Re-Tooling for Re-Emergence: Astrology Forecast May 10-17, 2020

May 11th, 2020

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

This week, the train tracks are suddenly switched, the scenery changes and off we go on a mystery tour back through some of 2020’s weird and wonderful territory, this time seeing what we missed the first time round. This is a new plot line in the story of 2020 as – following in Pluto’s footsteps-one by one Saturn, Venus then Jupiter slow right down at maximum power and turn retrograde on May 11,13 and 14th. These extended months of retrogrades between May to October – especially those of both Mars (in September) and Venus which happen only once every 2 years – coinciding with 3 eclipses in June and July, are an unmistakable message that that any return to the world before the pandemic as if it is business as normal is now impossible.

 In old 3D astrology, retrogrades used to be described as setbacks, reversals of fate, snafus and things turned upside down. Fine. Let’s use the upside down of this year thus far as the norm. That way, this year the retrograde planets will be to our individual and collective benefit, turning upside down right side up. Very gradually, the retrogrades will bring about a return to the world but on totally different terms. More importantly, they will reveal the inner and outer metamorphosis that has been incubated in quarantine, seclusion, separation and isolation. Especially during August-October when Pluto re-activates the exact degree of the January 12 Saturn /Pluto Conjunction that changed everything.

For much more, read my May 5D Report:”Overshadowed and Overwritten”

Since Jupiter is the planet of expansion and Saturn of contraction, expect to feel a push/pull effect. With the Lord of Time and Karma stronger than Jupiter, the need to hold back, hold steady and make necessary permanent changes to the routines and structures of your life will continue. Saturnian boundaries – such as distancing, masks, shielding – are going to be extra important. Acting out will be counter-productive. Of course, with Venus retrograde for the Biblical 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness, the feel -good factor could be in short supply-but only if you always look outside yourself for pleasurable distractions instead of using this time out of time to change what needs to be changed.

With Pallas Athena-Goddess of Wisdom-in future oriented Aquarius conjunct Saturn, this is the perfect time to start thinking about what you want your version of 2021 to look like and feel like. Make some strategic shifts now that will bear fruit down the line such as:

  • upgrading your health, wellbeing, energy levels and immune system
  • opening your High Heart as it comes online
  • going deeper not wider – switching off your addiction to more, new, bigger, better
  • hearing the voice of your own guidance much more clearly and trusting it.
  • finding inside yourself an abundance of resources, plans and allies

Click image to view full-sized chart.

The Chandra Symbol for Jupiter RX Capricorn 27:

A long mirrored hallway lit with candles.

“Seeing clearly where you are going, where you are coming from and why. Being granted a second sight to see through what is usually confusing or hidden. Driven by purpose, meaning, value. Caught in a paradox. Do you go higher or deeper, forward or backward and can you really sense which is which? The fascination lies in whatever is lit up ahead. Yet there are myriad influences at work. Can you differentiate between what is offering you a progressive new path through and beyond this and what will keep you trapped in the old karmic places for even longer?

If you can’t, then those karmic places will persist until they are worked through completely so that any further journeying might seem out of the question and not to be attempted this time around. Yet strangely, all of this can turn suddenly at a key juncture into an opening. Just around that bend, the Infinite abides and watches closely, awaiting its cue.”

Aries Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

As 3 major planets slow right down to turn backwards, this period could feel like hitting a road block. With Saturn re-treading your zone of networking and Jupiter your career, it’s time to pause to get a longer term perspective. Be ready to do some re-trenching, re-thinking, re-connecting and going back to the drawing board. Another thing to factor in is that Venus’ retrograde through Gemini is continuing to disrupting travel and face to face meet ups. Start planning to turn this apparent negative into a positive -finding new and creative ways to create a better work/life balance post lockdown. It’s also going to be a fruitful time to rediscover old writing or teaching projects that got lost along the way.

Incubating ideas.

Taurus Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

Since the lovely Venus is your personal planet, her retrograde periods affect you more than most. Although they can sometimes feel lonely as if you’re in a void, they often turn out to be extremely fruitful. Cast your mind back to the summer of 2012 when Venus was last retrograde in Gemini and pick up some clues. This is your 2nd House of money, resources and what you value, so between now and June 25th, notice what’s changing in those areas for you. You might be experiencing a strange shift in what you care about right now. That’s all part of the process. Go with it. Use the time to polish up neglected skills, talents and interests. Saturn on your career angle also moving back over old ground points to a definite change in direction. You might be considering ending a career, re-training in a completely different field or adding a new income stream.

Capture your ideas and insights before they fly away.

Gemini Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

This may feel like a tricky week as three planets all slow right down then turn retrograde, one after the other. Not only that, but Venus is hiding her light until June 25th in Gemini just at the karmic Node of Fate returns to your sign after an 18 year absence. Change is definitely brewing, but it’s way too early to figure out what it might be. One thing for sure is that your tastes, interests and passions are slowly changing. Keep reminding yourself that this is a period for exploring what makes you feel most alive, for leaving anything that feels deadening by the side of the road and for re-tooling. Saturn traveling back through your 9th House of broadening your horizons is nudging you to think about creating a new landscape for yourself. Start by picking up a new project and diving head first into it.

Through the rabbit hole like Alice in Wonderland.

Cancer Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

The unusual astrology this week will feel as if someone’s pressed the celestial pause button just as things seemed to be moving forward again. On May 11,13 and 14, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter all slow right down to maximum impact before turning backwards. Take heart-as the old saying goes:” God’s delays are not God’s denials.” The lovely Venus is spending extended time in the deepest part of your solar chart, bringing you important dreams, intuitions and profound insights into how you can heal old wounds and scars. Meanwhile, Jupiter planet of good fortune is covering old ground in a whole new way in your relationship zone. Have you been overly focused on who is against you and ignoring all those who are your greatest supporters and sponsors? If so, expect an emotional re-flowering as you spend more (virtual) time with those who lift your spirits and as little as possible with those who drain you.

When you find that place inside yourself that is already thriving, what will get created?

Leo Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

This week’s unusual astrology presses the pause button, as one by one, Saturn, Venus then Jupiter slow to turn retrograde on May 11,13 and 14th. The train tracks are suddenly switched and off we go on a magical mystery tour back through some of 2020’s weird and wonderful territory, this time seeing what we missed the first time round. For you as a Leo, it’s time to look extra closely at the people in your life, as the Venus retrograde warns you not to take everyone at face value. Scan your networks, groups, tribes, alliances, friendships for those who lift you and those who bring you down. Are there some old friends you need to build bridges with? And others-probably acquaintances-you need to move away from? Who you spend your (virtual!) time with defines and influences you -it matters. Saturn in your opposite sign is going to test your loyalties and show you which commitments stand the test of time.

Trust your wonderful instincts.

Virgo Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

After months of dramatic events, this week no fewer than three planets press the celestial pause button all at once. On May 11,13 and 14, first Saturn, then Venus and lastly Jupiter slow right down to turn retrograde. As a solar Virgo, one of the most important shifts is the lovely Venus spending 40 days at the very top of your chart, making you more visible and attracting more attention than normal. It doesn’t mean you’ll become famous overnight but that your past efforts will gain recognition. It’s a once in 8 year opportunity to enjoy some magic sparkle dust while doing something good in the world. Even better, Mars-planet of life force and libido- injects some passion into your partnerships, re-kindling the embers, reminding you what love really feels like. So, while there will be restriction, there’s so much to be hopeful about.

Twinkle, twinkle.

Libra Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

Just like Taurus, since the lovely Venus is your personal planet, her retrograde periods affect you more than most and on Wednesday sandwiched between Saturn and Jupiter, the Goddess turns backwards in compatible Air sign Gemini until mid -June. Anything connected with new people, intriguing ideas, research, study, expanding your mind is very well starred. Get back in touch with old mentors and colleagues. The same goes for experimenting with teaching, mentoring or coaching in new virtual ways. Try new ways of communicating and you could change your working life after lockdown. Meanwhile Saturn will be helping you really focus whilst Jupiter traveling back over your angle of home can help expand what’s possible. Turning your garden shed or a bedroom into an office? Setting up a website or starting a blog?

Time to trust that life has your back.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

This week’s unusual astrology presses the celestial pause button and, as a sensitive Scorpio, you’ll feel this more than most. One of your super powers is the gift of attuning to emotional currents and as one by one, Saturn, Venus then Jupiter slow to turn backwards, you will feel the tide going out. Frame this extended period as an opportunity to reacquaint yourself with your heart’s desires. As Venus travels slowly back through your deep 8th House of soul and psyche, life’s big questions and intimate partnerships, all your settling fors, all your compromises, all your sacrifices come up to the surface. Ask yourself:” What am I no longer willing to tolerate, to put up with, to sell myself down the river for?”

Be gentle and kind to those ragged edges of yourself.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

Although it might feel as if all your plans for a speedy exit out of lockdown are being firmly put on hold this week, you need to reframe the way you look at it. One after another on May 11,13 and 14th, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter all turn retrograde, taking us all on a magical mystery tour back through some of 2020’s weird and wonderful territory, this time seeing what we missed the first time round. For you as a Sagittarian, this means looking again without the rosetinted eyewear at partnerships and money. It turns out that you are luckier than you realised and that counting your blessings is quite enjoyable. There are going to be all sorts of opportunities to deepen the ties that bind, to create even stronger bonds and to build greater personal security. Not only that but Saturn and Pallas in your 3rd House are giving you some lightbulb moments where a work or study project is concerned.

Seeing the true value of what you have.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

After months of dramatic events, this week no fewer than three planets press the celestial pause button all at once. On May 11,13 and 14, first Saturn, then Venus and lastly Jupiter slow right down to turn retrograde. For you as a solar Capricorn, the most significant event is your personal ruler Saturn turning backwards in your financial zone. This is going to be a time to go back to the drawing board until at least September to re-tool ready for re-emergence with a new modus operandi in 2021. See any blockages or restrictions in money flow as simply feedback to what’s working and what isn’t, motivating you to dream up some creative ways to source new income streams. With the lovely Venus in your 6th House also giving you a makeover, it’s a perfect opportunity to re-think your routines, your wellbeing and your support systems.

Remodelling inside and out.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

There are two important planetary events conspiring to make put you back into your own element. First, the lovely Venus is going to spend much longer than usual in Gemini and second, the Node of Fate-the eclipse bringer-has moved there as well for an 18 month stay. Gemini is a compatible fellow Air sign, fast paced, adept at putting ideas together to come up with something new and progressive .In your solar chart, Venus is going to crisscross your angle of creativity, self-expression, fun and pleasure until June 25th,so be ready to make the absolute most of this once in 8 years transit. Meanwhile, Saturn turns backwards in Aquarius until September with planet of Wisdom Pallas Athena, giving you tremendous focus to look beyond the immediate day to day and think seriously about a new strategy for 2021-which is going to be your year.

Despite the restrictions, you have much more freedom to influence yourself and others than just about any other sign.

Pisces Weekly Forecast: May 10-17, 2020

This week’s unusual astrology presses the pause button, as one by one, Saturn, Venus then Jupiter slow to turn retrograde on May 11,13 and 14th. The train tracks are suddenly switched and off we go on a magical mystery tour back through some of 2020’s weird and wonderful territory, this time seeing what we missed the first time round. Being a Piscean ruled by otherworldly Neptune, you like the idea of a mystery tour as you never know what treasure you might uncover. With Venus crisscrossing the roots of your chart until June 25th, it’s a journey home to yourself-with a capital H. You may find that you want to change the way you live, who you live with and how your home is used. With practical Saturn in Aquarius and wisdom planet Pallas Athena deep in your 12th House, you’re becoming even more adept than usual at picking up the zeitgeist-the spirit of the times. Build on this to redesign your business, your service or your role to offer the heart-based answers that so many need.

Cultivate your creative vision. Produce a product or service that you are compelled to offer because it’s the next right thing.

Originally published at and reproduced here with permission.

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.

I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.

You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.

You can learn more about my work or contact me at:

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