Pandora’s Box: Astrology Forecast November 5th – 12th, 2023

November 6th, 2023

By Lorna Bevan

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The karmic dominos from October’s powerful eclipses are tumbling one after the other, setting off a seemingly unstoppable chain reaction on the world stage and in your own life. But it’s much bigger than the eclipses – this is the start of the transition from Pluto in patriarchal controlling Capricorn into freedom fighting Aquarius and those Men in Black or Dark Fathers aren’t going to relinquish their power, their financial grip or their warmongering without a fight.

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Lord of Time and Karma Saturn in Pisces turned direct on November 4th meaning business. Sun/Mars in Scorpio are opposing Jupiter/Uranus in Taurus-both Fixed signs resistant to change, both stirring up polarisation. Watch November 11th -a fuse could be lit as Mars exactly opposes unpredictable Uranus.

 Venus is the key player this week crossing the Super Galactic Centre into cardinal Libra on November 8th and squaring the Galactic Centre at 0 Capricorn, aligning with outer planets Pluto and Neptune and Saturn. Venus in Libra along with the karmic South Node of Fate is offering a stark choice between war or peace.

All this is leading up to a combustible Mars/Pluto Scorpionic New Moon next week on November 13th. This is no lightweight New Moon and promises to unleash secrets and surprises in the coming days and weeks.

I am in the midst of researching and writing “Your Survive and Thrive Guide to 2024” and as we head into that uncharted territory, the profound question for all of us is: In these chaotic transitional times, how can I hold myself together and what is required of me?

For those of you who are subscribers, revisit the coaching prompts from November’s 5D Report:” Strong Back, Soft Front and Wild Heart” or look back over your own journalling on becoming Anti-Fragile.

Click image to view full-sized chart.

Chandra Symbol Venus LIBRA 2:

An apprentice medicine man allowing himself to be bitten by a snake.

“Existence itself initiates those who are given over to its lessons, but being so exposed to the evolutionary edge is exceedingly challenging. Transformation is a constant at all levels. Everything is becoming something else, metamorphosing before your eyes, propelled into the most extreme states imaginable. You feel the greatest anguish and loss, huge elation and bursts of freedom. Finger on the pulse of collective cycles, right on the cutting edge, you are committed to planetary changes personally and pervasively. You absolutely feel the impact of what is going on and what needs to go on. Virtually spun out to infinity by what it all means. Drawn toward the basic and the simple for breath. Destiny obsessed. Rabidly thrown into the midst. You come out the other side either lost and confused and staggered, or ready for anything, courageous, visionary, and an incredible generator of shared possibilities unlimited.”

~ Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Aries Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

November may already be feeling like a bumpy ride, as the potent eclipse on October 28th set your own planet fiery Mars on the warpath. This continues until November 21st as Mars and the Sun in Scorpio oppose Jupiter and Uranus in your angle of finances. The key is to expect the unexpected where your income and resources are concerned as well your closest partnerships. Face it and cut to the chase, knowing what is negotiable and non-negotiable.

Pay down or chase up debt.

Taurus Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

This is not a time to carry on as usual, to override your emotions or to ignore what needs sorting out. October 28th’s eclipse in Taurus was just the beginning in what will be a rollercoaster period for you lasting well into 2024.How you see yourself, your career and your partnerships are all undergoing big shifts, whether you choose it or not. Knowing this, mend the fences that can be mended or make a clean cut where it is time for a parting of the ways.

If you have a difficult conversation ahead, have it on November 11th.

Gemini Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

Saturn turned forward on November 4th right on the pinnacle of your chart. If you have been working at something important, putting in the time and the commitment, a reward or recognition is coming your way. On November 8th, Venus in Libra boosts your creativity and nudges you to do much more of what makes you happy and far less of what drains you. From the 10th, when your own planet Mercury moves into Sagittarius, you get a hint of better times ahead starting at the end of the month at the Gemini Full Moon.

Happy and busy.

Cancer Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

Eclipses bring circumstances that are beyond your control, so there’s little point in resisting them. What you can control are your reactions to the events. Knowing this, focus on staying in your own lane and making a difference to those closest. Luckily, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury are lighting up your alliances, friendships and networks and turning your thoughts to new projects, study or trips. All cooperative, collaborative activities are well starred.

Anchor yourself in your tribes.

Leo Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

While Jupiter and Uranus are helping you build castles in the air in your career, Saturn turning forward in your 8th House is a reminder to take a long hard look at your finances. Pay down or call in debt and find ways to reduce outgoings and increase income streams. Some of this constraint around money is connected with your home and family, as Mars and the Sun in your 4th House of roots and belonging are at odds with Uranus, planet of surprises.

A reality check.

Virgo Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

These are turbulent times for everyone and the trick is to know what you can and can’t control. With slippery Neptune and Task Master Saturn in your opposite sign, it’s easy to delude yourself into thinking you’re captain of the universe, knowing what’s best for everyone. Instead, doublecheck all your communications on social media especially around November 11th. If in doubt, delete. Tread carefully in the lead up to November 13th’s Scorpionic New Moon, when secrets and surprises could come out of the woodwork.

Softly, softly.

Libra Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

During turbulent times such as these, it’s all too easy to lose perspective and your sign is in the thick of it since that doozy of a solar eclipse in October. That said, you’ll feel a release of stress from November 8th, as your own planet Venus returns to Libra for three weeks. Make the most of her smoothing your path, with others more willing than usual to listen to what you have to suggest.

If you know there’s a difficult discussion about money looming, schedule it on your terms on November 11th.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

Your birthday month is certainly turning out to be eventful and it’s not over until November 21st.Whenever your exact solar return falls, you have Mars conjunct your Sun in Scorpio giving you a boost of momentum, motivation and rocket fuel to get things done. Just tread carefully, especially around November 11th, as your intensity can sometimes be overwhelming to others and everyone is feeling extra-sensitive at the moment.

How about channelling the energy into a physical workout or radical de-clutter?

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

It looks as if you are busy, busy, feeling pulled in several directions and rather off kilter. Saturn has just turned forward at the base of your chart and until November 8th, Venus is shining at light at the top-meaning that both your home and your workplace are going through changes. You’ve had a feeling for some time that another job or role has your name on it but so far there’s nothing to pin it on. All will be revealed in April 2024, so be patient for a while longer. This is a stressful time for everyone, but with such a lot on your plate, be kind and gentle with yourself.

Cut yourself some slack.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

Your personal planet Saturn has been in slow motion for months but has just turned forward again on November 4th ready to push forward your plans. This is your angle of connection, so if you have a big project or study programme to get your teeth into, start laying the foundations. Anything to do with acquiring a new skill is very well starred. Since Venus lights up the pinnacle of your chart from November 8th, your reputation gets a boost, rewards come your way at work and you become more visible in your industry or circle.

Focus on practical steps.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

With fiery Mars and the Sun at your Midheaven opposite Jupiter and volatile Uranus at the base of your chart, there’s a lot of fireworks either at home or at work. It could manifest as arguments over your work/life balance or feel like a lot of inner pressure to walk away from a role that you’ve long since outgrown. In such a turbulent week, do nothing hasty. Better to wait until after November 13th’s Scorpio New Moon which is likely to reveal a missing piece of the jigsaw.

Find a stress release that works for you.

Pisces Weekly Forecast: Nov 5-12, 2023

Knowing that this is set to be another intense week, find some practical ways to reduce your stress levels before they climb too high. Happily, Saturn has just turned forward in your sign and you will feel an immediate benefit if you channel your energy into quietly getting on with what is yours to do. This might involve planning a long trip, getting published or studying employment law. Think big. Just don’t be tempted to get involved in other people’s dramas and soap operas.

Stay in your own lane.

About Lorna Bevan M.A., MAPAI:

Variously described as a visioneer, a creative disruptor, a life guide and a change maker, my passion is to blend the tools of Visionary Astrology and Transformational Coaching to help you to connect with your inner world so that you can transform your outer world. Through my practice, Hare In the Moon, I combine the ancient art of astrology with the modern art of personal coaching to offer clients all over the world a unique mix consultations and coaching services. I work with clients around the world by phone and email, tailoring my Astrology Coaching to each unique individual or business I work with.

I’m a qualified Psychological Astrologer, Jungian Psychotherapist and Master NLP Coach, and I’m currently taking a Master’s Degree in Analytical Astrology. I’ve had a varied career as a Modern Languages Teacher, a Management Development Consultant, a Counselling Clinician at Personal Performance Consulting Worldwide, a Personal and Career Coach and Psychotherapist, and former Consultant Astrologer for The Sunday Times Magazine.

You can pick up my e-book “Bringing Your Astrology into the 21st Century: The 5D Planets” here.

You can learn more about my work or contact me at:

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