Eclipse Ripples: Astrology Forecast May 7th-14th, 2023

May 8th, 2023

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

This week the repercussions and realignments from last Friday’s Scorpio lunar eclipse will start to ripple through your life for the next 6 months up to the eclipse on October 14th. In the eclipse dust fallout, not everything will be clear, so wait until Mercury stations direct in Taurus on May 14/15th before taking any permanent decisions or passing judgments on events.

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Pay attention to your finances and resources as the markets fluctuate when Mercury changes direction conjunct the Node of Fate and Jupiter, having pivoted with a conjunction to unpredictable Uranus on May 9th.This is part of the mounting financial volatility being stoked by Pluto at 1 Aquarius opposite Mars at the end of Cancer, square the karmic Node of Fate conjunct Jupiter in Taurus opposite the South Node of Fate in Scorpio-a once in 240 years+ alignment lasting through June.

Knowing this in advance:

  • start generating, stabilising and cultivating your personal security as much as you can
  • futureproof your support systems
  • take concrete, practical steps to becoming self-supporting and self-sustaining – what are you going to do differently starting now? What transferable skills can you learn?

It’s time for self-sufficiency, autonomy, independence, being brave, taking action, moving forward.

Click image to view full-sized chart.

Chandra Symbol Mercury Direct Taurus 5: 

Tiny porcelain figures of people.

“The inner worlds seem small when you first encounter them. They are hidden in a teacup. Yet when you enter upon their Mysteries, they prove to be bigger than the world. Only when we feel safe to drop into the deeper secret place do we live the domain of this degree. The rest of the time, it will not show anything. It becomes the most extremely ordinary vibration in the world. At night, in dreams, on vacation, in childhood, or perhaps on the inside, we live a different life here. We work on inner places for the good of the planet. We become at one with everything which keeps the balance. For we are the ones who know these things, who feel these ways, who cannot deny what the voices whisper.”

~ Inside Degrees, Elias Lonsdale

Aries Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

You only have until May 16th to host Jupiter in your sign before the great expansionist moves on into Taurus, so squeeze every last drop of juice out of this once in 12 years’ transit in Aries. Your money-both getting it and spending it- is going to be a big focus for you for the next 12 months. This week, as Mercury slows to turn forward in Taurus and the Sun conjuncts unpredictable Uranus, do an audit of your incomings and outgoings and, more importantly, of any limiting beliefs you still hold around money or earning.

No big expenditure until after the Taurus New Moon on May 19th.

Taurus Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

What a month this will turn out to be for solar Taureans! Of course, it’s your birthday month but this year something extra special comes your way…gas giant Jupiter on May 15/16th to stay for an entire 12 months. The gift bringer will travel over all 30 degrees of your sign, so wherever you have your Sun in Taurus, you won’t miss out. At the end of the week Mercury turns forward again in Taurus, meeting first volatile Uranus then the Node of Fate. Financial change is high on the agenda, like it or not. Before May 15th, concentrate on increasing your income streams, so you are less reliant on one source.

Pay attention to changes – either in circumstance or attitude – brought by last Friday’s lunar eclipse.

Gemini Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

With so much planetary activity in your hidden 12th House, including last Friday’s potent lunar eclipse, it’s time to take a step back from your continual vigilance and busyness to take stock. The Sun is electrified by volatile Uranus on May 9th, while Mercury- your own planet- turns forward on May 14/15th. The big shift comes on May 16th as gas giant Jupiter joins them in Taurus to stay for 12 months. Many of your most black and white beliefs and unconscious defences will be challenged under this transit.

Know that old dreams are fading fast and let them go.

Cancer Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

Things are looking up for you in May. Mars is giving you a much need shot of motivation and momentum and from May 7th, Venus joins him in your own sign. The most important influence is Jupiter at the pinnacle of your chart for only another week, after a 12 months boost to your status and reputation. Before the gift bringer departs for Taurus on May 16th, squeeze every last drop of juice out of this opportunity. Take a stand, make a case for a pay rise or increase your fees, if self-employed.

People take you at your own estimation.

Leo Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

The Sun, Mercury and Uranus are all gathered at the midheaven or pinnacle of your solar chart. Expect sudden changes in your career around May 9th as the Sun is electrified by the Great Awakener then a green light for go after May 14th when Mercury turns forward again. The big news is that on May 16th gas giant Jupiter returns to your midheaven for the first time in 12 years and will stay until May 2024. Use the days between now and May 16th to do a career audit and possibly a course correction.

Make sure you’re in the right place at the right time for a big leap.

Virgo Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

Since Mercury is your personal planet, things will feel quite chaotic until the Messenger turns forward on May 14/15th.On his heels, something big approaches…the return of Jupiter to Taurus and your 9th House to stay until May 2024.This is his first visit to this part of your chart since 2011, so start preparing now to make the very most of the opportunities coming your way. This House is about the need to broaden your horizons in any way you can-perhaps through travel, study, teaching or publishing. If your work is connected to the law or justice, it is very well starred.

The magic lies outside your comfort zone.

Libra Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

Lucky you! Venus arrives on your midheaven-the pinnacle of your chart-on May 7th, smoothing your way as far as career and reputation are concerned. This puts you in the spotlight for a month, so make sure you aren’t cutting corners as it will be found out. Mercury is going to turn direct on May 14/15th in your 8th House after a tricksterish few days at the end of this week. Then, watch this space….gas giant Jupiter enters Taurus for the first time since 2011 to stay until May 2024.Previously hidden issues of intimacy ,shared assets ,finances and inheritance are in the frame.

Start to think about where you invest your time, love and money and if you are getting a good return.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

With all the planetary activity in your opposite sign of Taurus, there’s no escaping your relationships, especially close partnerships-personal or professional. On May 9th, partners may spring a surprise on you which changes your view of them. The fallout from last Friday’s eclipse in Scorpio will take some time to become clear, so do nothing important until the New Moon on May 19th.Factor in Jupiter returning to Taurus for the first time in 12 years on May 16th to stay until May 2024 along with Pluto deconstructing your angle of home and tribe.

Change is not an option.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

Big change is on its way and you’re probably already seeing the signs all around you. Your personal planet gas giant Jupiter is about to change signs entering Taurus on May 16th to stay until May 2024.This is your angle of work, routines and wellbeing. The Sun, Mercury and unpredictable Uranus are already gathered there and on May 9th, there might be some surprising news. Before the Messenger turns direct next Monday 14, make it a priority to connect with contacts, colleagues and your support networks, so you’re ready to make a move when the time arrives.

Expect to be busy and keep all your options open.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

After years of constant change and stress, life is lightening up for you, so get ready to put your umbrella away. A cluster of planets in Taurus-Sun, Mercury and Uranus-are activating the most creative area of your chart and psyche in your 5th House. Mercury will turn forward again on May 14th,easing your way and allowing you to bond more closely with your family and children. Then, on May 16th, gas giant Jupiter joins the Taurus party after a 12 years absence, to stay until May 2024.This week, tie up loose ends, complete or bin old projects and get your studio or work space ready for a burst of productivity.

It’s all to play for.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

Last Friday’s eclipse will send ripples of change through your foundations for the next 6 months, just as Transformer Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time in centuries. You can probably sense things shifting but don’t be in any hurry to make decisions, as you don’t have all the information yet. This week, as Mercury changes direction, think about your family ties and find ways to strengthen those you have left. This will become increasingly important as Jupiter returns to the roots of your chart after 12 years to stay until May 2024.

Your feelings about family, tribe and ancestry matter more in everyday life than you think.

Pisces Weekly Forecast: May 7-14, 2023

Are you getting used to having Saturn as your guide yet? Resistance is futile, so drop any flakiness, procrastination or dramas and collaborate with him by working hard, committing to something bigger than you and setting strong yet porous boundaries. This will prove essential when one of your own planets Jupiter returns to Taurus on May 16th for the first time since 2011.Expect a boost to your communications and connections over the coming year and prepare for it by finishing up old projects and upgrading your technology.

There’s a big platform with your name on it, so do the spade work now.

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.

I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.

You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.

You can learn more about my work or contact me at:

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