Do You Have a “Low” or “High Vibration”? Read These 61 Signs

December 9th, 2023

By Aletheia Luna

Guest writer for Wake Up World

All matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration.

– B. Hicks

We’ve heard the phrases many times before … “Man, he has a really negative vibe,” “That place had AMAZING energy,” “She’s so energetic.” Yet few of us ever really stop to fathom the depths of these common expressions and remarks. The truth is that instinctively, on both a primal and intuitive level, we can sense that not only is everything composed of energy, but this energy varies in its quantity and quality drastically in our everyday lives.

Have you ever been in a busy and bustling train station and felt a sense of “heaviness”? Or have you ever gone to a concert and felt a sense of inner “lightness” or elation? These are simple and fairly common examples of our ability to “tune into” different frequencies of energy in our lives.

So what does having a “low” or “high vibration” mean, and where does it fit into this equation? If you’ve heard these phrases used before, and if you are curious to learn more about what having a high or low vibration means, keep reading!

Everything You Need to Know About Low and High Vibrations – Simplified

High vibrations are generally associated with positive qualities and feelings, such as love, forgiveness, compassion and peace. On the other hand, low vibrations are associated with darker qualities such as hatred, fear, greed and depression. We’ll explore low and high vibrations more in depth below.

But what does all of this really mean? Essentially, the higher your vibration is, the more in touch you are with your higher self, inner “God/Goddess,” Divinity, Consciousness, Holiness, Soul, or the many other words out there to describe your true nature. This also means that the lower your vibration is, the more out of sync you are with your higher nature, and therefore the more conflict you experience in life.

61 Signs That You Have a Low or High Vibration

Before you read the lists below, it’s important to remember 2 things. Firstly, you are rarely ever 100% “either/or” anything in life. Therefore, you’ll most likely fall along a spectrum of 25% high and 75% low, 55% high and 45% low – and so forth. So refrain from boxing yourself up into black or white labels. Secondly, discovering whether you have a primarily low or high vibration is really helpful . . . for you. However, be wary of using these labels against others (e.g. “He/she has a low vibration, keep away!”) – ironically, this perpetuates the low vibrations linked to segregation and discrimination. That is why this is best used as a self-discovery tool.

So with this in mind, what kind of vibration do you have, and how does this impact your life?

If you have a low vibration …

  • You feel “stuck” or stranded in life, not knowing what to do next.
  • You struggle with apathy or an uncaring attitude towards yourself and others.
  • You are emotionally distant.
  • You are emotionally reactive.
  • You struggle with constant fatigue and lethargy.
  • You have a primarily self-centric view of the world.
  • You often struggle with despair and desperation.
  • You find it almost impossible to get “unstuck” from old habits.
  • You have a prominent Shadow Self.
  • You feel physically unfit and unhealthy.
  • You bottle up feelings such as resentment and jealousy.
  • You find it hard to forgive yourself and other people.
  • You suffer from a guilt complex (i.e. you constantly feel guilty about something/or seek things out to feel guilty about).
  • You don’t really know what you want in life.
  • You continue to make poor choices.
  • You find it hard to see the beauty in life.
  • You feel unfulfilled.
  • Your connections with others constantly bring you pain.
  • You are overly cynical and skeptical.
  • You are argumentative.
  • You complain a lot.
  • You easily fall into victim-based mindsets.
  • You self-sabotage.
  • You focus primarily on the negative in life.
  • You struggle to feel gratitude.
  • You eat a lot of fatty or processed foods (e.g. meat, fast food, lollies).
  • You are needy or demanding of others.
  • You watch a lot of violent multimedia and/or listen to intense music with violent lyrics.
  • You find it hard to make any real progress in life.

If you have a high vibration … 

  • You are self-aware (i.e. you are conscious of what you are saying, doing, thinking and feeling, as well as the effect this has on others).
  • You are empathetic towards others needs and you make a habit of seeing through the eyes of other people.
  • You are highly creative and are often bursting with ideas and inspiration.
  • You are emotionally balanced.
  • You feel connected to that which is “beyond” you (e.g. life, divinity, love).
  • You have a great sense of humor towards life.
  • You don’t take yourself too seriously.
  • You regularly feel gratitude for what you have in life.
  • Smiling and laughing comes easily to you.
  • You don’t experience much disappointment because you don’t cling to passing things (e.g. material comforts, friendships, indulgences).
  • You are self-disciplined.
  • You can delay pleasure if it does not serve you.
  • You do not “need” anything to feel happy.
  • You are in-tune with your body and its needs.
  • You nurture yourself often.
  • You nurture others often.
  • You often experience synchronicity.
  • You live in the present more than the past or future.
  • Your body feels strong and healthy.
  • You eat raw, unprocessed food.
  • You try to keep your life clutter-free.
  • You forgive yourself and other people easily.
  • You feel as though you have found your calling in life.
  • Opportunities and new doors spontaneously appear to you in life.
  • Patience comes easily to you.
  • You don’t feel the need to argue or compete with others – let them win and feel right, it’s OK!
  • You are open to many different types of people, ideas, beliefs and experiences in life.
  • You feel confident in yourself and your abilities.
  • You are attracted to profound, calming and inspirational music/movies/TV shows.
  • You are highly intuitive.
  • Other people easily open up to you.
  • You often find yourself in the role of the counselor, peacemaker or teacher in friendships and relationships.


Bi location
The reality is that most of us share some forms of “low vibration” and other forms of “high vibration,” but the goal is to become aware of what you are excelling at and what you could improve on within your journey of inner transformation.

One of the easiest ways to determine whether you are vibrating at a “high frequency” or a “low frequency” is by paying attention to how you physically feel. Do you feel light, energized, clear and healthy? Chances are you have a high vibration. On the other hand, if you feel weighed down, repressed, oppressed, stuffy or heavy, you are most likely operating on a low vibration.

Learning to unconditionally love yourself is essential for your healing and fulfillment in life. I’ve been there before, and still am at times!

So for now, I hope you benefited out of this article. Please feel free to share your experiences with low and high vibrations below.

Any advice you can share on how to raise your vibration will be appreciated!

About the author:

Aletheia Luna is a prolific psychospiritual writer, author, and spiritual mentor whose work has touched the lives of millions worldwide. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. She is the author of hundreds of popular articles, as well as numerous books and journals on the topics of Self-LoveSpiritual Awakening, and more. See more of her work at

This article, Do You Have a High Vibration or Low Vibration?, was originally published on, reproduced with permission.

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