How to Successfully Predict the Future

April 21st, 2021

By Paul Lenda

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

There are modern parallels with events that have occurred throughout time. This is due to several reasons. One of the main reasons involves recurring energy signatures that repeat in cyclical ways. This often is tied into energies in the universe as the Earth travels through it, while it spirals around the sun as if the sun was a comet, as well as celestial bodies pumping our powerful electromagnetic energy during certain moments in time that reach Earth. Some of them, like the sun, are directly connected to the Earth with magnetic portals. This isn’t even mentioning the cosmic filaments that connect all galaxies and look just like human neurons in the brain.

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Understanding cycles in time helps us to successfully predict the future and prepare ourselves for what is to come, and what is already happening.

Here are just some of the kinds of cycles that have been recorded throughout history as occurring. Through past observation, humans have been able to predict the future with impressive precision regarding certain types of events, such as declines of centralized power structures like the Roman Empire, the American Revolution, and even the abrupt ending of the Younger Dryas.

Solar Cycles

The sun is the celestial being that affects us the most outside of the Earth for the most part at any given time. It has its own cycles that repeat, and have presumably repeated, for billions of years.

The most well-known solar cycle is the 11-year sunspot cycle, officially called the Schwabe cycle. During a solar maximum, there is a massive amount of solar flares. Those so-called X-class solar flares are considered to be the strongest, and have been directly connected to major changes in society and shifts in the collective consciousness.

For example, a Russian scientist, Tchijevsky, looked at the history of 72 countries between 500 BCE and 1922 and discovered that a majority of the most significant events that occurred in human history occurred within the five-year period surrounding the solar maximum, which is when the sun is the most active. Our mood, behavior, creativity, and more are all affected more strongly, resulting in major changes in society.

There are also other solar cycles that are less-known, and there may be even more we do not yet understand given our limited time observing the sun. Another solar cycle is a 22-year one is called the Hale cycle and involves cosmic ray flux. Magnetic polarities of sunspots and polar fields are used as the point of observation to identify this cycle, as is the intensity of galactic cosmic rays that go through Earth. A 22-year Hale cycle is considered to be one complete magnetic cycle of the sun.

There are likely even longer solar cycles, one of which may explain why during the Maunder Minimum, there was something akin to a “grand minimum” in sunspots for 70 years between 1645-1715.


The ancient and highly-advanced Vedic civilization that existed in what is now called India possesses extraordinary knowledge about the nature of Reality. In the Rig Veda and other ancient texts, there is a description of cycles of time called yugas. There are said to be four of these yugas. Depending on what text you are looking at, you will come to a different conclusion as to the specifics of them.

I have found three major methods that have been used to calculate the yugas. This has led to confusion over what yuga we are in and when the next one will begin. According to one account, the four yugas together last 4,320,000 years in the way we measure a year today, and 12,000 so-called divine years as they were called back then.

These yugas, or world ages are:

  • Krita (Satya) Yuga – 1,728,000 Earth years & 4,800 divine years (4x longer than Kali yuga)
  • Treta Yuga – 1,296,000 Earth years & 3,600 divine years (3x longer than Kali yuga)
  • Dvapara Yuga – 864,000 Earth years & 2,400 divine years (2x longer than Kali yuga)
  • Kali Yuga – 432,000 Earth years & 1,200 divine years

To further understand these cycles, it’s important to understand that there are “dawn” and “dusk” periods. These are times of transition. Each one has a dawn and dusk of 400 divine years each. For example, that means that the core and “worst” of the Kali yuga only lasts for 400 divine years (144,000 of our years).

As we progress through the yuga cycle and go through each of the four yugas, human consciousness (and you can expand this out to consciousness in general) on Earth, both in its physical and non-physical forms, descends. Once it gets to the Kali yuga, it is at its lowest and is the yuga we are currently in. On the bright side, it is also the shortest yuga!

That’s not all. There are even bigger cycles of time in Vedic cosmology. For example, there are 71 yuga cycles within what’s called a manvantara (age of Manu – 306,720,000 years), and also 1,000 yuga cycles in a kalpa (day of Brahma – 4,320,000,000 years). The largest cycle is called the Brahma Ratra and is 3,110,400,000,000 years long!

You can also calculate the yugas in a way that matches them up with the precession of the equinox, which lasts 25,920 years according to the zodiac, as Sadhguru does. One degree of the zodiac takes 72 years, with there being 360 degrees to form a full circle. Half the journey is a descent, taking 12,960 years, going through all of the four yugas. The ascent also goes through them all, taking another 12,960 years, leading to the completion of a full 25,920-year cycle. Going by this, the four yugas are this long:

  • Satya Yuga – 5,184 years
  • Treta Yuga – 3,888 years
  • Dwapara Yuga – 2,592 years
  • Kali Yuga – 1,296 years

According to Sadhguru, Krishna supposedly died in 3102 BCE and the Kali Yuga began a few months later. That means we are not actually in the Kali Yuga at all anymore, but instead are in the Dwapara Yuga and moving into the Treta Yuga in 2082. That means most of you reading this are likely to be around during that time. It also means we are continually ascending and evolving in consciousness as we move forward into our local future present.

A third way of calculating the yugas is simpler and evenly divides each yuga into 3,000 Earth years, including the times of transition between yugas. That leads to a 12,000-year ascent and 12,000-year descent, totaling 24,000 years. According to what is considered to be the original yuga cycle doctrine, the Saptarsi Calendar was used, which had been in use for thousands of years in what’s now India. The core of each yuga is 2,700 years long, with an additional 300 years being the transition period.

According to this way of measuring yuga cycles, we are emerging out of the ascending dawn (Sandhya) of the Kali yuga and finally transitioning into the Dwapara yuga in 2025. That’s not too far off! Earth will fully be in the Dwapara yuga in 2325. Basically, this means we will be fully out of the Kali yuga and immersed in the tumultuous, yet improving, Time of Transition for the following 300 years. In a way, you can say that the most challenging part of the grand 24,000-year cycle will be over in 2025.

There have been many other ancient cultures, including the Zoroastrians, Greeks, and others, who saw cycles of time as being 12,000 years in length, further corroborating what the oldest Vedic texts say. Even the Old Testament of the Bible matches up with the end of the Dwapara yuga and the beginning of the transition into the Kali yuga. Based on the genealogies written about there, the world was created in 4004 BCE, which is almost exactly matching the time that the end of the Dwapara is said to have occurred in the Saptarsi Calendar, which is still used in India today.

According to what the ancient texts say, the transition periods that occur between yugas are always connected to worldwide collapses of civilizations that existed, along with there being massive environmental catastrophes. These transition periods are the true Great Reset. The new world that emerges during these times of transition is guided by wayshowers, luminaries, sages, wisdom keepers, and other consciously evolved and intelligent beings who hold with them technical and spiritual knowledge from the previous age that help humanity start fresh and anew. The parallels also can be found in the Jewish calendar, which begins in 3761 BCE.

It’s fascinating that yuga cycles and other Vedic cycles are as long as they are, and it demonstrates how tapped in they were to the Akashic field of information about all that is. From where we stand here on Earth, we are around 25,000 light-years from the galactic center of the Milky Way galaxy. As the sun flies around in an ellipse, it makes a single revolution once every 250 million years, or around that. This could be considered one of the macro cycles that contain numerous smaller cycles within it.

As we travel through space on this Earthship, we go through all sorts of energies out here in the galaxy, all of which affect sentient life and consciousness in different ways. Those with a macrocosmic perspective, like the wise ancients, could see that it makes sense to have long cycles of time recorded because it would be likely that a model could be made that could quite accurately predict what would happen at a given point throughout that grand galactic journey.

We should also keep in mind that our galaxy is itself moving through the universe, going through different areas that have different energies. This all affects us down here on the micro level in a number of ways. That can also perhaps let you breathe a sigh of relief when you’re feeling intense energies and are wondering if it’s all yours or if it’s perhaps what you are picking up something from outside of you. Besides picking up on the energy of others, you could be picking up on various cosmic energies.

Mayan Cycles

Around 2012, the Mayan calendar and its cycles of time became very well-known, even among everyday people. That is because the Mayan calendar ended its previous cycle on what we today call December 21st, 2012 according to the Gregorian calendar. However, far from being the “end of the world” as superficial observation of the calendar led some to believe, it was simply the end of a cycle in time.

The Mayan Long Count calendar is one of three calendars that the Mayans used. The cycle lasts for 5,125 solar years. Within that cycle are 13 baktuns. Each baktun is 144,000 days, or around 400 years. The end date of December 21, 2012 was written as in the Mayan Long Count calendar. That marked the end of the time cycle and a new cycle began. Mayans even used larger units of time, which indicated they understood there were even larger cycles in time beyond 5,125 years.

The Kali yuga is said to have started in 3102 BCE or thereabouts. The end of the massive and advanced battle spoken about in the Mahabharata was at the cusp of that darkest time within the yuga cycle. Interestingly, this is very close to when the Great Cycle of the Mayan Long Count is considered to have been, which is 3114 BCE.

The Four Turnings

Also going by the name Strauss–Howe generational theory, the Four Turnings are theorized recurring generational cycles that can help us predict global events. The theory is based on the idea that one generation lasts around 20-22 years, called a turning. Four turnings total 80-90 years in length, which is also called a saeculum (Latin for “a natural century”).

The Four Turnings are:

The High

Centralized institutions are strong while individuals are weak. Society overall agrees on what direction to go, yet people outside of major population centers reject conformity.

The most recent High turning began in 1946 and ended in 1963.

The Awakening

Centralized institutions are attacked by a growing body of people who want to reclaim their personal and spiritual sovereignty. People become tired of conforming to the powers that be and look to restore self-awareness, higher consciousness, and authentic spirituality.

The most recent Awakening was the “Consciousness Revolution” that began in the mid-1960s and ended in the early 1980s.

The Unraveling

Centralized institutions have become weak and are no longer trusted. Personal sovereignty is highly valued by many and is strong.

The most recent Unraveling began in the 1980s and ended in the early 2000s.

The Crisis

Destruction occurs, usually of the old centralized power structures and institutions, as well as violent conflicts and revolutions. After the core of the crisis is over, society is restructured and power returns to the people. The focus is placed on what is best for the community and people join larger groups to form collectives that have specific goals in mind to achieve.

The most recent Crisis began in the mid-2000s and is culminating right now.

The last Fourth Turning (Crisis) started when the Great Depression occurred in the US and ended when World War II was over. The generation that was born between 1901 and 1924 had qualities like confidence, optimism, and collective joining of forces that are mirrored in the generation born between 1982 and 2004, which is called the Hero archetype according to this theory.

The creators of the Four Turnings theory went as far back as the 1400s to confirm that there were these kinds of cycles that repeated throughout history. They found that, time and time again, the same cycle played out over the span of around a century. This makes it possible to use it as a way to predict what sort of shifts in society will occur moving forward.

Every turning has its own distinct energy signature, with the Fourth Turning nearing its completion, which also interestingly lines up with the end of the Kali yuga in 2025 and the beginning of a new period within that more massive cycle.

The turnings are considered to be akin to “seasons of history” and we can now place them within the context of even larger “seasons” such as the yugas, and even Mayan baktuns.

The Past is Prologue

Although it’s beyond the scope of this article, we can study what happened during specific moments in these cycles of time and see what sort of events were occurring in the natural environment and within human society. Most of the wisdom and knowledge from the darkest times in the cycles of time is completely lost. For example, the original Vedas has 1,180 sakhas, aka components. Today, we only have 7 or 8 of them left. Even within those, errors and omissions undoubtedly made their way in, hence the multiple ways of calculating the yugas and multiple dates. However, they all agree that we are currently in the Kali yuga, and it is always darkest before the dawn.

To give just one example out of many for how we can predict the future by looking at time cycles, you can match up the end of the last Ice Age with the end of a previous yuga. In 2012, scientists discovered that there was a massive comet bombardment of Earth around 12,000 years ago. This ended the Ice Age and destroyed much of the ancient global civilization that exists, along with megafauna. This period of time lines up exactly with the 300-year transition period that marked the end of the Golden Age spanning 9976 BCE to 9676 BCE.

We can then get an idea of the way consciousness was affected and what the outcomes were of the interaction between the energy going through the planet and all life on it at the time. This helps us extrapolate and predict what will happen when the cycle repeats itself and we find ourselves within the same point of focus in that cycle. From there, we can make wiser decisions that will ensure we are two steps ahead of everything, avoiding what doesn’t serve us in the highest good. If we want to be guiding lights for humanity into what comes next, it will be wise to look to the past and find parallel moments in time cycles to prepare for what is coming.

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About the author:

Paul Lenda is a conscious evolution guide, founder & director of SHIFT, author, writer, speaker, meditation teacher, life coach, and ambassador for the New Paradigm wishing to provide an integral role in personal transformation and the collective social transformation of humanity. Paul offers private one-on-one holistic life counseling & conscious evolution sessions, via Skype or phone. Paul takes into account all aspects of the hyperdimensional matrix when providing guidance, counseling, and coaching.

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