about this energy at all.

Uranus, the rebel planet, electrifies whatever it touches, adding excitement but also an edge of danger. You know how a thunderstorm makes you feel alive? There’s that tingle in the air, and a sense that something is going to happen – but there are no guarantees that what transpires will be a pleasant surprise as opposed to a nasty shock. In fact, quite the opposite. Uranus is conjunct the fixed star Sheratan, which is associated with upheaval, earthquakes, fires, explosions and catastrophe.

This New Moon then, does bring the chance for a new start, but it’s a new start which may be forced upon you, perhaps in shocking circumstances. Life may turn upside down for a few days, perhaps brought about by someone’s impulsive, out of character behaviour, and it will take a while for the dust to settle and for something new to emerge.

Since this is Scorpio we’re talking about, there’s also an undercurrent of edgy darkness here, especially connected to sexuality, deviance, corruption or power. Overall, this is a moment to be careful what you wish for. A desire for change at all costs could prove to be very expensive indeed.


Don’t be afraid to explore the darker recesses of your mind. Better to get these things out into the open rather than keeping them behind closed doors. This New Moon is a good time to seek help for an addiction or for controlling behaviour – but be careful that you don’t try to change too quickly or wipe out your own genuine strengths. You are assertive and impulsive, and this is in your nature. Embrace that now but learn to understand where it can have negative impacts on others. Nobody expects you to be an angel, but you can – and should – be more empathetic and less domineering at times.


This New Moon has a lot to say about your relationships, sexuality and personal power. If you’re single, don’t be tempted to hook up with someone who gives you bad vibes just for the sake of saying you have someone. There is a dangerous undercurrent of control and manipulation here, and you should be careful. If you’re already in a relationship, use the energies of this lunation to look deeply into what binds you together and makes you stronger. Cement that, so that those with malicious intent cannot drive you apart. This New Moon is about knowing your value but also recognizing the value of your partner too.


If you’re not in a good place in your working life, this New Moon could bring seething anger and perhaps a snap decision with life-changing repercussions. There’s a lot to be said for making a clean break from a situation which is holding you back, but you don’t yet have all the facts you need. A desperate desire to change or improve your working situation could lead to regrets further down the line, so try to bide your time. Dig deep to find some patience or distract yourself with a new hobby or relationship. Something hidden will be revealed soon, which will help you to move on.


This New Moon certainly brings out your wild side – you can expect to feel a huge increase in restlessness, and in frustration too if you can’t find a healthy way to channel the emotions which are overwhelming you. Be very careful with your motives around others right now. You have a lot of power – more than you realise – and you’re not necessarily using it in the most ethical manner. Stand in your truth by all means but do recognise when what you want conflicts with what is the right thing to do. If you have to make a choice, choose honourably.


Family drama rears its head under this New Moon, even if you thought you had put this long since behind you. With emotions ranging and tensions heightening, try not to stoke the flames. Use your trademark warm heart to appeal to all sides for calm. The more you try to push for a solution, the faster you may well end the situation – but not in the way you would have hoped. Instead of speeding things up, slow them down. Soothe people and speak wisdom. This New Moon brings shock and awe in its wake, so don’t make matters worse than they need to be.


Your words have an intense power during this New Moon period, so use them wisely. You influence over others is stronger than you think and what you say or write at this time is going to sway someone’s mind. That’s a heavy responsibility to have, and one you’re taking very seriously – but it’s so hard! Try not to speak out on impulse – instead, use your critical thinking and analytical skills to craft a message which gets your true intent across. If you’re backed into a corner and forced to act quickly, remember that nobody can make you take sides. Neutrality is always an option.


This tumultuous New Moon impacts your personal finances, Libra, but it’s not really the money which matters – it’s the psychological effect that any such shock may have on your confidence levels. Gather friends and loved ones around you and lean on their support if you feel unworthy or not good enough. You are enough, more than enough, but you can be you own worst enemy in the way you doubt yourself. A positive use of this energy would be trying out some kind of counseling or therapy. Talking things through with an objective, uninvolved third party would be very healthy.


For you, this is the most powerful and intense New Moon of the year and for a couple of days you may feel invincible. It’s as if others are just trembling in you wake; you’re certainly more forceful than normal and people are finding it very hard to say no to you. However, think carefully about how this really makes you feel. Do you honestly want people to fear you? No, you don’t. Use the energy of this New Moon to forge a deeper understanding of yourself and your motives. Just because you can get away with something doesn’t mean you should.


An emotional crisis may be triggered by this New Moon, especially if you feel thwarted in your attempts to make a new life for yourself. Be wary of feeling that the world is against you. It isn’t – but unusually for you, you’re in victim mode right now. Gather the power and confidence of this lunation and get back on your feet. Your future direction is up to you and you alone. Yes, there may be shocks and setbacks on the horizon – for all us; it happens from time to time – but this is nothing you can’t handle. Don’t wallow in self-pity. Fight back.


Trust is a major issue during this New Moon, and you may discover that someone has let you down dramatically. No matter. You’re not responsible for other people’s behaviour. What matters now is that you behave honourably yourself, so do not seek revenge of any kind. Hold your head up high and move forwards with your plans, alone if necessary. The deep emotions stirred up by this New Moon dent your confidence, but you should know that the universe has you back – and so does the rest of society.


Ambition stirs during this New Moon and on paper it’s a good time to make a move in your career. In practice, however, it’s still a case of being careful what you wish for. Be sure that any new working move doesn’t end up being to your detriment. Sometimes, the additional prestige or even the additional money is simply not worth the emotional stress and hassle such a move may cause. Only you can know this for sure, but don’t feel under pressure from family to perform. It’s your life, both in and out of work, and you must feel comfortable with where you’re heading.


Expect to feel extremely restless during this New Moon. It’s all about making wider connections with the world – indeed, events may force you to meet new people and to form new alliances. That’s a good thing, even if it feels traumatic at the time. Events during this lunation are changing your perspective on life and gradually shifting your opinions on some major issues. Anything which brings you greater compassion or greater spiritual understanding is to be welcomed, but the process will no doubt feel unsettling and uncomfortable.

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About the author:

Nikki Harper is a spiritualist writer, astrologer, and editor for Wake Up World. She writes about divination, astrology, mediumship and spirituality at Questionology: Astrology and Divination For the Modern World where you can also find out more about her work as a freelance astrologer and her mind-body-spirit writing and editing services. Nikki also runs a spiritualist centre in North Lincs, UK, hosting weekly mediumship demonstrations and a wide range of spiritual development courses and workshops.

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