New Moon in Aries: Have Courage

March 23rd, 2020

By Nikki Harper

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

The New Moon in Aries on March 24th follows on from a tumultuous astrological week which saw the beginning of the astrological year at the March equinox. During the last several days we’ve also experienced volatile conjunctions between Mars and both Jupiter and Pluto, reflected in the strict, oppressive Covid-19 controls many of us are now experiencing which curtail our freedoms, albeit for well understood reasons. We’ve also experienced the shift of Saturn into Aquarius for the first time since 1993 – interesting indeed given that Aquarius represents freedom and Saturn represents limits and restrictions. How does this all marry up with the Aries New Moon?

Aries energy is bold, courageous and brave, but also impetuous and impulsive. Aries prefers to lead and does not take direction well. In normal times, an Aries New Moon is a time to take charge, to take control and to set your own rules – but of course, these are not normal times. The challenge for all of us during this Aries New Moon is to challenge this restless – some might say reckless – energy into something positive despite the restrictions we face.

The good news is that this Aries New Moon is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. How appropriate. The world is wounded, but through bravery and forward thinking, the world can and will eventually heal. There’s a lot of emphasis with this New Moon conjunction on karmic wounds and on how our collective past may have led us to this point in our history. On an individual level, however, this New Moon link to Chiron suggests that the best and bravest thing we can do, in a changing world, is to reflect on and learn from our own personal mistakes. This will take courage, but if we can harness this Aries New Moon’s energy well, there’s a good chance that each of us can emerge from this lunar cycle a better and stronger person.


Lead by example – by staying home where at all possible, practicing social distancing and doing everything you’re being asked to do by your government. You may not agree with it, and that is your right, but your role as one of the zodiac’s natural leaders is now more important than ever. Use this Aries New Moon to start a new fitness regime which is adapted to your circumstances; use it too to learn to meditate or to focus on dreamwork, so that you can learn from your subconscious.


This New Moon is one of withdrawal and soul searching. Your withdrawal may be physical, of course, if you are isolating or keeping your distance from others. However, critically, it’s also psychological. Take this opportunity to distance yourself permanently from people, habits or choices which are no longer serving your best interests. You should also use the impetus and energy of this Aries New Moon to seek out mental health support if you feel scared, panicky or frightened.


The Aries New Moon could be tough for you this time around because it falls in your social zone and your natural instinct now would be to meet new people, to party, to network and to socialise. You more than most signs may feel stifled and trapped if you are unable to carry out your normal daily social activities. Fortunately, in our digital world, any isolation is only physical. Turn to your online networks and be the one who brings the cheerfulness, the happiness, the fun and the laughter into online life.


The New Moon in your career zone highlights opportunities for you to showcase and develop your talents, whether you’re an essential worker in the current worldwide lockdowns, or whether you’re working from home. If your employment or income has been jeopardised by the Covid-19 situation, this New Moon is a beacon of hope. Hang on in there. Think laterally and explore alternative income streams. Your best may well be yet to come.


This New Moon falls in your adventure zone – and it could be tricky for you to indulge your itchy feet at this time. However, this lunar influence also links to education and justice, so now is a good time to take an online course or to look at expanding your qualifications. You may also be able to harness your persuasive skills and your natural leadership abilities in a campaign of some kind. Look out for the weakest and most vulnerable in these exceptional times – you could be their light.


The Aries New Moon blesses you with much increased self-discipline and an urge to focus on self-development. If you now have extra time on your hands, due to life’s restrictions, don’t waste it. This is your chance to do all the things you’ve always said you’d do if only you had the chance. Look at any enforced isolation as a gift. It will fly by faster than you can imagine, so make a plan for how to best use your time and explore some fascinating new options.


A New Moon in your love zone is normally a hint that new romance is on the way, if you’re single, or that you’ll have a chance to deepen an existing relationship. During these exceptional times, however, dating is probably out of the question and if you’re already with someone, your relationship may be under extreme stress. The best way to use this energy is to turn that love inwards. Be kind to yourself, first and foremost, because this will help you build patience and compassion towards others too.


Health, efficiency and organization are all areas of your life highlighted by this Aries New Moon. Take this opportunity to re-invent your diet, your exercise regime and your healthful lifestyle. If not now, when? Don’t neglect your mental health either. Online counselling and support groups are flourishing, so reach out virtually to others if you are struggling. Clear your clutter at home, so that it can truly become your healing sanctuary.


This Aries New Moon invites you to re-define your notion of ‘fun’. If your freedom to travel or socialise is restricted right now, you may well be feeling frustrated, but now if your chance to develop a better relationship with yourself. If you deliberately seek out moments of solitude right now, you’ll find your creativity soaring and your own self-respect will get a boost too. It’s the perfect time for discovering new abilities in solitary past-times such as art, writing, crafts or music.


The New Moon falls in your family zone and your first and overwhelming priority right now is the health and wellbeing of your loved ones. Your nurturing side is released, but you must be careful now not to smother teens or older adults; within the guidelines of your country, they must still make their own choices and lead their own lives. Relinquish the need to control your family, but instead creating a warm and loving environment in which they, and you, can feel safe and cherished.


This New Moon encourages you to be the change you want to see in society. Volunteer, in whatever practical way is currently possible where you live, and actively look out for your vulnerable neighbours. With Saturn newly arrived in your sign too, you probably feel a strong sense of community responsibility right now, and that’s a good thing – but remember, you can’t fix this alone. Co-operate, safely, with others.


A New Moon in your money and resources zone is good news if you’re worried about how Covid-19 will impact your finances. However, this is also an astrological pointer to remind you that you need less than you think. Dealing with the evolving situation over the next few weeks will be much easier for you if you start to trust that the universe will provide for you. Do what feels right in your heart, without fretting about your bank account.

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About the author:

Nikki Harper is a spiritualist writer, astrologer, and editor for Wake Up World. She writes about divination, astrology, mediumship and spirituality at Questionology: Astrology and Divination For the Modern World where you can also find out more about her work as a freelance astrologer and her mind-body-spirit writing and editing services. Nikki also runs a spiritualist centre in North Lincs, UK, hosting weekly mediumship demonstrations and a wide range of spiritual development courses and workshops.

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