The Gateway In and Out: Astrology Forecast July 11th – 18th, 2021

July 12th, 2021

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

In the waxing light of the Cancerian New Moon, this week the Sun in Cancer, backlit by spiritual Sun Sirius, reveals its esoteric soul purpose as the Gateway into and also the Gateway out of this Incarnation. The Cancer mantra is:” I build a lighted house and therein dwell”.

Is the house you are building a lighted house or is it a dark prison? Are you dwelling in all your rooms or only one? Are you living at Small -me personality level or living at the beck and call of your soul? The more lit your House/Soul, the more clearly you see through the illusions of Maya.

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On Sunday July 11th, the Guide of Souls Mercury enters Cancer aligning with Jupiter in Pisces to allow an inspiring glimpse of the big picture. Capture your visions, dreams, insights and intuitions as they are amplified by Venus conjunct Mars in Leo on Tuesday and the Sun in Cancer trine limitless Neptune in Pisces on Thursday. Paint them, draw them, dance them, mind map them, sculpt them…..whatever embeds and imprints them in your heart, your psyche, your soma and your memory banks.

As the Sun opposes Pluto and squares Eris on Saturday 17th, commit to lighting all the rooms in your psyche.

Click image to view full-sized chart.

Chandra Symbol Venus/Mars LEO 19:

A hummingbird feeding at a trumpet vine.

“Heightened perception exquisitely poised, brilliant and as fast as can be. You have the genius of seeing things, knowing things, and being there. You bring all this through with a fine-tuned ability to land in the situation at hand with only as much as can be worked with. You are guided to follow an extraordinary course through the world, which features the perfect opportunities to tap what is inside in so many different ways. The blessings, the grace, the heart’s wonder are full. As this way of being ripens and matures, you begin to draw out from others the same kinds of marvels and wonders and to make it possible for the vibrancies to spread and grow. With a wildfire capacity to spread good news and bring realisations wherever they are needed, you work with ever more effortless capacity to bring this world alive.” ~ Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Aries Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

Lucky you! Tuesday’s meeting of the lovers Mars and Venus in fellow Fire sign Leo has your name all over it. This is the first time they have met in Leo since 2015 and Mars is your personal planet. What’s more, all this heart-based can-do energy is lighting up your 5th House of creativity and self-expression. Squeeze the juice out of this planetary gift by doing whatever gives you pleasure, fulfilment and meaning. Your instincts and intuition are highly attuned as the Sun and Mercury at the roots of your chart connect with Neptune and Jupiter in limitless Pisces.

Life is for living.

Taurus Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

Both your home and your social life get a boost as the Sun and Mercury in your angle of communication align with expansive Jupiter and Neptune in your 11th House of friends, networks and groups just as Venus and Mars meet in Leo for the first time since 2015. This is the perfect time for re-decoration, renovation, moving furniture around or buying some colourful and meaningful art to turn where you live into a place that reflects who you are. Make some plans to spend time with your allies and supporters. Your tastes and interests are changing so follow up any new connections and trust your instincts. Last Saturday’s Cancerian New Moon is pointing you in a new direction.

Time to experiment.

Gemini Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

Saturday’s New Moon in Cancer is nudging you to take a closer look at your finances, especially your earned income. Your personal planet Mercury-planet of commerce-is supportive as long as you check the bottom line, then pay off and call in debt. Look for money leaks, for overspending and then do something practical to plug the holes. Make the very most of July 13th -a lucky day for you as Venus and Mars meet up in Leo for the first time since 2015.Now’s the perfect time to negotiate a pay rise or raise your fees if you’re self-employed. You can make your case armed with facts and figures.

Money equals freedom.

Cancer Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

The Sun in your own sign until July 22 is the start of a new 12 months cycle. It’s time to pause, take stock and press the refresh button. Remember to appreciate your resilience in getting through the last year and allow yourself time to soothe some of your ragged edges. On Monday July 11th, Mercury fast forwards into Cancer giving you a much clearer perspective on the path ahead. Mars and Venus merge in Leo on July 13th for the first time since 2015, giving your finances a huge boost. If you’re employed, now’s the time to request a pay rise. If you work for yourself, stop underearning and raise your fees.

Knowing your worth.

Leo Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

This is your week and your moment to shine. Thanks to Venus and Mars meeting in Leo on July 13th, not since 2015 have you enjoyed such a boost to your attractor quotient and your charisma. And your luck rolls on. Venus will exit Leo on July 22nd followed by Mars on July 29th, only to be replaced by your ruler the Sun for another four weeks. Your energy levels are high and you want to make your mark. Just be careful not to overwhelm those around you who aren’t feeling the power. Keep them involved in your grand plans. With both the Sun and Mercury in your deep 12th House, trust your instincts and intuition, mend fences, build bridges and move ahead.

Lighting up the grid.

Virgo Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

Saturday’s Cancerian New Moon began a 12 months social cycle, nudging you to think about who you want to invest your precious time and energy with over the next year. Community is set to play a bigger part in your life and, as your interests and tastes change, so will your networks. Seek out interesting new people, be sociable and keep an open mind. With Venus and Mars merging in your deep 12th House on July 13th, your instincts and emotions are highly attuned, especially where one significant personal relationship is concerned. Make your mantra: Heart before Head.

Follow your passions and drop your to-do list.

Libra Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

July is going to be an outgoing, sociable time for you, especially where group activities are concerned. Any collaboration that has raising money for charity or supporting a local event as its purpose is well starred. July 13th is a Red Letter Day when the lovers Venus and Mars merge in warm-hearted Leo-the first time in this sign since 2015.You might meet a new group of like minded people or even someone special. Last Saturday’s New Moon in Cancer lit up the pinnacle of your chart-between now and July 22nd is the time to boost your profile at work or start a more demanding role.

Use charm and persuasion to work round roadblocks.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

With your personal planet Mars crossing the pinnacle of your chart, you are probably full of energy and get-up-and-go. The red planet is lighting a fire under your career and profile about to be even more inflamed by the arrival of Venus. This is a rare and lucky transit which has not happened in this part of the sky since 2015, so make the very most of it. You might win a competition or land a promotion or pay rise. Now’s the time to apply for that dream job or scholarship…the sky’s the limit. Speaking of scholarship, last Saturday’s New Moon in Cancer started a new 12 months cycle of learning, of expanding your horizons and letting your mind out to play. Perfect for picking up the golden thread of an intriguing new passion.

“It’s amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of yesterday.”  John Guare

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

Last Saturday’s New Moon in Cancer pressed a restart button in terms of your direction. Spend some time thinking about what and who really matters to you-as opposed to what’s supposed to matter. Then look at how you actually invest your time, love and effort over the course of a week or a month…. does it match your priorities? If not, what are you going to do about it? You might discover that you’re adrift without a compass, that old dreams seem to have lost their juice without you noticing. If so, take heart -the rare meeting of Venus and Mars in Leo on July 13th will lift your spirits and infuse you with some exciting ideas to explore.

Drawing yourself a new map.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

As the Sun travels across your opposite sign of Cancer until July 22nd, relationships resume their rightful place right in the centre of your life. Hopefully, last Saturday’s New Moon revived a partnership or rekindled a love affair. If not, this week, when the Sun opposes eliminator Pluto in your own sign of Capricorn, you may decide to call time on one association -personal or professional. Do it quickly and cleanly-no second thoughts. Your spirits will rise on July 13th when the lovers Venus and Mars merge in fiery Leo for the first time since 2015.It’s a day for good news, for spreading some sunshine and being glad simply to be alive.

Heart before head.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

This week has a lovely warm glow about it as-for the first time since 2015- the lovers Venus and Mars merge in heart-centred Leo, your opposite sign. They will remain there until July 22nd, giving you plenty of time to tell those you love how much you care. Better than telling them is showing them by arranging something they’d love, perhaps a trip or an outing to one of their favourite places. With the Sun travelling through Cancer on the heels of last Saturday’s New Moon, press the refresh button on where you live. De-clutter, clear your work space, open the windows and throw out or sell on anything that no longer reflects the life you lead now. Look at your wellbeing and fitness and make some overdue tweaks.

A clean slate.

Pisces Weekly Forecast: July 11-18, 2021

Saturday’s New Moon in fellow water sign Cancer is nudging you to take some time out, if you can, to enjoy what life has to offer. Children, hobbies, love affairs, trips or holidays are all well starred. Give yourself permission to do more of what you love and less of what drags you down. On July 13th, the lovers Venus and Mars merge in warm hearted Leo for the first time since 2015, amplifying the feel-good factor. Put your emotional and physical wellbeing on the front burner until July 22nd, tweak your diet and your exercise routine and get outside as much as possible.

Your body is taking you along for the ride.

Originally published at and reproduced here with permission.

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.

I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.

You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.

You can learn more about my work or contact me at:

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